2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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HHJP: this has to be a typo. post mortum hair banding. dr. vass did not testify about hair banding. this deal with his opinion and I did not leap to a conclusion. As you pointed out there were certain things.

miss fry: dr vass was basing his opinion on his research. I don't answer questions but I will indulge you on this one. he said the can smelled like a decomposing body. as stropopulous said: human being through out time have known the smell of decompostion. all human being have sight, smell and taste...house wives can smell when meat decays. the good dr can open a can and say he smelled that odor before. just like other folks.

lady: this is related to research and the findings he has found in this case. we ask for a hearing...related to his novel research and his conclusions. two elements for frye are lacking. lack of impartial testimony second no finding of reliability in dr. vass...

HHJP: you have my order?

just a moment.

HHJP: yes.
This has to be a typo....... HHJP

OMG.....they filed a motion about Dr. Vass dealing with hair banding.

OMG is it!
JB should borrow a neuron from CM then he'd at least have two to think with...
I think this is the kind of stuff ICA is probably writing down in preparation for her malpractice suit after this trial is over.
Didn't Judge Perry already DENY the request for re-hearing a little while ago? And now she is asking again? :waitasec:
i honestly don't understand how they expect people NOT to talk about it....it would be so natural to touch on the one thing you all have in common as you sit there. its almost like they should sequester the jurors from each other as well the outside world.
Turn to page 21 and read...

maybe that will give you some guidance.

I am about to pizz my pants.
I hope HHJP eats this chick alive.
HHJP turn to page 221 of the order, read berry vs. cxxx transportation. maybe that will give you some guidance.

I am familiar with that case. different factors. it says there were several experts that played into the findings of the court. (she speaks too quickly).

here as far as independent articles go there was simply one.
KC was obviously distressed...


Hey - I'd be upset if I found out 50 prospective jurors were sitting around waiting for their turn talking about how guilty they think I am ......:great:

:great: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Yep ...

:waitasec: ... or ... do you think she is "unhappy" about her little "spat" with JB ? ?
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