2011.05.05 Verdict Watch (day 2)

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Who was it that made some sort of formula about deliberations in a felony case..Vinnie P. or someone else..But maybe someone will remember..Its like 1 hour for every day of testimony...once it goes past that...then you are looking at hung jury...something like that?..Anyone recall?? Right now we are at 12 hours or there abouts...
Interesting how they aren't showing us the courtroom now.
Have to speculate some more.. maybe those list of questions for the judge are for them and questions about who they can and can't talk to and any restrictions after they leave, and although this is cheesy someone may have asked how long until they can publish a book..who knows.. They said the judge wasn't in there so it makes me think they are talking to him?
Someone could've had some bad mexican food @ lunch...just sayin'

It's Cinco de Mayo. They ate lunch. Things move through. AND, if you were paying attention to the M.E. testimony <cough> food would be hitting the intestines/colon about now. But no worries...all food will be digested by the time they get home from court.
I'm still here. Nothing new to report. BC back out. Still very casual although I sense they're close. Not sure why else they'd break so early as I don't think they will want to deliberate for 3 straight hours to close the day.

Did you see the jurors avoiding the Rentz's and the state? Someone else reported that on twitter.
This may be extremely inappropriate, but you are a very nice looking man, Art, if that is you. Someone else will have to answer your question, I don't have that answer.

My guess is the username is a Seinfeld reference.
While we wait, let's celebrate Cinco de Mayo together. Keep in mind the meaning:
Cinco means FIVE
de Mayo means SHOTS OF TEQUILA

Interesting how they aren't showing us the courtroom now.
Have to speculate some more.. maybe those list of questions for the judge are for them and questions about who they can and can't talk to and any restrictions after they leave, and although this is cheesy someone may have asked how long until they can publish a book..who knows.. They said the judge wasn't in there so it makes me think they are talking to him?

I don't think the judge would speak to them w/o the lawyers present.
#coopertrial jury back. No BC. no verdict yet. It was just handing envelope in to go to break. I confirmed with BZ outside.

I think they have to turn in that 'verdict' envelope for every break, and get it back upon return.
With all of our intense conversations in here and such a split G versus NG, I would not be surprised if they are having some issues getting along in there. Maybe that is the problem. Gosh, I need to stop drinking coffee.. it is not helping my nerves.

Yes, it's hard to tell about a jury as usual -- but this one seemed fairly jolly before deliberations -- sometimes when they were out, we could hear them laughing from the jury room -- and they were certainly getting to know each other. They brought food in, celebrated at least one juror's birthday, just a seemingly happy little band of merry men & women. :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

Did that all go away?

Are we gonna have to cancel our summer vacations???!!!
While we wait, let's celebrate Cinco de Mayo together. Keep in mind the meaning:
Cinco means FIVE
de Mayo means SHOTS OF TEQUILA


That sure would 'cheer up' our afternoon :great: .
Interesting how they aren't showing us the courtroom now.
Have to speculate some more.. maybe those list of questions for the judge are for them and questions about who they can and can't talk to and any restrictions after they leave, and although this is cheesy someone may have asked how long until they can publish a book..who knows.. They said the judge wasn't in there so it makes me think they are talking to him?

I dont believe the presiding judge is allowed to speak with the jurors alone. Think there is some judical law about that..as could be seen as coerrsive??..Maybe some lawyer here could clearify that.TYIA..I recall A Reno Nevda Judge getting in deep do do for doing that...Halverson rings a bell there for me:waitasec:

Kind of a surreal time for family and friends during a trial and verdict. Probably the most difficult time is after the trial and verdict then their life without their loved one begins.

While all this is going on they have a reason and a focus. After the trial is more difficult. I remember reading something like this with Laci Peterson's mom and in other cases.
Is McDreamy in the courtroom? No one has reported on this today. Enquiring minds and all that jazz...
Someone in the courtroom tweeted at 3:20 that the jurors were coming back to the courtroom.
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