2011.02.19 - Desiree puts on the pressure in Roseburg

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I doubt TH will press charges against Desiree; if one of the people who pickets in front of the home does some damage or creates a scene, her parents, at most, might file trespassing charges, it is their home that is becoming a focus, having photos posted online, and from what I read yesterday (may have been removed), address and directions as well.
I think if anything can be done to make TH feel uncomfortable it's mission accomplished. No one is breaking the law.

I agree. TH was safely tucked away in Roseburg until Desiree came to town. The whispers around town have changed to loud voices. If it makes TH uncomfortable, good. If it makes her parents uncomfortable, too bad.

A child is missing! Kyron should be the priority, not TH's comfort zone. She needs to tell LE the truth.
Well then if she isn't guilty of anything then she should feel good about the community caring about her step son, and use that time to pray for him as well...If she hasn't done anything wrong, its not harassment.

While i stand by everyones right to protest, i really do not condone the mob mentality (it actually kind of scares me, LE haven't even named TH a suspect).

I also read True Nelson's blog last week( not an endorsement, i do not read it regularly and have no idea how credible he is) and it really gave me pause for thought on what if this behavior did cause Th to crack.. I really did not like the sounds of that scenario going on his opinion of how it may proceed..

As many others have said, I don't think DY would be doing this if TY, who is in LE himself, thought it was a bad idea.

I understand the concern for TH's parents. However, they have chosen to support their daughter--which I would probably do as well. But in sheltering and defending someone who is so widely suspected, one must realize upfront that there's going to be a lot of discomfort involved. There is another route that families of suspects can take, as in the Unibomber case. TH's parents have made their choice as to whose wellbeing is more important to them: Kyron's or Terri's. We all live with the choices we make.

There is nothing in the world to stop Terri from going in front of her parents' home to talk to the people gathered and saying "I miss this little guy too--I think about him every day, and I want nothing more than to find him."

But all parties concerned have made their choices, including Terri.
I wonder if TH's parents really have any more knowledge than any of us do, though. Surely TH would not tell them, yes I did this horrible thing. They may fear she did it, or even have to come believe it, but if they have nothing more than feelings, what can they do to really help? Would throwing TH out help the case? I'm not sure it would make any difference.
It may be true that TH's parents are as hamstrung as the rest of us in terms of there being anything they can do to help Kyron or Desiree.

And to be fair, I have known many parents whose adult kids are bent on doing precisely what they please at all times, thinking only of themselves, and having no concern at all for what others go through. When grown kids turn out this way, it's not always the parents' fault--and often the parents are themselves victims. I realize this.

But here's the thing: I don't know if anyone can influence Terri. I don't know if anyone can touch her feelings or appeal to her sense of right and wrong. But there appear to only a few candidates who might have this kind of influence over her: namely, her parents and her lawyers. And people who know the workings of the legal system have said that the lawyers are intersted only in protecting her rights ... not the rights of Kyron ... and not the solving of this case. So that pretty much leaves her parents who may possibly have the power to influence her.

And whether we like it or not, the facts are the facts: People are angry at their daughter. A lot of people see their daughter as the only suspect in the case. A part of watching out for her and supporting her is taking the consequences for that. This is what they seem to be doing for their daughter so far.

What is their daughter doing for anyone?
I hate to say it because I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think this tactic will work anymore than protesters on the Anthony's lawn did anything.

But on the same token, I can't blame Desiree for doing whatever she can think of to find Kyron.
I never thought that Desiree thought that TH would confess, rather, I assumed that she was practicing her right to continue to mother and protect Kyron.

I could be wrong, that was just my impression.
I guess what I'm saying is, how would we know whether or not TH's parents' nag her day and night?

I think there is about a zero percent chance of her ever confessing anything to anyone, much less her parents.

I don't blame Desiree at all, maybe this gives her some sense of power as I am sure she is frustrated beyond belief. I just hope she has not invested herself in this, thinking it would make any difference to what TH says or doesn't say. But if she makes TH miserable, maybe that is enough for now, though I don't see how it could be.
While i stand by everyones right to protest, i really do not condone the mob mentality (it actually kind of scares me, LE haven't even named TH a suspect).

I also read True Nelson's blog last week( not an endorsement, i do not read it regularly and have no idea how credible he is) and it really gave me pause for thought on what if this behavior did cause Th to crack.. I really did not like the sounds of that scenario going on his opinion of how it may proceed..


Okay, whoa. Eight people praying in candelight is not a mob. Now the people in front of Casey's house was a mob, yelling, screaming, causing scenes that escalated to hammers, hoses, and eventually a confrontation that led to a car door being slammed on an innocent person. THAT was mob mentality. All these people in Roseburg were doing were praying in view of TH's house. There is no reason to panic or think that TH is suddenly in danger. Just like she has the right to stay in her home and not say a word, those that believe she did this have the right to say that as well. I love how TH should be all protected and safe, but what about Kyron? No one is protecting him right now, and he's certainly not safe where ever he is. The last thing TH should get is a cushy life in a small time while basically getting away with murdering a child. That just isn't right. So we should all stay quiet and just give TH her space? Why does she get all sorts of rights but Kyron's or his family's don't matter at all?

This wasn't a mob, it was people gathering and praying for Kyron for crying out loud. Praying is about as nonviolent as you can get. Geez, if that's all there is to make Terri nervous, she is getting off easy. Until I see pitchforks, torches, and actual violence, I am not worrying about Terri or her needs and rights. And honestly, if she was innocent, she should have gone out there and prayed with them. Funny how she never does anything for the sake of Kyron or even her own kids, just herself.

Honestly, it probably won't work. I do agree with that. But no way I am calling this a mob or worrying about TH's health and safety either.
Holding candles and praying is fine.

I'm just not sure about the "confronting TH" part of this.
Okay, whoa. Eight people praying in candelight is not a mob. Now the people in front of Casey's house was a mob, yelling, screaming, causing scenes that escalated to hammers, hoses, and eventually a confrontation that led to a car door being slammed on an innocent person. THAT was mob mentality. All these people in Roseburg were doing were praying in view of TH's house. There is no reason to panic or think that TH is suddenly in danger. Just like she has the right to stay in her home and not say a word, those that believe she did this have the right to say that as well. I love how TH should be all protected and safe, but what about Kyron? No one is protecting him right now, and he's certainly not safe where ever he is. The last thing TH should get is a cushy life in a small time while basically getting away with murdering a child. That just isn't right. So we should all stay quiet and just give TH her space? Why does she get all sorts of rights but Kyron's or his family's don't matter at all?

This wasn't a mob, it was people gathering and praying for Kyron for crying out loud. Praying is about as nonviolent as you can get. Geez, if that's all there is to make Terri nervous, she is getting off easy. Until I see pitchforks, torches, and actual violence, I am not worrying about Terri or her needs and rights. And honestly, if she was innocent, she should have gone out there and prayed with them. Funny how she never does anything for the sake of Kyron or even her own kids, just herself.

Honestly, it probably won't work. I do agree with that. But no way I am calling this a mob or worrying about TH's health and safety either.

I always love the passion and compassion you relay on behalf of the victims in this case and others and i do see your points as valid. I just want to point out that I certainly did not describe this event as a mob, I eluded to mob mentality and the fact that Th had not even been named as a suspect by LE thus far. I did not at any time say there was anything wrong about people getting together and praying for Kyron or holding candle light vigils etc.. If there were one held near me i would attend without a doubt.

What i was addressing was people confronting TH and where others may take this too far (as was witnessed in front of the Anthony home) It is that behavior that scares me as well as past history witch hunts etc). I do not blame DY one bit for what she is trying to do in her place my thoughts would be going in the same direction. I truly feel for her. I certainly wasn't panicking over the thought of TH being in danger or hurt due to these gatherings. I'm unsure where you got that impression.

However what if she is innocent? what about her family who are innocent? Did it have to be in view of her home? ( not that a prayer vigil would be offensive, but if were people confronting TH I realise this instance was not. I doubt TH's family would find a prayer vigil being held outside to be wrong)

8 people attended and it was peaceful wonderful but what if went the other way and 80 people showed up and it was not. It isn't really Th's Rights I'm thinking of its mine, yours and everybody's ! yes i do believe she is entitled to her rights until the time she is found guilty in a court of law and not by public opinion.

This happened in light of DY visit to Roseburg and it was asked people confront her and ask where is Kyron?

I understand your points and your frustration all i'm trying to say is that My post did not state this was a mob or that I was in fear for TH's welfare. I think In DY place i would be stalking her and asking the question over and over every where she went . However i would still be in the wrong to do so and If i publicly asked the town to join me in doing so.. well i feel that would be wrong too. All JMO..
I always love the passion and compassion you relay on behalf of the victims in this case and others and i do see your points as valid. I just want to point out that I certainly did not describe this event as a mob, I eluded to mob mentality and the fact that Th had not even been named as a suspect by LE thus far. I did not at any time say there was anything wrong about people getting together and praying for Kyron or holding candle light vigils etc.. If there were one held near me i would attend without a doubt.

What i was addressing was people confronting TH and where others may take this too far (as was witnessed in front of the Anthony home) It is that behavior that scares me as well as past history witch hunts etc). I do not blame DY one bit for what she is trying to do in her place my thoughts would be going in the same direction. I truly feel for her. I certainly wasn't panicking over the thought of TH being in danger or hurt due to these gatherings. I'm unsure where you got that impression.

However what if she is innocent? what about her family who are innocent? Did it have to be in view of her home? ( not that a prayer vigil would be offensive, but if were people confronting TH I realise this instance was not. I doubt TH's family would find a prayer vigil being held outside to be wrong)

8 people attended and it was peaceful wonderful but what if went the other way and 80 people showed up and it was not. It isn't really Th's Rights I'm thinking of its mine, yours and everybody's ! yes i do believe she is entitled to her rights until the time she is found guilty in a court of law and not by public opinion.

This happened in light of DY visit to Roseburg and it was asked people confront her and ask where is Kyron?

I understand your points and your frustration all i'm trying to say is that My post did not state this was a mob or that I was in fear for TH's welfare. I think In DY place i would be stalking her and asking the question over and over every where she went . However i would still be in the wrong to do so and If i publicly asked the town to join me in doing so.. well i feel that would be wrong too. All JMO..

I appreciate the respecfulness, and I respect you back. I didn't mean to come off so strongly, but when I saw the word mob, I was worried that was going to be attached at some point to what happened tonight. I guess I wanted to head off that thinking before it spiraled out of control (and I'm not saying you in particular would have attached it, but others might have).

I do understand, though, the thought that this might turn into something else in the future. However, I don't think Desiree was wanting to stir up an angry mob to get into TH's face. At least I would hope not. I haven't seen or heard about any crazies in Roseburg just yet, so I'm not going to worry just yet about this getting out of hand. I do agree that it shouldn't get out of hand, though. Being peaceful is one thing. Getting violent is a scary thought. I was embarrassed when the protests out in front of the Anthony house devolved into confrontations that hurt at least one person. That is not right at all.

I guess in the wait and see camp. Unless something does happen, I'm not going to worry about it. And honestly, if Terri is so affected, she would make a complaint about it or sue, but she won't do that because she'd have to talk to make it work.

Anyway, I'm glad we can be peaceful and respectful of each other even thought we might not agree on everything. We are both here for Kyron, though, and that is what counts the most.
Holding candles and praying is fine.

I'm just not sure about the "confronting TH" part of this.

"Confronting TH" would mean that she would actually have to come outside and face someone. You cannot confront someone if they will not speak to you. But, you sure can do your "damnedest" to let them know how you feel.

I also, do not believe that this is a mob. It is a civilized group of people exercising their constitutional right to peaceful assembly/protest. I am all for it as long as this group is exercising their right within the confines of the law.
Okay, whoa. Eight people praying in candelight is not a mob. Now the people in front of Casey's house was a mob, yelling, screaming, causing scenes that escalated to hammers, hoses, and eventually a confrontation that led to a car door being slammed on an innocent person. THAT was mob mentality. All these people in Roseburg were doing were praying in view of TH's house. There is no reason to panic or think that TH is suddenly in danger. Just like she has the right to stay in her home and not say a word, those that believe she did this have the right to say that as well. I love how TH should be all protected and safe, but what about Kyron? No one is protecting him right now, and he's certainly not safe where ever he is. The last thing TH should get is a cushy life in a small time while basically getting away with murdering a child. That just isn't right. So we should all stay quiet and just give TH her space? Why does she get all sorts of rights but Kyron's or his family's don't matter at all?

This wasn't a mob, it was people gathering and praying for Kyron for crying out loud. Praying is about as nonviolent as you can get. Geez, if that's all there is to make Terri nervous, she is getting off easy. Until I see pitchforks, torches, and actual violence, I am not worrying about Terri or her needs and rights. And honestly, if she was innocent, she should have gone out there and prayed with them. Funny how she never does anything for the sake of Kyron or even her own kids, just herself.

Honestly, it probably won't work. I do agree with that. But no way I am calling this a mob or worrying about TH's health and safety either.

I agree with you 100%!! But I would like to add:

There's nothing illegal about a prayer vigil in front of someone's house when there on public property.

There's nothing illegal about going out in public and asking someone a question.

There's nothing illegal about going up to someone's door with the intentions of talking about the weather. One can only assume what DY was going to say or ask. We don't know, only DY does.

There's nothing illegal about putting up signs that the owner agrees to.

There's nothing illegal about walking down the street with a sign.

What proof does TH have to sue DY? What's DY threatened TH with? What's DY harassing TH about? Do we know whether or not DY has threatened TH in any way? Do we know what DY was going to say to TH "if" she had opened the door?

Can TH prove in the court of law that she's being threatened or harassed?

IMO....there's nothing illegal or even borderline illegal in what DY or anyone else that supports her is doing.

All my opinion only!
I'm not at concerned about a Prayer Vigil of a handful of people as I would be if it was other forms of protests. While TH had a right to not be harassed, the right to peaceful protest is guaranteed under our Constitution.

When we accept that TH has a right to be convicted or cleared in a court of Law, if charges are brought, we also have to accept that our Constitution is clear about our other rights and priveleges. The Constitution provides for a whole host of Rights. It isn't one sided.

A candlelight peaceful prayer service is not a problem in my eyes.

Divorce proceedings are scheduled at the end of this month. Let us hope that we have some sort of answers at that time.
I guess what I'm saying is, how would we know whether or not TH's parents' nag her day and night?

I think there is about a zero percent chance of her ever confessing anything to anyone, much less her parents.

I don't blame Desiree at all, maybe this gives her some sense of power as I am sure she is frustrated beyond belief. I just hope she has not invested herself in this, thinking it would make any difference to what TH says or doesn't say. But if she makes TH miserable, maybe that is enough for now, though I don't see how it could be.

Clu, I understand your point, and it hits close to something I do frequently wonder about: What is it like to live in that house? And, how uncomfortable is Terri?

Honestly, I think probably the publicity surrounding the sext messages was probably much harder for Terri's parents than anything having to do with Kyron. Why? Because the parents can tell their friends and neighbors 'we know our daughter had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance.' Now, each person who hears this from the parents will have their own thoughts about the case ... but no one will hold it against Terri's parents for believing the best about their daughter, or for defending her.

But when the sext messages were released, there was no hiding it, no denying it, and no claiming that Terri wasn't involved in it--because there it was. And I don't know what happened in their home after the sext messages were released. I just know what would have happened in my parents' home if the same thing had happened to me, especially while I was living with them! My mother would have minced no words telling me what she thought of my behavior, and that she didn't appreciate me bringing disgrace to the family--and did I realize how pathetic I looked, chasing after some man and trying to catch him with filthy talk?

As for my father ... well, with Dad it was all in the eyes. He didn't have to say a word. His thoughts were always written on his face in language plainer than English.

I don't know whether Terri's parents are like my parents were--but I can't imagine a scenario where it would have been discussed in any cheerful manner. 'why dear, we had no idea you were so clever with those phone thingies ... what a talent you have. Many talents, evidently. Can we get you some more disposable phones, by the way?'

I remember a friend of mine in her late teens running off with a ne'er do well against her parents' wishes, and then coming home about a year later with twin boys and not a penny to her name. Like Terri's parents, they took her in ... but her Dad was 'on her case' every single day. The same lectures and recriminations every single day, day after day. And the parents dictated what my friend could or couldn't do. When she could go to the store, when she could talk on the phone. And she put up with it too, for the sake of her children. She made the best of it and ate all the crow they wanted her to eat so that her kids could have a roof over their heads. Also, unable to run around at will, spend the money of her parents, and indulge her whims, she ended up training to be a court reporter and made a nice little career. She ended up with fulltime employment and her own place to take her kids home to. Turned out, running home to parents that were so mad they were led to 'crack the whip' was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Now to hear that Terri is going to bars and celebrating Halloween ... if these things are true ... I don't blame Desiree and her supports for aiming to make Terri uncomfortable. I don't know if making her uncomfortable will improve anything ... it just seems that so far she has been treated rather leniently, and so far that doesn't seem to have helped anyone.
Has anyone gotten into trouble yet? The last thing that TH wants to do is file criminal charges or a civil suit on this. She'd have to actually speak. We know she'd rather lose her daughter than to speak.

Exactly ... no one has caused any trouble ... just a peaceful, candlelight vigil for Kyron. I wish I didn't live so far away because I would have joined this group in a heartbeat !

BBM: I totally agree !

Terrie has NEVER spoken publicly and she NEVER will.


Prayers for Kyron and that he is found soon.
As for my father ... well, with Dad it was all in the eyes. He didn't have to say a word. His thoughts were always written on his face in language plainer than English.

I don't know whether Terri's parents are like my parents were--but I can't imagine a scenario where it would have been discussed in any cheerful manner. 'why dear, we had no idea you were so clever with those phone thingies ... what a talent you have. Many talents, evidently. Can we get you some more disposable phones, by the way?'

Above snipped and BBM

My father had those same eyes, Dreamy Eye! I was so petrified of him I don't think he ever hit me (like he did my older brother and sister)...As the song says: "Just one look...that's all it took".

Re: BBM: :floorlaugh: ROFLMAO...thanks for that. I needed a laugh today!
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