2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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OMG - I think I overlooked this statement in the article earlier!

"Everybody has their opinion. To each their own. We're not out here to judge them, we're just out here to help find their child," she [Stephanie Boyd] said.


Uh - darlin' - child *advertiser censored* is ILLEGAL. Opinion ain't got nothin' to do with it!

Nevertheless, I'll offer my opinion - it's depraved, it's despicable, it's repulsive, it's repugnant, it's reprehensible.

ETA: I would also like to add that it's EVIL in every sense of the word.

I too completely respect and appreciate the tireless efforts of the local searchers. I must say, however, this quote from one of them made me do a double take when I first read it. I don't understand. Maybe she isn't aware it's child *advertiser censored*; over 100k images. MOO.

Searcher Sxxxxxxxxx Bxxx said although she's disturbed by the findings, she believes it has little to do with Hailey's case.

"Most people that are into stuff like that...they're more into it for the pleasure than actually doing any physical harm," she said.
Hopefully after reading the article in print, she'll realize that child *advertiser censored* is not consensual sex. There's no such thing as consensual sex in child *advertiser censored*. It's rape. And no one should ever be raped - ever!
ok, so this is my first post to WS after many months of lurking on WS. I am a pediatric nurse and mother of 3 sweet boys, so kids are what I am all about. I havent seen where it has been confirmed about the *advertiser censored* found that it includes child *advertiser censored*, and just wondering if I have missed that confirmation. Wouldn't someone be arrested if that were the case??
ok, so this is my first post to WS after many months of lurking on WS. I am a pediatric nurse and mother of 3 sweet boys, so kids are what I am all about. I havent seen where it has been confirmed about the *advertiser censored* found that it includes child *advertiser censored*, and just wondering if I have missed that confirmation. Wouldn't someone be arrested if that were the case??


ok, so this is my first post to WS after many months of lurking on WS. I am a pediatric nurse and mother of 3 sweet boys, so kids are what I am all about. I havent seen where it has been confirmed about the *advertiser censored* found that it includes child *advertiser censored*, and just wondering if I have missed that confirmation. Wouldn't someone be arrested if that were the case??

Here you go: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6159334&postcount=138"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX - Hailey Dunn -- Media Links ** No Discussion **[/ame]
Was it ever confirmed why she lost her nursing license? If she was so stupid to download *advertiser censored* from her work computer, her azz is grass.

I was looking for a pic to use as my background and chose an oriental lady...very colorful. After I uploaded it, I discovered the lady had an exposed boob. I chit and immediately told my boss what had happened. He got a big kick out of it, but I was scared to death.

I doubt she could down load *advertiser censored* at the hospital. Most places have those sites blocked. I work at a med supply company and we can't even on line shop @ Victoria Secrets first time I googled it @ work I got a message sex & violence filter. I had to laugh
Thanks for the kind welcome..I already love and connect with so many of the Websleuthers on board! Cant seem to fathom why there has been no arrests purely on the child *advertiser censored* itself. It is usually taken so seriously, even without a missing child.... poor Hailey to be in this evironment. my prayers are with her!
I doubt she could down load *advertiser censored* at the hospital. Most places have those sites blocked. I work at a med supply company and we can't even on line shop @ Victoria Secrets first time I googled it @ work I got a message sex & violence filter. I had to laugh

I agree completely. She did not download that *advertiser censored* at work. There are way too many people using her work computer and there are a lot of medical files, thus there would be computer techs brought in occasionally. She would not be THAT stupid, although she is kind of stupid.
I happen to think that the computer that was found at SA Mom's home originally belonged to BD and SA and that when all heck was getting ready to hit the fan, SA asked his Mom if he could bring up his computer because they could no longer have the internet and that his system was better than hers, I think you will find that Mom is the one who got rid of a computer....You do not have that many child *advertiser censored* photo's without working at is quite hard for a long period of time....I bet we will find out that the local internet company can say exactly when that address cut the internet access...And then all SA has to do is stay at Moms all day of the puter to get his fix...

I have read more on this case, But I still want to know if LE has ever searched the property that SA, Mom or Grandma live on?...I have said from the beginning that is where they will find this precious child..
I happen to think that the computer that was found at SA Mom's home originally belonged to BD and SA and that when all heck was getting ready to hit the fan, SA asked his Mom if he could bring up his computer because they could no longer have the internet and that his system was better than hers, I think you will find that Mom is the one who got rid of a computer....You do not have that many child *advertiser censored* photo's without working at is quite hard for a long period of time....I bet we will find out that the local internet company can say exactly when that address cut the internet access...And then all SA has to do is stay at Moms all day of the puter to get his fix...

I have read more on this case, But I still want to know if LE has ever searched the property that SA, Mom or Grandma live on?...I have said from the beginning that is where they will find this precious child..

I wonder if any of the people who live with shawn's mom and grandma are talking about any of this stuff with LE. Like how often did Shawn use the computer there. Who else used it? I think ther computer forensics team will be able to work that stuff out.

The real urgent question imo is where is Hailey now. I think that she has passed, sadly. And I think the crime scene is on private family land. But I don't think he buried here there. I think he knew so many deep, hidden places from his job working on underground oil pipes that we may never find her.
http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-na...rrests-for-child-*advertiser censored*-images

Cindy Adams
Crime Examiner
February 26th, 2011 8:09 pm ET

Colorado City, Tex. - On Saturday, authorities told local media that a grand jury will decide whether the mother of missing Colorado City, Texas girl, Hailey Dunn, and her mother’s ex-boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, will be arrested for *advertiser censored* found at the family home.
I wonder if any of the people who live with shawn's mom and grandma are talking about any of this stuff with LE. Like how often did Shawn use the computer there. Who else used it? I think ther computer forensics team will be able to work that stuff out.

The real urgent question imo is where is Hailey now. I think that she has passed, sadly. And I think the crime scene is on private family land. But I don't think he buried here there. I think he knew so many deep, hidden places from his job working on underground oil pipes that we may never find her.

It's interesting that no one in Shawn's family has been arrested for anything since Hailey's disappearance. Are they all clean? Are they cooperating fully? Does LE suspect that the people connected more to Billie's life have more potential knowledge than those more closely associated with Shawn? I'm curious about who we haven't heard about in this case. To me, for now at least, looks like there's more pressure around Billie's circle than Shawn's....
I think that victimizes victims.

If police show up at my house and arrest my spouse for downloading child *advertiser censored* under his own user name on a shared computer, unbeknownst to me, do you think that while I am busy falling apart at the seams to learn this horrifying information about someone I thought I knew and trusted, they should throw a pair of those handcuffs on me as well? Hell to the no!

Likewise if police come to my home to arrest my teen for marijuana possession, or shoplifting, do you feel that I am equally guilty, in spite of having know knowledge that these activities were occurring?

ETA: I believe that refers to being ignorant of the law you have violated, not being ignorant of criminal activity in your home.

The way BD reacted to finding out about the *advertiser censored* just makes me so angry. She wasn't emotional, just vey numb and doe-eyed looking. Her reaction led me to think she knew what was on that memory stick, as well as the computer. Like Mark Klaas said, she's not as naive as one thinks!

If the police show up at my house and arrest my husband for downloading child *advertiser censored*, you BETTER believe they will have to handcuff me as well - take me to jail for going crazy and beating the "S@#$" out of him. He would be begging the police to get me off him. Yet, BD is still defending SA like he's some saint, all the while Hailey is still missing. Ugh! Hope the GJ does the right thing.
Someone (sorry, I forget who) has posted several times that when Billie says "original" she seems to mean "normal" and I wondered what would make her mix up such dissimilar words. Today it hit me that she is probably confusing ORIGINAL with ORDINARY (which, of course, means normal).:banghead:
Someone (sorry, I forget who) has posted several times that when Billie says "original" she seems to mean "normal" and I wondered what would make her mix up such dissimilar words. Today it hit me that she is probably confusing ORIGINAL with ORDINARY (which, of course, means normal).:banghead:

Yes, lol, that's what she means! I also just thought, is it not really, really, scary that she was a nurse, now that we know, what we know?

Sorry for the OT.
I'll be flabbergasted if she is still employed... I know she doesn't handle patients anymore, but I wouldn't even want her near my paperwork. jmo

eta: Isn't it quiet this morning? Have we been struck silent?
Is this Levi's 'worst case scenario' of what types of images there could be in there?

The stats on child *advertiser censored* show, that most involve penetration and violence. It isn't just naked kids playing around in the tub. It is violent stuff.
Someone (sorry, I forget who) has posted several times that when Billie says "original" she seems to mean "normal" and I wondered what would make her mix up such dissimilar words. Today it hit me that she is probably confusing ORIGINAL with ORDINARY (which, of course, means normal).:banghead:

My first thought was "original" meant she/he/they did not take the pictures. They had someone else's work in their possession.
I don't think these types of pictures come cheap.

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