2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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Or maybe some guy cranked up on meth or coke for several days.

It may be both. We know he is into drugs. But we also know he liked to trade thinks like death masks and horror film collectables, [you know, just like Star Wars fans do...cough..]

It is an easy step from violent slasher films to sadistic *advertiser censored* imo.

It also means that he has a small circle of secret friends who share his sick and twisted fantasies and urges.
Then the collector lives in his mother's house. That computer was stuffed with images. I wonder just how far this charade will go.

If NONE of the images on the flash drive are on the computer, and none of the files on the computer are on the flash drive, then they would be "new acquisitions". If ALL the flash drive material is on the computer, and the files on the computer have a more recent date, they could have been transferred FROM the flash to the PC, but not deleted from the flash.
Ok I'm gonna put this out there. I know about *advertiser censored* so if u guys got questions about downloading or images or sites ask away. I don't know about flash drives.

I still after all these years have never accidentally pulled up child *advertiser censored* or stuff with animals. Most *advertiser censored* is linked to the similar. If you search for Busty blondes you will get that. I've never seen anyone search for big breasts and some how images from zootube pull up. Yes I said zoo tube, look it up!!! Nasty stuff.

I am familiar with 4 chan, but a lot of pedo filesharing goes on there. People don't send kiddie flicks by accident. They are very cautious cause they know that the law maybe in the other end.

As fore barely legal or sites where the chicks look real young but not. If you check the bottom of the site it says all actresses or models are at least 18. They look young but the pig tails and princess *advertiser censored* is legal.
The question is: Why didn't she/they get rid of it before the cops showed up?

Doesn't make sense. ...snip

Unless the one who knew WHAT it was did not know WHERE it was, and the one who knew WHERE it was, didn't know WHAT it was. The one who knew "what" could not ask the other if they knew "where" without having to explain "why."

Isabelle Zehnder
Missing Persons Examiner
February 26th, 2011 1:13 pm ET

COLORADO CITY, Texas -- Missing Texas teen Hailey Dunn’s mom, Billie Jean Dunn, slated to appear at an upcoming event aimed at putting an end to human trafficking, won’t be appearing with her ex-husband, and Hailey’s father, Clint Dunn, after all.

That decision was made after Friday’s release that police had confiscated a memory stick from Billie Jean’s master bedroom dresser back in January. The bedroom was shared by her then-boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, who is also the only suspect in Hailey’s disappearance.
Child *advertiser censored* is defined by the United States as any visual depiction of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. In some cases, “a picture of a naked child may constitute illegal child *advertiser censored* if it is sufficiently sexually suggestive,” according to the Justice Department’s legal guidance. Anyone younger than 18 is considered to be a minor.
Interesting that the individuals living in the home where the computer is located aren't named at all. mo

What I don't understand is (and please correct me if I'm wrong, all the contradicting info out there is making me crazy) - didn't SA's mom try to get the computer back from the police after the "Step-dad"/male in the house voluntarily handed it over?

Does this mean she knew what her son was doing on the computer? Or that, like BD, she's willing to defend SA no matter what, and he asked her to try to get it back? Or that he admitted to her what they might find on it? Or even that it wasn't SA who originally downloaded the images? I'm so confused.

If I was the mother of a child who I just found out had been downloading illegal *advertiser censored* onto my computer, you'd better believe they would be kicked out of my house PRONTO. :maddening: But then, none of these families are behaving in the way I think most of us would.... who knows? moo.
Ok I'm gonna put this out there. I know about *advertiser censored* so if u guys got questions about downloading or images or sites ask away. I don't know about flash drives.

I still after all these years have never accidentally pulled up child *advertiser censored* or stuff with animals. Most *advertiser censored* is linked to the similar. If you search for Busty blondes you will get that. I've never seen anyone search for big breasts and some how images from zootube pull up. Yes I said zoo tube, look it up!!! Nasty stuff.

I am familiar with 4 chan, but a lot of pedo filesharing goes on there. People don't send kiddie flicks by accident. They are very cautious cause they know that the law maybe in the other end.

As fore barely legal or sites where the chicks look real young but not. If you check the bottom of the site it says all actresses or models are at least 18. They look young but the pig tails and princess *advertiser censored* is legal.

When my son was about 15 he called from school one day and asked me to send his term paper, which he forgot to bring to school, to his teachers email, so it would be turned it or it would not be accepted. He gave me his password and of course when I turned on his trusty computer lots of weird sexual images popped up.

After sending in the paper I 'looked around' a little bit and there was a lot of lipstick lesbian cheerleaders and naughty nurse twins and slutty coeds at the beach type stuff. All of it was free, and there was NO bestiality or kiddie por mixed in with it.

I did not want to have an awkward convo about it so my husband brought it up to him, and reminded him nicely, that if he was serious about going into LE, he couldnt have that carp on his computer history. Any way, the point of this anecdote is that there is a big difference between sexy, but raunchy *advertiser censored* that a young man may desire to download on his computer, and the FILTH that Shawn had. And over 100, 000 images of it. EEcckkkkkk.
I just hope that he downloaded more *advertiser censored* that Monday, it may give hints to what happened to Hailey... imo, the fantasy may have continued after the fact. :mad:

Good point. It made me realize that LE can easily see the dates each file was added onto the memory stick and connect any dots from there.
OMG!!!!!!!! Levi covered this on his show last night and I am re listening. He said there were pictures most likely of children being assaulted, beaten, raped etc.

Is this Levi's 'worst case scenario' of what types of images there could be in there?
What I don't understand is (and please correct me if I'm wrong, all the contradicting info out there is making me crazy) - didn't SA's mom try to get the computer back from the police after the "Step-dad"/male in the house voluntarily handed it over?

Does this mean she knew what her son was doing on the computer? Or that, like BD, she's willing to defend SA no matter what, and he asked her to try to get it back? Or that he admitted to her what they might find on it? Or even that it wasn't SA who originally downloaded the images? I'm so confused.

If I was the mother of a child who I just found out had been downloading illegal *advertiser censored* onto my computer, you'd better believe they would be kicked out of my house PRONTO. :maddening: But then, none of these families are behaving in the way I think most of us would.... who knows? moo.

I doubt that he told his mom the extent of the *advertiser censored* or the vileness of it. He probably just said, "OH NO, they don't have a warrant --so go -get it back, there's some dirty pictures of naked lesbians and they will probably try and use it to blame me for all this mess. "
I bet Billie Jean had no clue LE would actually TAKE items out of her house. Probably thought they just wanted to look around.....
I think they managed to get the rest of it out before LE showed up and the memory stick was over looked.........IMO. I wonder if that's what SA was doing when DD was banging at the door, gathering up the *advertiser censored* collection to get rid of it?
I bet Billie Jean had no clue LE would actually TAKE items out of her house. Probably thought they just wanted to look around.....
Well sure, in her eyes she figgered LE would come in, look for a human being, maybe open and just look in the closets but go through her drawers? Nope, she sure wasn't expecting that and she knew what they found. She's been duckin' and dodgin' and coverin' for too long now.
I personally think BD never thought She and SA would be looked at, and their things gone through...

She thought they would look really hard at CD and MB.

Not HER, HER awesome Boyfriend, And HER House...
Please forgive me if this has already been addressed but...

This report has now been updated to read "Both the computer and the memory stick contain images depicting bestiality and child *advertiser censored*, said Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs."

Does anybody know if this is an accurate quote and not just a reporter paraphrasing?

ETA: I see now, in reading the comments, that others have questions as well.

Have any other reporters used this same quote from the Sheriff or is there an audio somewhere?

Thinking about the actual material found and what it would contain is a wake-up call that Hailey was in serious danger all along. I have not personally seen any child *advertiser censored*, but know that it's not just pics of naked children. Terrible things are done to little children and pics taken of their abuse! I'm sure if any of us saw even one of these pics we would be horrified for a long time.

People who have that many kiddie *advertiser censored* pics hidden all over should not be allowed to live in a household with children in it. Period.

It does seem that the media is havinbg difficulty getting the story exactly right:
"KTXS reported Friday, that a computer memory stick with child *advertiser censored*, as well as more than 100 thousand other graphic images, was taken by officials from Billie's home.
Shawn Adkins, Billie's boyfriend, lived there at the time.
They also collected evidence of *advertiser censored* from Shawn Adkins mother's home in Big Spring."

It looks like they are saying there were 100,000+ images on the flash drive and "evidence of" more on his mom's computer.
"Evidence of *advertiser censored*"? Not ACTUAL *advertiser censored*? THAT sounds like the images were either in the browser cache or deleted. But they got the flash drive bit wrong, so I am sure I am reading too much into the wording.
"Pending their deliberations and what the persecutors present and they're timing, we'll probably effect an arrest or however that will go at that time. But that's contingent on a grand jury and what prosecutors carry to them."

I do not believe that Pete Kampfer ACTUALLY said "persecutors" *LOL* But it's an inconvenient transcription error...
BD and SA are balancing on a see-saw. Who is going to jump off first. BD probably didn't think that LE would see what she saw of the images on that flash drive and disc.
There is nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide for BD. No safe place for BD, but what the he!! BD didn't provide a safe place for HD. Turnabout is fair play, only LE isn't playing your game, BD. Now you are going up against the big guys, BD. Your "helpless little waif-like image" isn't gonna help you get out if this "mess".
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