2011.04.08 Frye Hearing Thread

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Taking a brief recess so court reporter can fix something for CM
Jose was saying that in the email exchanges between vass and vincent it is evident they were privy to the investigation. JB referenced in the emails how they spoke of where cindy worked.

JB: ....
JA: objection, have they submitted those?
HH: this is argument. it is quicker folks.

JB: he stated this was a quantitative element and he couldn't get a reasonable sample "gassing".

CM: asked for something
HH: brief recess while court reporter takes care of something.

(cowpolk, cowpoke...? what is that word?)
ANOTHER recess because of the defense????
what the heck did I miss? CM jumped up and blurted something?
This would bore the daylights out of a jury. I think what the jury is going to base their opinions on is how KC reacts during the trial. A mother that shows this little emotion when the decomposing of her child is being bandied about is not a sympathetic suspect.
well that's a first. CM interrupts JB? Why? Something wrong with the laptop it appears?
i'm trying really really hard to be good because i have total respect for ws, the mods and the members.

but where does he get off questioning dr vass's experience in science? does he really think his editorial comments are helping him in any way at all?

Actually, his comments about Vass are hurting him with HHJP and will do the same to the jury at trial. JB just seems to be unable to keep from adding snark to his speech.
JB saying it's almost like double talk - I can't tell you that it's there but there is a lot there.
Don't throw tomatoes at me - but JB does seem to be acting professional today. No quips, no snarks (well, to a bare minimum). OMG - I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's almost acting like a real life defense attorney.


JB - saying Dr. Vass is not qualified to determine levels of chloroform. He has institutional bias.
camera just zoomed in on a typo on the DT powerpoint slide ;-)
JB: my argument is clear. the chemist at oak ridge had a conversation with vass this is not meaningful to find the levels of chloroform but is not stopping vass from coming here to testify, plus not using scientific standards...it is almost like double talk...I can't tell you how much is there but I'm telling you there was a lot there. still a person not qualified to give argument.

state has not provided their burden of having an expert. it clearly shows his institutional bias. mark vincent says you cannot give a quantative amount. JB: says FBI could not give conclusive results as to chloroform being in the trunk of the car.
JB saying that AV used "doubletalk" when addressing the levels of chloroform.

That's funny b/c I was just getting ready to type that if JB would word things a different way, I might be able to follow him easier. But as it is, he loses me so often with his sentence structure.

"chloroform levels "where' low.... The misspellings just keep on going OMG!!!!:crazy:
Actually, his comments about Vass are hurting him with HHJP and will do the same to the jury at trial. JB just seems to be unable to add snark to his speech.

Seriously...I wish he would cut the "editorializing" again!
Don't throw tomatoes at me - but JB does seem to be acting professional today. No quips, no snarks (well, to a bare minimum). OMG - I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's almost acting like a real life defense attorney.



I don't think he has a choice - HHJP has threatened and reminded Baez it will cost him $100 per quip....just saying...
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