2011.02.25 - BD's Mom in Custody, on drug charge

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Meth is short for methamphetamine. It is made in meth house labs by people who are not chemists. They use Drain-O and all kinds of crazy stuff. If it is not mixed properly, the labs will explode. Very dangerous stuff. Comes out as a crystal-like powder - it can be snorted or injected intravenously. It is very, very addictive.
I believe one of the ingredients is derived from over the counter cold medicine and is the reason cold medicine is now so tightly controlled in stores. You usually have to ask at the pharmacy counter or take a "coupon" that represents the product from the shelf to pick up at customer service. For a while, local stores restricted the number of packages of Sudafed you could buy at one time.


Gasoline additives
Rubbing Alcohol
Ether (starting fluid)
Paint thinner
Camp stove fuel
Anhydrous ammonia
White gasoline
Rock, table or Epsom salt
Red Phosphorous
Toluene (found in brake cleaner)
Red Devil Lye
Drain cleaner
Muraitic acid
Battery acid
Lithium from batteries
Sodium metal
Cold tablets
Diet aids
Energy boosters
Iodine crystals
I have to agree with ya concerned. BJD will sit on her hands until the devil comes to take her. It's all me, me, me, me (or make that mine, mine, mine, mine).

So...mummy was arrested on drug charges, eh? Child *advertiser censored*, beastiality, masks, horror films, horror cases, drugs -- not good, not good at all.

What's going on in Satsuma...er...Colorado City!



As Gary Cooper used to say, "Yep!".

I'm thinking the Satsuma folks have nothing on this crowd. Pokey, anyone? :behindbar
This will be my "hit and run". Keenager has a track meet today.

I think it was in an interview with Peter Hyatt or Bring Them Home where CD said BD bought coke and cut it for resale and it wound up SA nose? Anybody remember this?

Sorry, its all become one great big "haze".

CO won't see a DJ until Sunday where her bond will be set. Will BD bail her out?

JMO and MOO, nope BD won't bail her out cuz she's got a 55" tv on layaway she's got to pay on for sugarbritches.
Meth is short for methamphetamine. It is made in meth house labs by people who are not chemists. They use Drain-O and all kinds of crazy stuff. If it is not mixed properly, the labs will explode. Very dangerous stuff. Comes out as a crystal-like powder - it can be snorted or injected intravenously. It is very, very addictive.

It makes you paranoid and most users will pick at their skin until it bleeds. Rots your teeth, does a job on your hair, etc. Very true about taking things apart....pick, pick, pick. Very volatile as far as temperament. Impatient, angry, violent. Goes well with alcohol. Tweaking....talking 100 mph as your brain races. The reason I say meth in this "family".....the violence and the sex is suppose to be "awesome". Hours and hours.

It's wicked, wicked stuff, cheap, and very addictive. You canNOT reason with someone tweaking....it's like talking to a runaway train.

Most "factories" are homes, sheds, barns, but there is an uprise in mobile meth labs now. They can make it in the the trunk. MX drugs cartel are a big supplier too....and yet much cheaper and the quality is poorer. More poisonous...if that's possible. I would imagine that I-20 is a major corridor for drug runners.

All JMO.
This will be my "hit and run". Keenager has a track meet today.

I think it was in an interview with Peter Hyatt or Bring Them Home where CD said BD bought coke and cut it for resale and it wound up SA nose? Anybody remember this?

Sorry, its all become one great big "haze".

CO won't see a DJ until Sunday where her bond will be set. Will BD bail her out?

JMO and MOO, nope BD won't bail her out cuz she's got a 55" tv on layaway she's got to pay on for sugarbritches.

Remember something about that, and IIRC it wasn't a small amount. I couldn't believe he could put that much away................hinky story. imo
Well, I just hope the whole lot of them are texters.
Did they say what the drugs were? I was imagining prescription drugs, pain pills, etc...
I believe one of the ingredients is derived from over the counter cold medicine and is the reason cold medicine is now so tightly controlled in stores. You usually have to ask at the pharmacy counter or take a "coupon" that represents the product from the shelf to pick up at customer service. For a while, local stores restricted the number of packages of Sudafed you could buy at one time.


Gasoline additives
Rubbing Alcohol
Ether (starting fluid)
Paint thinner
Camp stove fuel
Anhydrous ammonia
White gasoline
Rock, table or Epsom salt
Red Phosphorous
Toluene (found in brake cleaner)
Red Devil Lye
Drain cleaner
Muraitic acid
Battery acid
Lithium from batteries
Sodium metal
Cold tablets
Diet aids
Energy boosters
Iodine crystals

Good grief! No wonder the meth labs blow up. Do many people die inhaling the fumes while they are cooking it? Some of the ingredients are highly toxic when mixed together. I'm not at all surprised meth addicts go nuts on this stuff. I am surprised they live to buy more. :eek: I had NO idea. :rocker:

In my state, when buying Sudafed, we have to show our picture ID. I know at one time they limited the amount, but don't know if they still do. Thankfully, I don't have to buy it often, only when I travel by air or to high altitudes. It lessons that pressure one feels in the ears in airplanes.
After knowing a major meth head (cough, ahem) I just don't see Billie's demeanor as one. You talk fast and she does not talk fast. Major paranoia too. I don't see how they could be so low key and calm. A meth head disposing of a body would probably do major neck damage because he'd be looking beside him, around him, etc. Now....if they weren't true meth heads, just maybe a one or 2 time thing....then maybe. Not sure about that one. But...I've not known anyone that did meth with pain pills so maybe that's the difference. And if I did know of anyone and such use....it was a long long time ago and many years ago. Not a good drug at all. Ruins lives.
City Manager of Colorado City, Pete Kampfer has been close to the investigation from the beginning. He says while these new developments aren't necessarily connected to Hailey's disappearance it could help connect the dots.
"Folks that have arrest warrants against them may make statements or confessions so it may move things along a lot faster," Kampfer said.


granted he said this concerning the *advertiser censored* but I believe it applies to grandma too
OMG, if she bails her mother out with donated money, I am just beyond done with her. I hope no one else gives her money or anything from here on out. And honestly, she belongs in jail with her mother at this point. I hope mom sings like a canary. Something needs to give in this case!

I wonder how long it will be until SA's mom joins her. BD is already heading in the direction of blaming someone in SA's family for the *advertiser censored* stick.
City Manager of Colorado City, Pete Kampfer has been close to the investigation from the beginning. He says while these new developments aren't necessarily connected to Hailey's disappearance it could help connect the dots.
"Folks that have arrest warrants against them may make statements or confessions so it may move things along a lot faster," Kampfer said.


granted he said this concerning the *advertiser censored* but I believe it applies to grandma too

Things certainly started happening as soon as CD was released.
All the more reason for her to try to make a better life for her children, at least the way I see it.


Until she becomes a parent to herself first, she won't have a clue.
All the more reason for her to try to make a better life for her children, at least the way I see it.


Too bad she's done nothing but try to make a more awesome life for her and Shawn. Those children are definitely in last place with her. Yeah, you'd think she'd try to make a better life, but she hasn't. At least Hailey and DD had the potential of coming out of it and making better lives for themselves, but that probably isn't the case anymore. Hailey's probably dead, and DD is probably to suffer the rest of his life for it, poor boy. I'm going to keep him in my prayers.

OT/Awesome used to be one of my favorite words, and now I'm finding myself disgusted with it...
So when CD stated in that phone interview with PH that BD bought cocaine and packaged it up for re-sale ... Was she following in Mama's footsteps? Sorry if this has already been discussed upstream, I did not read back.
A lot of arrested development in this group. mo

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