2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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DNA Solves
I always thought she knew that it was Caylee's but was having selective memory even then. She didn't want it tied to Casey and the home. It's now coming back to bite her in the butt. JMHO

If I am not mistaken anything that Cindy said early on that she now claims she doesn't remember will come into play if she said any of these things to a third party correct? Or am I watching to many shows on the ID channel lol.
I still believe that the DT hired a majority of the protesters. I also think the A's were in on it.

I had never thought of that, but it really could be true...but even if not, all the Anthonys had to do was to stay in their dang house. They brought it all on themselves by constantly going outside and hammering the hell outta their yard!

I LMAO every time I view one of the videos of CA with her mascot, "Hammertime."
I always thought she knew that it was Caylee's but was having selective memory even then. She didn't want it tied to Casey and the home. It's now coming back to bite her in the butt. JMHO

Exactly! Everyone knew she was lying. She thought that denying ever seeing that shirt would lead LE to think that the 'Nanny' had put it on her.....
Good thing ICA loves posing for the camera so much.
Exactly! Everyone knew she was lying. She thought that denying ever seeing that shirt would lead LE to think that the 'Nanny' had put it on her.....
Good thing ICA loves posing for the camera so much.
I got such satisfaction out of Jeff Ashton pointing out that Cindy had never seen it. He knows...lol.
I have to go back and watch the show from last night...I think I was too busy posting while it was on. This guy Roberts actually told PB that the DT had suggested an accident to him (saw it on that tape of "Flashpoint"). I missed that entirely last night.
Just an aside...my daughter knows how faithfully I have followed this case. She watched the show last night and I asked her what she thought. She didn't think it was very good (her girlfriend liked it though)...but what she kept saying over and over was..."Mom, she was such a beautiful little girl." Yes, she was. When all is said and done, that's what I'll remember most...she was such a beautiful little girl who tugged at my heartstrings so.
There was a jailhouse video on the progam that I don't remember seeing. George is talking to casey and saying things like "I don't know, were we too overbearing?" and Casey is saying "no no no". Does anyone else remember seeing that visitation video?
I have to go back and watch the show from last night...I think I was too busy posting while it was on. This guy Roberts actually told PB that the DT had suggested an accident to him (saw it on that tape of "Flashpoint"). I missed that entirely last night.
Just an aside...my daughter knows how faithfully I have followed this case. She watched the show last night and I asked her what she thought. She didn't think it was very good (her girlfriend liked it though)...but what she kept saying over and over was..."Mom, she was such a beautiful little girl." Yes, she was. When all is said and done, that's what I'll remember most...she was such a beautiful little girl who tugged at my heartstrings so.

Especially when Caylee Marie was saying Bootiful while wearing the red dress and jewelry - dancing in circles.

Bless you sweetheart!

I still believe that the DT hired a majority of the protesters. I also think the A's were in on it.

Interesting theory.

ITA. Despite the fact JB and Co managed to get their 'spin' out there did anyone else get the feeling the DT were actually being played by the producers of this program? I, for one, got the resounding impression that 48 Hours weren't buying what the DT are selling AT ALL, and, crediting their viewers with rather more intelligence than JB does - of course the entire point of this exercise was ratings - they presented the defense as what it really is - a farce. Sorry DT but the joke's on you. You can present a cobbled together stew of disparate theories, lies, obfuscations, evasions and excuses that don't even begin to explain away the solid facts and evidence in this case but don't hold your breath waiting for anyone with more than two functioning brain cells to swallow it. JMO.

I'm not sure 48 hours did it on purpose, I just think there's no way to keep that from happening.

I just finished watching the 48 hr show. At the end when LKB said it surprised her that she didn't think that kc could get a "fair trial" in the area because of potential jurors pre-conceived notion that kc was guilty, however with the results of this "mock" focus group . . . . LKB had hope. This just goes to prove that when kc is found guilty, they are not going to be able to cry foul about getting an un-biased jury. If "Richard" can change minds from guilty to acquittal - it should be able to be done with JB, CM, etal if they really have a good defense case. I would love to know what Richard presented as evidence to these jurors, how were the 31 days explained, what was the defense if any, and what actually happened to Caylee (if not by kc's hand).

They're not going to tell anyone until trial. I'd bet the people on the "jury" had to sign silence contracts.

I watched parts of this show last night and I had to laugh when Baez mentioned that there was no DNA on the duct tape. So what? The tape was attached to the baby's skull. The prosecution should get an expert in construction to testify what happens to duct tape when it gets wet: the adhesive just starts to wash away if there is any place water can get underneath the tape. So DNA from skin cells bye bye. What does it matter anyway, the tape was there over her mouth. Decomposition bacteria would have broken down the skin cells regardless. Unbelievable.

It took me a millisecond before I started laughing at that for the reasons you pointed out.

I think it is very clear that the defense team has sent LKB out as a scout to see how the "accident" theory will play. Otherwise, there is no way she would be out there admitting Casey lied. jmo

Can they use that in court? It's public but she was on the defense team. :waitasec:

I watched the show but haven't had time to read this thread yet. I am anxious to read everyone's thoughts. I thought the mock jury was a huge JOKE and a huge insult, not only to the people of Orlando, but all of FL. Thank goodness there was one person that was there to speak for the victim. Thank you Pam Bondi. My husband watched it with me and said there was not one thing about JB or CM that seemed likable or trustworthy. He did feel some sympathy for CA in the beginning of the show....as the show went on he turned to me and said....she really is a lying bxxch, isn't she! I do not think this show is going to go over well with the Judge either. IMO there is nothing JB can or will say in his opening statement that is going to explain anything KC did. Bottom line is even the mock jury had to admit KC is guilty of Caylee's death....just not able to agree on the method...murder or accidental

4 and a half hours to present their evidence and have the "jury" debate and reach a conclusion? :waitasec: :loser:

I think if the DT tries this, all the state has to say is "If it were an accident, why not call 911?" If the DT tries to put forth that ICA was too skeered because of her dominatrix mother, then I think any sane person can come to the conclusion that ICA was out of her mother's reach for 31 days. She could have reported the accident then, instead of monkey swinging from a pole like a "devil in a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress..."

I think the DT isn't going to say she was afraid of momma. IMO, they're gonna say she was afraid of GA because KC was there when he killed Caylee and he threatened her.

YUP. Baez made a big point of saying that there is a " Very compelling reason" for the 31 days and he will tell us during the trial.

What 'compelling' reason could there be?

Look at my theory above.

one more thing, i was a little offended when baden said that there's no mother of the year that exists. i know a few and i know there is plenty out there.

Don't they actually have a contest for that where a lot of people are considered for it?

All the evidence from OCSO should have been given to defense and released due to Sunshine laws by this time. Now, that's not to say that there could still be some evidence that is being held by the FBI. The feds do not have to release their evidence like the state. My question, to our attorneys is, can FBI evidence still be allowed in if it is released just before trial begins?

Also, OCSO may have been given evidence "verbally" from the FBI and wouldn't that be considered "work product?"

IIRC, the prosecution is allowed to withhold some evidence from the public.
There was a jailhouse video on the progam that I don't remember seeing. George is talking to casey and saying things like "I don't know, were we too overbearing?" and Casey is saying "no no no". Does anyone else remember seeing that visitation video?

I don't remember seeing the overbearing video - it was a surprise to me!


I hope they don't get one of those "She's not guilty because she doesn't look like she could do that to her child" idiots on the jury.

Is the prosecution allowed to use statements the A's have made to the media in court? :waitasec: If so it will be very, very interesting to see if CA and GA can keep their composure when confronted with all of their conflicting stories. I wonder if the TES tape will be allowed in court to show CA's character?
There was a jailhouse video on the progam that I don't remember seeing. George is talking to casey and saying things like "I don't know, were we too overbearing?" and Casey is saying "no no no". Does anyone else remember seeing that visitation video?

Vagely but remember bits
There was a jailhouse video on the progam that I don't remember seeing. George is talking to casey and saying things like "I don't know, were we too overbearing?" and Casey is saying "no no no". Does anyone else remember seeing that visitation video?

Yes, it's on You Tube, he is visiting her alone and he starts the conversation with 'Hello beautiful".... he is walking on eggshells the entire visit, afraid he'll say the wrong thing so he panders to her the whole time, which of course gets him a big fat zero.
I hope they don't get one of those "She's not guilty because she doesn't look like she could do that to her child" idiots on the jury.

Is the prosecution allowed to use statements the A's have made to the media in court? :waitasec: If so it will be very, very interesting to see if CA and GA can keep their composure when confronted with all of their conflicting stories. I wonder if the TES tape will be allowed in court to show CA's character?

On some other thread, I posted recently, that the prosecution should make a video tape showing all the different statements that CA and GA have made and run it all one statement after another on the video. Would certainly prove that they change their stories all the time.
Here is what I thought of the show: I cried every time a picture or video of Caylee was shown. I thought it wasn't as pro-defense as i thought it would be. I loved PB, I felt like she was Caylee's voice on this show. No matter what the mock jury was shown or said the main point is no one actually said they thought she didn't do it, just that they would convict on a lesser charge instead of 1st degree murder. Also, not sure if anyone else caught this, and I'm not sure exactly what was said but some point in the show when they were talking about the defense blaming george for the crime it was asked by the interviewer to LKB I believe, do you think George killed Caylee and someone correct me if I'm wrong but I swear she said something along the lines of we will have to wait and see what the evidence shows. Did I get that right? I remember thinking that is an odd way to answer that question.....
me thinks it will be a bus driving right at george after watching this evening.

Agreed. I also think there was a recent interview by CA. It was very short so they probably edited out 99.9% of the interview. It's easy to tell the general time frame due to Cindy's changing appearance (hair style, color, weight, etc). I would like to know how much the As got for this one.


I too was curious if the interview with CA wearing the pink shirt was new or not so to re-fresh my memory I watched the first 48 HRS show from Oct. '09-nope was not new, some of the A's interview shown in last night's show were not in the first show so by not new I mean the A's did not sit down and do a recent interview with CBS. Troy Roberts was not shown interviewing them, Maggie Rodriquez was not shown interviewing them in last night's show but she was, she was not shown because she did not host last night's show. I could not recall much from the first show 18 mos. ago but after watching it again I realized how much of the recent show was a repeat, some of the Pam Bondi interview, even parts of the narrative was the same with Troy Roberts speaking instead of Maggie Rodriguez! None of the videos or pictures of Caylee were new, they were shown in the first episode.
Yes, it's on You Tube, he is visiting her alone and he starts the conversation with 'Hello beautiful".... he is walking on eggshells the entire visit, afraid he'll say the wrong thing so he panders to her the whole time, which of course gets him a big fat zero.

I don't know about that. She is heard telling him "you were a great Dad" and a great grandfather. He got kudos in that conversation which would totally contradict what might be befalling him now.
I don't know about that. She is heard telling him "you were a great Dad" and a great grandfather. He got kudos in that conversation which would totally contradict what might be befalling him now.

That's true, but I think his real mission was to try and find out what happened to Caylee.
I don't know about that. She is heard telling him "you were a great Dad" and a great grandfather. He got kudos in that conversation which would totally contradict what might be befalling him now.

Funny she would use the word "were" past tense.

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