2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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I am STILL yukking it up at HHJP saying you can have your scientific expert - ah - Ms Simms - question Dr. Vass......

Yup - and we know how that goes.....:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
...Insession just replayed the "did you hear anything in the jury room" Ann Finnell was MORTIFIED and clearly upset - Baez, smirky smirky - like "see, I told ya..."
So the people from yesterday are okay, right? It's just the people from today that were sent home? So they can still get a jury, just not with the people from today?

What's the matter ICA? Did you think the trial would just fall apart and you'd be let go? Lord have mercy, the sniveling is just too much.

ETA - Anyone besides me thinking that AF is just blocking the camera on purpose?
This was not good for the defense
way too much to have to explain away or blame on someone else
insession just played a recap of the jury being released and when the lawyers were called to the bench, JB smiled BIG TIME right in the camera as he stood up. it was quite the smirk/smile.
Judge is now talking with the jury clerk, probably trying to figure out who the juror was, so that they can have him/her charged.

What? Been out...short version is fine. I'll hunt for the video when it's posted this afternoon.
I know exactly what Casey is doing. She did this same thing with her parents. She is playing them against each other. Right now, Jose is George and Cheney is Cindy.
and they had Linda KB before that...and she was present Via skype for that Depo, iirc.

And have you read her depo questioning of Dr Vass? She certainly didn't seem like an expert. She was trying to lead him into answering the way she wanted but he was miles ahead of her.
Anyone wanna bet that DCS sent AF over to block ICA from the camera view based on comments by us NLIBs?
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