2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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It has been said he is living there again. On the radio show with CD's Mom and Aunt, they gave the impression he was living with her.

And a week ago there was a "rumor" he had moved back in, but Billie insisted people were mistaken, and that her BROTHER had come to stay with her.
And a week ago there was a "rumor" he had moved back in, but Billie insisted people were mistaken, and that her BROTHER had come to stay with her.

I haven't heard BD address the situation of SA living with her at all. I have however seen where many people in CC say he is. They drive by to check. lol. She herself says they support each other ...... that's bad enough if he's not living there.
OMG - same ol spew coming out of her mouth - defend, defend, defend. , "I've talked to him [Adkins] about it a little bit and I'll talk to Shawn a little more [later]." SHE TALKED TO HIM A LITTLE BIT.
"Of course, he didn't put anything like that on there," insists Dunn about the *advertiser censored* accusations.
"It's definitely out of character for him. I've known him for a while, and I've never known him to be into anything like that, or we wouldn't have a relationship."




BBM- Not such a good idea on BD's part to bring SA's character into the mix.
His "character" is out there in MSM as a machete toting, chainsaw wielding, mask wearin', drug induced maniac.
"Of course, he didn't put anything like that on there," insists Dunn about the *advertiser censored* accusations.

I can't get over the look on her face, and her cutting eyes, when she says this on the video. I don't get into facial expressions etc very much in these cases. It's a rare thing that I'll even comment on it. But this was just inescapable, and so pronounced.

She looked like she was just daring anyone to cross her, anyone to challenge her, anyone to dare question what she was stating. Agreement that "of course" Shawn didn't put the child *advertiser censored* on the memory stick is the only thing expected and permitted.

Unbelievable. She is so incredibly manipulative and controlling. I pity every single person around her, to have to be subjected to her games.
"Of course, he didn't put anything like that on there," insists Dunn about the *advertiser censored* accusations.

Dunn admits Adkins was the one who brought over the memory stick that was confiscated


This sort of material is often traded amongst like-minded individuals. If someone else put the images on there for him to add to his collection... then gave it to him with the images already on it, and he brought it into the house, it's all true!!

If nothing else, she is the master of the loophole
I don't exactly know how to say this, but with all of those "images", perhaps....there is more than SA and BD involved in that "hobby". So perhaps that would be a reason to stand up for BD so strongly, hoping that does not come out and hang them too, which might account for some of the crap we have seen. I know here in Tyler...a situation occurred and it turned out to be a few involved, and it was some of the ones that defended the loudest. KWIM?
Well well my oh my. Bs defending sa of course!!!! The fact that the *advertiser censored*, according to bd didn't belong to her or sa is telling. Really bd? Really? You and sa aren't married and no kids so what gives? Someone please explain this!!!

As for Texas. I am in Texas and a child *advertiser censored* case takes time and effort not immediate arrest. They have to determine who downloaded it and from where and really look at the images and what sites they were obtained from.

Child *advertiser censored* and beastiality isn't something you stumble upon. It's something you look for. Same for other fetish *advertiser censored*. I have no doubt that bd and sa was into it or at least knew his was. Lets just say she didn't know and it wasn't her *advertiser censored* either. After this bombshell has dropped, who in their right mind would wanna even associate themselves with a man that's into child *advertiser censored*? I would divorce my dh so fast he wouldn't know what hit him!!!
I cannot believe Billie does not have legal representation! She must have one soon. It's beyond late, but LE I am sure is loving the fact that she goes on and on whenever she has the chance. She is digging her own grave slowly but surely. I am at least grateful that there were no images of Hailey (if the info is correct) on those items. I would be sick if it happened that Hailey was forced to participate and that there is visual proof of it.:sick:

I imagine that in Billie's mind, the minute she obtains legal representation is the minute she admits some measure of guilt. She will deny deny deny without counsel until she's actually arrested for something, and then she'll lawyer up.
Well well my oh my. Bs defending sa of course!!!! The fact that the *advertiser censored*, according to bd didn't belong to her or sa is telling. Really bd? Really? You and sa aren't married and no kids so what gives? Someone please explain this!!!

As for Texas. I am in Texas and a child *advertiser censored* case takes time and effort not immediate arrest. They have to determine who downloaded it and from where and really look at the images and what sites they were obtained from.

Child *advertiser censored* and beastiality isn't something you stumble upon. It's something you look for. Same for other fetish *advertiser censored*. I have no doubt that bd and sa was into it or at least knew his was. Lets just say she didn't know and it wasn't her *advertiser censored* either. After this bombshell has dropped, who in their right mind would wanna even associate themselves with a man that's into child *advertiser censored*? I would divorce my dh so fast he wouldn't know what hit him!!!

O/T - I am so sorry for the OT, but I must say that I'm always so happy to see your posts because your avitar has to be the most beautiful baby I've ever laid eyes on...I always start smiling as soon as I see that precious pic! (not that I don't appreciate your input - just appreciate the baby pic a little more):innocent:
It has been said he is living there again. On the radio show with CD's Mom and Aunt, they gave the impression he was living with her.

I have a draft transcript up on my website. I'm hoping to finalize it today or tomorrow. Meanwhile, here's the quote on Shawn living there now:

Mary: Well, he’s a suspect. And he’s living there with her and she does not have any of her kids now because of him and…
Child *advertiser censored* and beastiality isn't something you stumble upon. It's something you look for. Same for other fetish *advertiser censored*. I have no doubt that bd and sa was into it or at least knew his was. Lets just say she didn't know and it wasn't her *advertiser censored* either. After this bombshell has dropped, who in their right mind would wanna even associate themselves with a man that's into child *advertiser censored*? I would divorce my dh so fast he wouldn't know what hit him!!!

I agree, mostly, but there actually are some ways that he could have unknowingly ended up with child *advertiser censored*. I'm of course going on the assumption that not ALL of the 100k+ images are CP or bestiality. But let's say that SA is hitting file sharing/torrenting sites for run of the mill *advertiser censored* - there could be CP mixed in with the regular stuff. He clicks to download, let's say, "big busty blondes" or something like that lol, gets a folder full of blonde adult *advertiser censored*, but there is some CP and bestiality mixed in with the other stuff.

Also, (and this is a stretch to me, because I just don't think he's smart or "hip" enough lol) , but if he goes poking around some of the seedier corners of the interwebs (like 4chan, let's say), he could absolutely end up clicking unknowingly on some truly disgusting stuff. 4chan types would absolutely get people to do/download/view all sorts of stuff that could get them in legal hot water, just for the "lulz" as they say. BUT - and what makes me further doubt this is even remotely true - SA had a decent sized *advertiser censored* collection, no matter what type it is. He is doing some decent amounts of downloading (and yes, you can absolutely find plenty of *advertiser censored* that is free, all over the net. All kinds.) Depending on how much of his *advertiser censored* is deviant vs. Non-deviant, he COULD make an argument that he was looking for regular ole *advertiser censored* and just stumbled across the child *advertiser censored*/bestiality stuff, but again, because it was found not just on his hard drive, but on other media as well, that tells me he has looked at what's there, and has seen what it is, and knows what it is, and then copied it to other stuff. So I wouldn't buy it if he tries to say that, personally.

Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. What I find most interesting about the whole thing is BD saying that SA brought the flash drive over to her house, but that he didn't put the *advertiser censored* on it. She has basically thrown him under the bus with that statement, because, duh, BD, who else would have put the *advertiser censored* on it? SA mom, who probavbly doesn't know what a flash drive even is? SA stepdad (his moms boyfriend/live-in, whatever), who in all innocence told LE to go ahead and take the computer? Maybe SAs half brother put it on there? Let's say he did put *advertiser censored* on the USB stick - why then would SA bring it over to BDs and hide it in her bureau drawer? None of it makes any sense, except that it was SA who put it there. I cant wait to hear whose prints are on the stick, and when the files on the stick were created (which will narrow down who could have copied 'em). BD has basically boxed SA in as the only one who could have put that child *advertiser censored* on that USB stick.

These two really aren't the brightest pair, are they? Hope she keeps talking!
"Of course, he didn't put anything like that on there," insists Dunn about the *advertiser censored* accusations.

I can't get over the look on her face, and her cutting eyes, when she says this on the video. I don't get into facial expressions etc very much in these cases. It's a rare thing that I'll even comment on it. But this was just inescapable, and so pronounced.

She looked like she was just daring anyone to cross her, anyone to challenge her, anyone to dare question what she was stating. Agreement that "of course" Shawn didn't put the child *advertiser censored* on the memory stick is the only thing expected and permitted.

Unbelievable. She is so incredibly manipulative and controlling. I pity every single person around her, to have to be subjected to her games.

Bean, I've seen that defiant expression ever since the NG days.
Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. What I find most interesting about the whole thing is BD saying that SA brought the flash drive over to her house, but that he didn't put the *advertiser censored* on it. She has basically thrown him under the bus with that statement, because, duh, BD, who else would have put the *advertiser censored* on it? SA mom, who probavbly doesn't know what a flash drive even is? SA stepdad (his moms boyfriend/live-in, whatever), who in all innocence told LE to go ahead and take the computer? Maybe SAs half brother put it on there? BD has basically boxed SA in as the only one who could have put that child *advertiser censored* on that USB stick.

TECHNICALLY, the material could have been put on the drive by another "collector" and given to Shawn, who brought it to the house.
TECHNICALLY, the material could have been put on the drive by another "collector" and given to Shawn, who brought it to the house.

Then the collector lives in his mother's house. That computer was stuffed with images. I wonder just how far this charade will go.
But yet here she admits that SA brought the memory stick into the house :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

"It's definitely out of character for him. I've known him for a while, and I've never known him to be into anything like that, or we wouldn't have a relationship."

While Dunn admits Adkins was the one who brought over the memory stick that was confiscated, she says she's still in the dark about what is happening.

She just contradicted herself there, didn't she? That tells me she know he brought it over and what was on it.

And, a lawyer will have a field day as she just complicated herself now.
I haven't read this entire thread. I am very saddened to hear about the child *advertiser censored* being found on the computer. Very sick and disgusting to say the least. I am not knowledgeable in the *advertiser censored* area and I hate to ask a dumb question but I don't know how that stuff works so here it goes.......

I really don't know how to ask this so I guess I'll just blurt it out. I often hear in the news about child *advertiser censored* being found on someone's computer. Is this child *advertiser censored* of like 15 years of age and the child looked like they were 20 and someone inadvertently stumbled on a site because they were looking for adult *advertiser censored*? Or is this 6 year olds who when you see there is no mistaking the obvious? Do they actually like google images "child *advertiser censored*"? I hope I have worded my question right. The whole thing is disgusting. Why, why, why? Why not just be satisfied with looking at adult *advertiser censored* if the person is into that kind of thing. I just don't understand anyone doing that? UGH.
TECHNICALLY, the material could have been put on the drive by another "collector" and given to Shawn, who brought it to the house.

True, technically. Guess I'm working off the assumption that he used the computer at his mothers for downloading, keeps his collection stored on that hard drive, and then copied stuff off that onto the USB stick, the CD, etc.

It's hard for him to wiggle out of this as being accidental, or someone else's, is what I'm getting at. There are remote possibilities that the CP being downloaded was an accident, but I think given the size of that collection on the computer, the presence of CP on not just the computer but also the stick and the CD, and with BD frankly admitting that the USB stick is SAs, and was brought by him to her house, the chances of him wiggling out of it get more and more unlikely.

And again, what will tie the noose around him even tighter will be the info LE gleans from the files, the CD and the stick. When the files were downloaded, when they were copied, whose prints are on the CD and the stick, etc...

Slim chance he didn't know he had child *advertiser censored*. And since that stick was in HER bureau drawer, slim chance, IMO, that she didn't know about it either.
With that many images being found, there has to be some serious addiction going. If it is SA, I doubt he could quit cold turkey. Is LE monitoring him now?
This is extremely graphic, if one doesn't want to know detailed information do not click the link.

I wonder where their collection rests on the Copine Scale? Will we ever know?

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