2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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DNA Solves
so it appears mr. buuy-ezz is going with an accident and that she's a scaaaared young mother but isn't this gonna kinda piss the state off since they could have dealt with that scenario a looong time ago and saved the state thousands of dollars?
so it appears mr. buuy-ezz is going with an accident and that she's a scaaaared young mother but isn't this gonna kinda piss the state off since they could have dealt with that scenario a looong time ago and saved the state thousands of dollars?

I think if the DT tries this, all the state has to say is "If it were an accident, why not call 911?" If the DT tries to put forth that ICA was too skeered because of her dominatrix mother, then I think any sane person can come to the conclusion that ICA was out of her mother's reach for 31 days. She could have reported the accident then, instead of monkey swinging from a pole like a "devil in a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress..."
I think they were all actors, don't you? I feel sure Mr Gabriel hand picked them and instructed them as to their role. Hence the one lady jumping up before he even finished saying "Stand up if you think she should be accquitted".
I thought one of the jurors was one of Dr. Phil's housewives.
Just wanted to add a thought. I didn't read the entire thread, and didn't watch the show, either, but I have read so many comments regarding the whole thing.

Why blast 48 Hours or CBS for airing this program? It's not going to affect the outcome of the trial one bit. Anyone who has followed this case knows that Casey doesn't stand a chance of an acquittal, but it might keep her from getting the death penalty, and I don't think that's a bad thing. LWOP would be fine with me. She's very young... imagine knowing you would be locked in a cell for the rest of your life, with pictures of your dead child taped to the cement walls, and facing nightmares every night. Never again being allowed to party or have real friends or live the Good Life. And trying to avoid bumping into Big Bertha. I think that would be a pretty horrible future for someone like Casey.
JMO and all that.
so it appears mr. buuy-ezz is going with an accident and that she's a scaaaared young mother but isn't this gonna kinda piss the state off since they could have dealt with that scenario a looong time ago and saved the state thousands of dollars?

If she had pleaded an accident when she was first arrested she would then have had to explain discarding her body in the woods, and the DUCT tape.
Stupid as ICA is, she knew that would never be believed, not by CA or anyone else. Rock and hard place.
She works on the principle of ignore it long enough and it will go away. It always worked with her family. A few days before graduation her mom finds out she is not going to graduate. Almost 7 months into the pregnancy she is still a virgin. Money disappearing from accounts, they all pander to her so as not to incur her wrath...
Just wanted to add a thought. I didn't read the entire thread, and didn't watch the show, either, but I have read so many comments regarding the whole thing.

Why blast 48 Hours or CBS for airing this program? It's not going to affect the outcome of the trial one bit. Anyone who has followed this case knows that Casey doesn't stand a chance of an acquittal, but it might keep her from getting the death penalty, and I don't think that's a bad thing. LWOP would be fine with me. She's very young... imagine knowing you would be locked in a cell for the rest of your life, with pictures of your dead child taped to the cement walls, and facing nightmares every night. Never again being allowed to party or have real friends or live the Good Life. And trying to avoid bumping into Big Bertha. I think that would be a pretty horrible future for someone like Casey.
JMO and all that.

The punishment should fit the crime.
Susan Smith seems to be flourishing in prison, even managed to get 'friendly' with 2 guards. Those are the ones we found out about, probably there are more. I hear she's getting an education too..
Wow, what a rivweting show- NOT!!! I fell asleep 30 minutes into it. Don't feel after reading a bit here that I missed anything....
I think if the DT tries this, all the state has to say is "If it were an accident, why not call 911?" If the DT tries to put forth that ICA was too skeered because of her dominatrix mother, then I think any sane person can come to the conclusion that ICA was out of her mother's reach for 31 days. She could have reported the accident then, instead of monkey swinging from a pole like a "devil in a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress..."

Maybe they're not referring to an accident as something like drowning in the pool or being run over by a car, but more like Casey used chloroform to put Caylee to sleep so she could party, and "accidentally" used too much or did it too often and it put her to sleep permanently. Then she panicked and came up with the story that the nanny kidnapped Caylee so she wouldn't have to admit to George and Cindy what she had been doing. JMO.

I still will never understand why she hauled that baby's body around in the trunk of her car long enough to create that odor. By doing that, she sealed her fate. If she had buried Caylee as soon as she found her dead, she might have got away with it for a lot longer. She was DUMB to do what she did, the way she did it, and I can't think of one thing the DT can do or say to make her look innocent. NOT ONE.
Maybe they're not referring to an accident as something like drowning in the pool or being run over by a car, but more like Casey used chloroform to put Caylee to sleep so she could party, and "accidentally" used too much or did it too often and it put her to sleep permanently. Then she panicked and came up with the story that the nanny kidnapped Caylee so she wouldn't have to admit to George and Cindy what she had been doing. JMO.

I still will never understand why she hauled that baby's body around in the trunk of her car long enough to create that odor. By doing that, she sealed her fate. If she had buried Caylee as soon as she found her dead, she might have got away with it for a lot longer. She was DUMB to do what she did, the way she did it, and I can't think of one thing the DT can do or say to make her look innocent. NOT ONE.

I might be wrong, but I thing accidentally using an illegal substance would be murder?
The punishment should fit the crime.
Susan Smith seems to be flourishing in prison, even managed to get 'friendly' with 2 guards. Those are the ones we found out about, probably there are more. I hear she's getting an education too..

Well, that is a matter of opinion, of course.
But the punishment does not always fit the crime. Serial killers who have tortured their victims for hours or days are laid on a gurney and given an injection that puts them to sleep. No blood, no pain. I wouldn't call that fitting the crime at all.
Maybe they're not referring to an accident as something like drowning in the pool or being run over by a car, but more like Casey used chloroform to put Caylee to sleep so she could party, and "accidentally" used too much or did it too often and it put her to sleep permanently. Then she panicked and came up with the story that the nanny kidnapped Caylee so she wouldn't have to admit to George and Cindy what she had been doing. JMO.

I still will never understand why she hauled that baby's body around in the trunk of her car long enough to create that odor. By doing that, she sealed her fate. If she had buried Caylee as soon as she found her dead, she might have got away with it for a lot longer. She was DUMB to do what she did, the way she did it, and I can't think of one thing the DT can do or say to make her look innocent. NOT ONE.

Pam Bondi said the PC searches for Chloroform and then later How to make
Chloroform and neck breaking all go to prove premeditation. I feel sure they have ICA's/CA/GA's cell pings from that date that prove she was the only one at home at that time. They did show JB saying those searches meant nothing, they didn't even know who made them.... he may have to eat those words.
Well, that is a matter of opinion, of course.
But the punishment does not always fit the crime. Serial killers who have tortured their victims for hours or days are laid on a gurney and given an injection that puts them to sleep. No blood, no pain. I wouldn't call that fitting the crime at all.

Oh, I agree. My point was that it hardly seems like much punishment at all to give LWOP, when you hear stories like how Susan Smith is thriving in jail. I think ICA would do the same.
Oh, I agree. My point was that it hardly seems like much punishment at all to give LWOP, when you hear stories like how Susan Smith is thriving in jail. I think ICA would do the same.

Except I think other inmates would ... let's say...mete out some well deserved punishment for a baby killer? AND let's not forget, there won't be a stripper's pole in lockup.
Except I think other inmates would ... let's say...mete out some well deserved punishment for a baby killer? AND let's not forget, there won't be a stripper's pole in lockup.

Do they still keep them segregated from the general population?
Let's keep the topic on the reason for the thread, and veer away from theoretical discussions of the DP and vigilantly prisoner justice, etc, please.

The thread is still open because there were still some people who hadn't watched the show, but if the topic is exhausted, it might be time to move the discussion to more topical and viable threads.

If anyone cares to bump relevant threads, that would be helpful.
Ok … sooooo … lets see…JB didn’t want a gag order in the beginning, and he won the argument. He made this circus with the media apparently for his own financial benefit, and possibly so that he rub elbows sort to speak with the big kids that have already made to the big screen. He is very good at acting… His poker face is sort of believable when he says it was the garbage in the trunk that made it smell bad not a dead body (this amazes me each and every time I see him say this!) and now a few days before jury selection this is a 48 hours special, the day after JB is in court with a motion to ban media from the court room and complaining that his client would not be getting a fair trial… He is a snake!!! Evil to the core.

I soooo agree and he lets her sit there believing that everyone else is gonna believe what he is concocting. IF she ever had a chance to turn her lying problem around this 2.5 yrs has done nothing but promote her lying condition. I just think it is awful defense attorneys can go on this long.
If it was an accident that she covered up there is no way she should have gotten away with prolonging the truth for the sake of justice this long, no way........What a waste of money and worst yet not letting Caylee rest in peace this long. Not to mention the lives she has been allowed to turn upside down for her own selfish reason. It should not be this way.
If she is allowed out her family should be very afraid.

The :tyou: button was not enough. :takeabow: Bforstr & luvmygarden~

Let's keep the topic on the reason for the thread, and veer away from theoretical discussions of the DP and vigilantly prisoner justice, etc, please.

The thread is still open because there were still some people who hadn't watched the show, but if the topic is exhausted, it might be time to move the discussion to more topical and viable threads.

If anyone cares to bump relevant threads, that would be helpful.

My apologies. :blushing: Sometimes I get so worked up over this case, I can't help myself. :banghead: So...it is a beautiful Sunday and I'm taking a self-imposed break. Life is too short to waste on somebody like ICA. BBL :seeya:
I watched this morn, and think the DT is pretty much going the acicdental death route, and that ICA had such a troubled childhood (ie, molestation) she knew she would be in a world of hurt if she told c or g. So troubled that after this accident, she went to great lengths to cover up the crime, er, accident (whatever you want to call it). She felt so bad that she couldn't dispose of Caylee that she drove around in the trunk with her for 3 or so days, and eventually put that heart shaped sticker on the duct tape as a final "I love U".

Some type of diminished capacity defense IMHO.

I don't think it'll work. . . .


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