2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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HHJP: will let JB do another depo, maybe have to via video

JB trying to argue Judge saying he can take his depo - JB wants to know how he can be impeached
JB: we did and his response was: let me read the question and answer..

HHJP: mr baez I am saying you can question him about the compounds.

JB: he can say whatever he likes and we cannot impeach him because we do not have the study. where is this verified? how can I show my experts. taking his depo is great we will certainly get more information...
OMG, I'm having a hard time with Baez right now. Seriously. Does he just not get it?
Ashton doesn't understand. He wants this new evidence in court, he has to provide everything to the judge so he can decide if it is good evidence.
That isn't true, if I'm not misreading this.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6454639&postcount=1592"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Questions for Our VERIFIED Lawyers #2[/ame]
AZlawyer said:
The defense did not want the information from the State, because the State did not have it. They wanted the information from (IIRC) the FBI, which owns the database.

Yes, to get this information the DT would need to get a subpoena from HHJP and then file it with the court in the proper jurisdiction. I see what you meant by litigation now--if there is an objection, that would be litigated in the other court.

The prosecution is not hiding this evidence. The prosecution does not have it. Neither does the defense. I'm not sure what you mean by rights of audience, but the SA would have no greater ability to obtain those documents than the defense, because the FBI is claiming intellectual property rights and refusing to release them.

I said early on that if I were the SA I would have done the out-of-state subpoena myself and obtained that database (if possible) to avoid any appellate issues due to the DT's incompetence in not obtaining it. But it certainly was not the SA's job to do this.
I love it when JB says to the judge....'let me explain it' like the judge doesn't get it. LOL Rookie rookie rookie.
I think word is getting out among the potential jurors how easy it is to get dismissed from this case...all you have to do is either say you have already formed your opinion, or say that you would be unable to meet your bills.

I don't blame anyone who would not want to serve on a 2-month (estimated) trial, having to live in a hotel, in another city. I am more suprised by those who are willing to do it, to be honest.
Marsh vs. Value (pure opinion case) - Judge is citing it.
Ashton's body language is priceless. Can't do screencaps, but he is sitting while Baez is blathering on with his head held in his left hand like "sheesh!!"
Judge: Mr. Baez, you look like you have something to say

JB: Didn't want to interrupt you mid sentence, Judge

Judge: I wouldn't advise it
Oh, I know how you feel!!!

Just think of that talkative dismissed potential juror who had the flappin' lips....he/she better get outta town for a few day, lay low.

The taxpayers are not going to appreciate two full days being a 'total waste' cuz of him/her.

He will most likely get a COC charge on him. This is so dispicable.
HHJP already has one of those little smiles on his face, which means he is several paces ahead of JB and knwos exactly which case to cite to prove it, but will let JB waffle on anyway.
Ms Sims has expertise in Science - right? Why isn't she speaking to this?
Short update please? Had job interview and then got STUCK on the phone with my ex sister in law.

Number of jurors not excused and are we in Round 2 yet???

All 50 jurors have been excused because they were found to be tainted. New jury pool will be brought in tomorrow morning, and they will work on Saturday, if need be. They are now 1-3 days behind because of the tainted jury.
*wonders if Joy Wray or another Anthony friend did some jury tainting this morning*

You know, it doesn't have to be Baez that did this. Two Anthony's are conspicuously absent and have friends. Hmmm...

Maybe that was the plan all along? Make a big show of Casey not wanting to see her parents so they could get up to bad things while jury selection was going on? I wouldn't be surprised in the least.
Wasnt the study JB is talking about published back in 2008??? Isnt that what Judge Perry said in his ruling????

Yikes..JB is such a poor loser..He wants everybody to do his work for him..Geesh:banghead:
OH my gosh please tell me someone just got a screen capture of JA!!!!
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