2011.04.28 Emergency Media Motion

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I have followed this case from day 1 and of course I am very much into it. But if this keeps going on and I don't pull myself away from it I'll be the one having the break down before Cindy!

Borderline personlities will suck every last blood droplet from you. She and her daughter are enmeshed and both are very capable of causing bad reactions in people. I personally have a very hard time with them. I stopped working mental health when I was assigned 14 Borderlines (female) on one ward....:banghead:
I took a keen interest in this case in 2008, by the time of the so-called funeral in which CA must have cremated an unknown child (she now says Caylee is alive)I threw my hands up, left this case, to save my life. Cindy A. raised my BP ( I am not kidding). I was imploding when I listened to her tapes. I took two years off from this case..just returned the last few weeks or so:banghead:

Nothing has changed.
I have worked with murderers, serial killers, drug offenders, thieves, sex offenders......BUT severe Borderline personalities are the worst of the worst...I kid you not!
Back to my research...I have a sneaky suspicion that this motion put up the other day was well-planned. If they are ACLU, we can expect them to take it to the Supreme Court..
Totally agree, the justice system needs to be revamped, the defendants have more rights than the victim.................

Respectfully disagreed. If KC doesn't get a FAIR trail, which is the "right" of every American citizen who stands accused, then Caylee will NOT see justice. It's that simple. So easy to forget, but such a great system that many people have fought for.
Even though I figured this would happen, I'm still pi$$ed. It's gonna take forever to even get to trial and even longer than that to carry out her sentence. I'm so frustrated I can hardly swallow! lol
I'm obviously hugely outnumbered here, but... I agree with Media on this one.
One of HHJP's reasons as to the need for secrecy was that the Jury site would be indundated with media... I didn't notice that the hearing yesterday was inundated with media, or any of the previous hearings, I have been watching every hearing since the initial bond hearing and there are just the usual local stations with InSessions from the national networks. Other than the NG show which has an audience which is obviously interested in crime matters I can't think of any national show (CBS,ABC)that hasn't been entirely slanted toward the defense. Sure there are bloggers who debate all the minutiae and the info has been online for anyone interested to peruse, but I bet the majority of Floridians are not on this site or similar as we all are.
The Atty for media yesterday saw a side of HHJP we have not seen before, angry, irritated that he was challenged on this ruling and very condescending to Ms Mercier. I have not seen him speak to the defense Attys in that way,the only other person who has got a sharp response from him was JA when he wanted to know where they were going for family reasons.
Let them appeal it and they will get an answer from someone who is not so heavily invested in the answer. I feel HHJP went down a notch in my estimation yesterday. He was not interested in anything Mercier had to say..
JMO of course.
I have my flak jacket and helmet on :innocent:
Glad to hear you come prepared Zsa, Zsa.

I believe the judges reasoning was that if if was released too soon, the pool could get tainted. He wanted the jury to not see or hear the local media and ATTORNEYS pleading the case on TV before the pool was selected in that particular district.
So far it looks like I am correct and that this law firm who motioned the Court is tied at the hip with the ACLU. Just had that suspicion when I saw the attorney who presented her case to Judge Perry.
Funny, I noticed that LambChop. I didn't miss too much despite the thousand and thousands of documents...LOL>

Whisperer, I had to do the same thing. Caylee's case was the reason I started lurking on WS and ultimately joined in. After her memorial I had to take a break because it was seriously affecting my personal life and I had a new baby at the time. I had to come back at times to read doc dumps etc and of course now because I want to see justice served for Caylee. This case is personal for me unlike any other I have followed. I want Caylee to have justice and I look at my little girl every day (who looks a lot like Caylee) and wonder how a mother could think of harming a hair on their little ones head. I want justice for Caylee!!!!! It will be a relief when this is said and done and justice is served but I will always remember Caylee because she sparked a fire in me, I will never forget her:)
The sooner the location is told,the sooner the media gets therre and to the exact people that may be selected for the jury. Judge Perry is correct. He is trying to hold them back for a few days. They will know soon enough but why start the circus before the jury even shows up to be selected? It is common kge that the media would descend upon the location and give 24hr coverage about casey. Would you want the case overturned because of this? At best, they would have to find another location and here we go again.

.....my personal take on this is that this is a Defense Team's Dream. I wonder how close Baez is with ACLU and their interception into certain cases. I put the ACLU in the same bed as I do Cindy Anthony...Grrrrrrrrrrr.
Baez put up such a fight about Orlando and caused all this and now people want to sabotage this too. She would have had her fair trial right there in Orlando. Baez is going to bankrupt Florida the way he is going.
Glad to hear you come prepared Zsa, Zsa.

I believe the judges reasoning was that if if was released too soon, the pool could get tainted. He wanted the jury to not see or hear the local media and ATTORNEYS pleading the case on TV before the pool was selected in that particular district.

I understand, but I don't see angry crowds of people at these hearings, all waiting for ICA to be convicted, i don't see members of the Orlando public pulling faces and grimacing for the camera,passing notes to the SA as to what they need to know- we see the same faces, BS andKB together, a few visiting Attys, the A family and friends and a few members of sites like this one. I chose to inundate myself in all the information about this case, but I just don't see that the whole area is awash in nothing but ICA publicity. She is not the leading article in the OS, there is a ICA section you can read anyday. She is not the leading article on the local TV stations although if interested you can find their ICA sections and docs released.
I seriously feel HHJP should ask the DT and the A's how much publicity in the forms of comments on TV and focused interviews they have generated for this case but apparently he does not feel the need...
I'm obviously hugely outnumbered here, but... I agree with Media on this one.
One of HHJP's reasons as to the need for secrecy was that the Jury site would be indundated with media... I didn't notice that the hearing yesterday was inundated with media, or any of the previous hearings, I have been watching every hearing since the initial bond hearing and there are just the usual local stations with InSessions from the national networks. Other than the NG show which has an audience which is obviously interested in crime matters I can't think of any national show (CBS,ABC)that hasn't been entirely slanted toward the defense. Sure there are bloggers who debate all the minutiae and the info has been online for anyone interested to peruse, but I bet the majority of Floridians are not on this site or similar as we all are.
The Atty for media yesterday saw a side of HHJP we have not seen before, angry, irritated that he was challenged on this ruling and very condescending to Ms Mercier. I have not seen him speak to the defense Attys in that way,the only other person who has got a sharp response from him was JA when he wanted to know where they were going for family reasons.
Let them appeal it and they will get an answer from someone who is not so heavily invested in the answer. I feel HHJP went down a notch in my estimation yesterday. He was not interested in anything Mercier had to say..
JMO of course.
I have my flak jacket and helmet on :innocent:

You've made some good points ZsaZsa - but I don't think CJBP is at all concerned with media privilege - all he is doing is closing every possible door leading to the Defense trotting off to the appellate court once ICA's sentence has been pronounced. That's what CJBP cares about. The law and preserving it.
Respectfully disagreed. If KC doesn't get a FAIR trail, which is the "right" of every American citizen who stands accused, then Caylee will NOT see justice. It's that simple. So easy to forget, but such a great system that many people have fought for.

I think everyone wants to see KC to get a fair trial. I am not understanding what seems to be games. Maybe they are called strategies. IDK. It is very frustrating when we have all been waiting so long for little Caylee to get her justice.
The sooner the location is told,the sooner the media gets therre and to the exact people that may be selected for the jury. Judge Perry is correct. He is trying to hold them back for a few days. They will know soon enough but why start the circus before the jury even shows up to be selected? It is common kge that the media would descend upon the location and give 24hr coverage about casey. Would you want the case overturned because of this? At best, they would have to find another location and here we go again.

.....my personal take on this is that this is a Defense Team's Dream. I wonder how close Baez is with ACLU and their interception into certain cases. I put the ACLU in the same bed as I do Cindy Anthony...Grrrrrrrrrrr.

I agree it's a DT dream, but they are still out there giving interviews, drawing attention to the case as it approaches Jury selection. If they demand secrecy then the least they could do is keep a low profile for a couple of weeks. They are the ones inundating the public with the information at this stage.
You've made some good points ZsaZsa - but I don't think CJBP is at all concerned with media privilege - all he is doing is closing every possible door leading to the Defense trotting off to the appellate court once ICA's sentence has been pronounced. That's what CJBP cares about. The law and preserving it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. That's exactly what he is doing and doing it wisely IMO.
You've made some good points ZsaZsa - but I don't think CJBP is at all concerned with media privilege - all he is doing is closing every possible door leading to the Defense trotting off to the appellate court once ICA's sentence has been pronounced. That's what CJBP cares about. The law and preserving it.

I know, but 'media privilege' means getting the information that we have a right to know without censorship. It's going to become a battle of wills.
Not directed to you at all, but since AZ says it's a foregone conclusion there will be an appeal I am a tad tired of hearing about what measures must be taken to avoid the chance of appeal. As long as she is stuck in her miserable cell while it happens then so be it. She's not going anywhere...
Far worse criminals than ICA, with extreme emotional impact on the local community are tried routinely in their home areas and manage to get fair trials everyday.
I'm obviously hugely outnumbered here, but... I agree with Media on this one.
One of HHJP's reasons as to the need for secrecy was that the Jury site would be indundated with media... I didn't notice that the hearing yesterday was inundated with media, or any of the previous hearings, I have been watching every hearing since the initial bond hearing and there are just the usual local stations with InSessions from the national networks. Other than the NG show which has an audience which is obviously interested in crime matters I can't think of any national show (CBS,ABC)that hasn't been entirely slanted toward the defense. Sure there are bloggers who debate all the minutiae and the info has been online for anyone interested to peruse, but I bet the majority of Floridians are not on this site or similar as we all are.
The Atty for media yesterday saw a side of HHJP we have not seen before, angry, irritated that he was challenged on this ruling and very condescending to Ms Mercier. I have not seen him speak to the defense Attys in that way,the only other person who has got a sharp response from him was JA when he wanted to know where they were going for family reasons.
Let them appeal it and they will get an answer from someone who is not so heavily invested in the answer. I feel HHJP went down a notch in my estimation yesterday. He was not interested in anything Mercier had to say..
JMO of course.
I have my flak jacket and helmet on :innocent:

I think the problem here with the media was when he went to WPB the media were out interviewing people on the street about the case. If everyone knows where the jury is coming from they'd all be out there talking to potential jurors. The judge did not say I won't tell you, he said I will tell you once you sign this confidential agreement. Many signed it. The judge has the right to protect the integrity of the trial. If they have issues they can object but trying to deliberately interfer with the start of a trial is wrong. They knew this was coming for months and not a word from these media attorneys. All of a sudden it's an issue. That is why the judge was so mad. They knew it was coming and they waited until the very last minute to disrupt the trial. They should be ashamed of themselves. Judge Perry had a right to be ripping. jmo
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