2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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There could be (depending on what OTHER parts of the masked person were in the images) ways to tell. 'Nuff said. SA is a pretty tall guy and that would rule out a large percentage of the population (provided the height of the masked individual could be determined be comparison to other things in the image).

He DID have other masks. He was wearing one in the photos Nancy Grace showed on her program (not sure I can say where they came from originally, so I will play it safe with the MSM reference) and those were not taken after Hailey disappeared (and he did not have the new mask until after she was gone).

I will just die laughing at SA if he was stupid enough to wear his mask collection in some of these deviant photographs. Oh my word that would just take the cake! Can't explain that away, SA!
The computer was at his mom's. Ok maybe other people had access. But, the memory stick was in their bedroom! Hard to argue that one away.

I bet they could "match up" the images on the memory card with images on the laptop, and if all 320 of them were also on the laptop, SHAWN would be the ONLY person with access to BOTH, and the likelihood of him coincidentally having a subset of the laptop *advertiser censored* on the memory card without it having come from the laptop is beyond astronomical. You could win the lottery 100 times before that would happen again.

whoa ....
I am livid and disgusted

hmmmmm the memory stick of in billies dresser drawer...... lets see her squirm out of this one..... if it was SAs it would be hidden from billie and NOT in HER dresser drawer....


Wonder how she will put this one through the spin cycle.
I'm sure that they were holding the memory stick for a friend. ;) A friend that is mysteriously missing. ;)

A mysteriously missing friend who happens to have Alzheimer's and doesn't remember leaving the stick...
I really hope D is getting proffessional help to deal with not only his sister missing, but all this coming out in the news. I can't imagine what he must be going through. He is just a teen himself.
Because they can be charged with being in possession of child *advertiser censored*. Now. If the other "deviant" images are illegal in nature then they can be charged with that as well.
If those images were found in the home then it is possession. Later they can be charged with distribution of child *advertiser censored* if computer forensics can determine that he/they sent images to other people.

However, since this is all part of a missing or murdered person case then I can see LE taking their time. They know who the suspects are for this particular matter.

Determining "who knowingly" downloaded the illegal *advertiser censored* is the issue though. That takes time.
Showing my hi-tech ignorance here, I don't understand the Xbox connection. I thought that was just a game thingy. It can download from the internet?

I don't have an xbox but I know somebody who does and they showed me how you can surf the internet just like on a PC. I had no idea myself.

I wonder if BD's new t.v has a memory stick slot.

I am not surprised by what was found on the memory sticks and computer. When I first read the affidavits I suspected that there would probably be some crazy stuff on there. I feel for LE for having to deal with so many tangents to this missing person case.
Determining "who knowingly" downloaded the illegal *advertiser censored* is the issue though. That takes time.

That does but possession is possession. If child *advertiser censored* is found on a memory stick in your dresser drawer in your home...bingo bango.

Wonder what SA's Mommy thinks of this now since some of it was on her computer. Where do you hide over 100,000 *advertiser censored* images and videos on a computer? His mother must be out to lunch.
I predict Billie will be lawyered up by Monday......if not before
I really hope D is getting proffessional help to deal with not only his sister missing, but all this coming out in the news. I can't imagine what he must be going through. He is just a teen himself.

I really felt for the kids after hearing the blog talk radio segment from the other night. Those kids have been surrounded by drugs, violence, and now *advertiser censored*. Let us hope that DD is getting the counselling he needs so that he can grow up and rise above this negative lifestyle he has been exposed to.
I divorced a man who was addicted to *advertiser censored*, he hid it everywhere! and lies...it just gave me the creeps. So, I can see BD claiming she didnt actually know. Can't wait to see how she covers her arse in this one.
I'm sickened.
I'm really starting to think about this. Was BD's whole campaign to protect Shawn done because she knew this was coming down the pike? Was she afraid he would blame her for this because he knew she kept that one memory stick in her drawer? This just puts a whole new color to BD's undying devotion to Shawn, a color I really don't like.

God, if she knew about this bestiality and child *advertiser censored* and still defended SA this whole time...that just makes me want to vomit...
I'm really starting to think about this. Was BD's whole campaign to protect Shawn done because she knew this was coming down the pike? Was she afraid he would blame her for this because he knew she kept that one memory stick in her drawer? This just puts a whole new color to BD's undying devotion to Shawn, a color I really don't like.

well, he did tell LE to "look at both of us" (not exact quote).
Was that a way to warn her that if he goes down he is taking her down with him? She sure did get friendly with him after the avi's came out and couldn't seem to get around to asking him the hard questions. IYKWIM??/
That does but possession is possession. If child *advertiser censored* is found on a memory stick in your dresser drawer in your home...bingo bango.

Wonder what SA's Mommy thinks of this now since some of it was on her computer. Where do you hide over 100,000 *advertiser censored* images and videos on a computer? His mother must be out to lunch.

Yeah, but if his mother wasn't computer savy or never had a suspicion about that and never looked, she may not have known it was there. There are programs out there to help hide files and whatnot on computers. I'm thinking she didn't know because she handed the computer over at first. I feel bad for her if she's finding out for the first time what her son was doing on her computer.
In one of the videos of that SA made it showed a man near the computer and he says my native american pop. Well,the words on the screen. Do we know anything about his parents? Uncle?
I wonder if this will send Clint over the edge. I don't think he had any idea about this or he never would have said that he thought SA was innocent. I really hope we don't hear about a shooting or beating of one or both of them by Clint anytime soon. I kind of wouldn't blame the poor man, though...
I wonder why the local media hasn't picked up this story. Very curious, that is.
Do we have in the affidavits the search warrent of SA mothers home?
Or the list of the computer that was taken from SA mother?
Yeah, but if his mother wasn't computer savy or never had a suspicion about that and never looked, she may not have known it was there. There are programs out there to help hide files and whatnot on computers. I'm thinking she didn't know because she handed the computer over at first. I feel bad for her if she's finding out for the first time what her son was doing on her computer.
I agree right up until SHE called LE and said "I'm coming to get my computer now".

A lot of moms and grandmas only use "that dang machine" to check email - if that. And if that is all SHE would do on the computer she wouldn't know. BUT (and its a big one)

SHE called LE to get her computer back - which tells me that "someone" TOLD her what they had "stashed" on her hard drive. Why else would she have made that "unusual" request and for LE to immediately tag that computer and keep it as evidence.
I hope parents in Colorado City, Snyder, Dunn, Big Spring, etc etc are all questioning their children today.

These pics were not necessarily downloaded from the internet. They may have been uploaded from a CD, a camera, a video recorder, etc. In other words, they may have been child *advertiser censored* that was created by Shawn and/or Billie and/or associates of theirs. It could be part of a whole pedophile ring. It scares me to death.

And I hope that everyone in those towns will keep their children far away from Shawn, Billie, and everyone who associates with them, until we know exactly what happened, and what kind of risk children in the area are at, and who all the people are that children are at risk from.

I'll tell ya, if I lived there and had children, I'd pack up and leave town until this is over.

OMG!!!!!..... Could this be the reason that they said they were going to beef up security around schools and parks ?????


"Colorado City is also planning to beef up security at schools, parks and other areas. City Manager Pete Kampfer will talk about their plans."
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