2011.05.09 - Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day One)

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Thanks for bringing LKB up-remember when she said this?

After conducting new, cutting-edge tests, prosecutors say they found high levels of chloroform in the car trunk, which may prove there was decomposition there.

"...quite frankly, if this judge lets this high chloroform in as indicative of body decomposition...this case gets reversed," Kenney Baden says. "This is such junkyard science. It's beyond junk."


She's saying ICA is going to get convicted! :great:

my underline your bold. What the duece? I don't think anyone is representing chloroform as indicative of decomp - rather what lead to the presence of decomp
Heyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I'm 5'0!!!! :floorlaugh:

No, they were trying to make it a law in Florida that anyone under 5'0 would have to sit in booster seats while traveling in a car... I about died when I heard about it! Can you imagine being 32-years-old and having to sit in a booster seat?? I know the law was geared towards child safety, but where does that leave all of us short people that are adults? I know for a fact that I will be shrinking when I get a little older. It happens to all the women in my family. :floorlaugh:

lol Im 4'11 (not considered a little person) before I had my son I was 85 pounds. people always teased me saying I needed to be in a booster seat :floorlaugh: husband and I bought a new car and when I sat down the airbag light didnt light up we thought it was broken...nope I just didnt weigh enough :floorlaugh:
Of course now I after having my son Im a little over 100 pounds so no need to be in a booster:crazy::floorlaugh: :rolling:

and yes my car looks like its driving it self..
and from the front all you see is knuckles :floorlaugh:
Surprise, Surprise!


That sweater looks like it could have been one of Cindy's.... large and something a 50+ yo woman would wear.


It's def too big so now she looks kinda flat vs all those way too tight blouses that made her look like (poor) Anna Nicole!
I dont think the conviction is actually debatable-jmo. I think the defense is a juggernaut...they want an appeal based upon their handling of it. In my humble opinion. I think HHJP sees that one coming as does SA.
Surprised to see she changed her hair style.....in a bun. Mistake. She looks more severe and imate like.
Couple of questions if someone can help me out. I was wondering if there is an online radio feed that I might use. I wouldn't be able to get away with streaming video here but could stream audio.

Also with ICA crying, one thing I noticed at the last hearing is that it was like CM started rubbing her back and then intensified it until she started to bawl. I am wondering if he is not 'feeding' her signs when it is time to show some emotions. Was he 'touching' her when she started to cry today? Just a curious question :)

Thanks for posting about the live feed, it's a great way for me to keep up or try to!

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6452037#post6452037"]Back to the live thread...[/ame]
lol Im 4'11 (not considered a little person) before I had my son I was 85 pounds. people always teased me saying I needed to be in a booster seat :floorlaugh: husband and I bought a new car and when I sat down the airbag light didnt light up we thought it was broken...nope I just didnt weigh enough :floorlaugh:
Of course now I after having my son Im a little over 100 pounds so no need to be in a booster:crazy::floorlaugh: :rolling:

and yes my car looks like its driving it self..
and from the front all you see is knuckles :floorlaugh:

one of these day's I'll tell you why I chose my nickname - all about being 5'1 and being compared to someone smaller - by my then 3 yr old son. "You're not little mama! You're my ...(see my name above)!
Looks like court is just about to be back in session.

Here is the link to the [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=135601"]JS real time thread[/ame].

Hope everyone had a chance to finish lunch! Gather your stuff and move on over, please.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6452037#post6452037"]Magic tunnel to live thread here...[/ame] Locking up the Sidebar for clean-up and dinner preparations...
Question....once InSession stops covering this (at 3pm eastern time) does anyone know where else I can watch it?
Uh, 'Beach, you linked to a single post. I had to find this thread the hard way! LOL
If this has been asked and answered before, sorry, but I'm moving back and forth from my computer to the flat screen in living room, Has anyone see the A's yet???
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