2011.04.08 Frye Hearing Thread

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lbd about to jump up and object. Does that mean she will respond for the state?
Did he just say numerous explanations of the "PURPOSE" of chloroform in the car????
JB - Dr Vass is not independent and not impartial . . . . clearly shows his institutional bias. . . . . the samples were run by Mike Rickenbach @ FBI said . . . were very very low. His samples could not even give chloroform, it was consistent with chloroform. According to FBI if you have presumptive test but not a conclusory test then you can only say "consistent with" . . . . GCMS can only tell you that it's there.

Dr. Michael Sigman - chemist from U of FL - his testimony was gasoline - he did find chlororform just that it was there -

testified they were low levels - more generally accepted way would the the FBI's . . . . Dr. Vass crude method of looking @ two pictures chromotagraphs are not generally accepted scientific. all the chemists agree . . . the only only one that dis-agree is non-chemist, Dr. Vass.
I wonder if HHJP's eye is ticking yet..i know mine is
JB: all they can say it that it was there but cannot tell you how much. you have heard there are numerous reasons for those levels.

quantitative not qualitative. dr. futon who saw all records he testified low levels and says the fbi's estimation was better but they still could not get results. gas chromatagraph is not accepted. all chemists agree, the only one that does not agree with these facts is the non chemist, dr. a vass. A this is not generally accepted the state has not met the burden of proof and the methods are not scientifically accepted and this witness is not qualified to testify because we do not know what qualifications he has a a chemist.
I'm confused, I thought Frye hearings were to argue that the actual science was not established, but this seems to be all about the experts themselves.
Don't throw tomatoes at me - but JB does seem to be acting professional today. No quips, no snarks (well, to a bare minimum). OMG - I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's almost acting like a real life defense attorney.



I am findng him much easier to listen to then DS. He actually has some good points every now and then. I can't believe I am saying that. The only thing is he seems to stretch the truth every now and then and over exaggerate. Too bad the judge is to experienced and see's through the BS.
Baez's whole point is not scientifically accepted - on and on...state hasn't met their burden, methodology not scientifically accepted, Dr. Vass not qualified....
How is JB able to argue against Dr. Vass when he wasn't able to understand him during cross.
Don't throw tomatoes at me - but JB does seem to be acting professional today. No quips, no snarks (well, to a bare minimum). OMG - I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's almost acting like a real life defense attorney.



ONLY because HHJP smacked him down, first thing. :)
IMHO Chloroform is coming in. I can't hear a concise argument from JB for a reason that it woudln't. JA will bring it home.


Clearly he is not a chemist or it would be in his CV or when he testified on the stand. No data or literature or findings - looking @ one chromatigraph vs another that you will tell chlororform. All you have is one non-expert when all other experts agree this isn't . . . methodoligies employed by Dr. Vass.

Dr Vass seems to make these extraordinary conclusions but cannot back them up . . . you didn't hear from Dr. Sigmund because he didn't agree w/Dr. Vass.

the reason you didn't hear from Dr. Weiss - Dr. vass findings are unreliable

HHBP -interrupts (can't hear)
JB is doing nothing other than restating things over and over again. Repeating something several times doesn't make it any more accurate or closer to being truth.
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