2011.05.14 - Sidebar Thread (Juror Selection Day Six)

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ICA leaving at the end of the day


Thanks to patty.

No video up yet of the last incident with her and Baez - unless patty captured it then it will probably not go up as wftv does not always put up video of her re entering the courtroom after every recess.
They are going to have a heck of a time proving that KC was intimidated by men, if that's what they're thinking. Shoot, all she did was hang out with men. mo
I followed this case a lot when it first broke. I've been away for a while now and I am confused about one thing. I remember that LA was excluded from being Caylee's father but there was no mention (way back when) about GA. Has he also been excluded?

I'm glad you asked that question. NG, JVM and I think InSession are all saying that GA has been excluded. I also know that LA was excluded, but I can't remember seeing any documentation that GA was excluded.
There was hint today that iCA wouldn't be getting on the stand to testify in her own defense. Did anyone catch that?

JMO- But every trial I have EVER watched or followed, the DT always implies this beforehand but it never comes to fruition. It's part of the circus. They want the potential jurors and audience to believe the defendant WANTS desperately to get up and explain...........but then it fizzle and never happens.

This is now the fourth trial of this magnitude where I've heard this promoted BEFOREHAND and yet, I've never seen it happen.

Just sayin'
Thanks for that, although there didn't seem to be anyone in there, I guess I'm doing something wrong. You'd think a chat about these last 5 days would be standing room only!

it's been 6 days,hasn't it?

I am to tired to keep up with chat. Brain cells are drained.
ICA leaving at the end of the day


Thanks to patty.

No video up yet of the last incident with her and Baez - unless patty captured it then it will probably not go up as wftv does not always put up video of her re entering the courtroom after every recess.
Note how she talks "at" people, not "to" them. She spouts something without making eye contact and then does it again. Wrings her hands. Spews out something else without engaging in "conversation"...

I'm exhausted and I didn't even watch on TV. Glad there are 12 jurors now, but I wonder what the defense will *try* now that the trial is so close. Defense is pathetic, IMHO
I can barely see straight - and must take my poor pups out again. This is me gone for at least a couple of hours or maybe the night. Five hours of sleep for six days in a row - my head is feeling busted.
Quoting this post again, to put to bed this myth again. :sigh: again.
George is NOT the father of Caylee, read below.

See the thread here 2010.07.19 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109739&page=29 post #715 ... Read below for text:

from ‘joypath’

“Scientifically it is IMPOSSIBLE for George ANTHONY to be the biological spermatozoa donor that created Caylee Marie Anthony. The DNA profile has over 6 individual singlet loci that George did NOT contribute! This rumor needs to be 86’d forever even without specific documentation, MANY WS’ers with scientific backgrounds mapped out the DNA profiles (GA/Jessie/Caylee/Lee/Casey/even, Cindy!) released from the discovery process as soon as they were available to satisfy curiosity, ahem, scientific inquiry~”

and ... here #717

“When the loci don’t exist, there’s no need for a formal “paternity” test report! DNA is the essence of the nuclear material of the specific cell vs just a “something” that identifies “who’s ya daddy or mommy”, the reasoning behind performing DNA testing of all members of the co-habitants of the home Caylee shared was exclusionary, similar to that of comparative fingerprinting. Specifically performing comparison/mapping/”paternity” testing with and to Caylee’s and Lee’s DNA exemplars was by legal request for discovery purposes to be utilized within the trial IF NEEDED to demonstrate perhaps that “all bases were covered” since the accused DID testify to Jessie Grund that LA had been “familiar” (slightly paraphrased by me)
FYI: The defense DOES have a proclaimed stellar expert witness or two in the field of DNA : Henry C. Lee, Ph. D. and Lawrence Kobilinsky, Ph. D (if he’s still playing on the team) and both of these gentlemen are more than capable of creating a grid page, even without a computer program!”

and .... here #726


I’ll take a “crack” at the you tube lady! She’s got some edges of truth: yep, 46 genetic pieces of code, 23 from each donor, not quite in her bead designation but.... She’s right when she declared she was “horribly simplified” and oh so horribly wrong when she proved her incest theory with the orange beads! IF Caylee Marie Anthony were the product of an incestuous relationship, this itty bitty detail would have raised all types of red flags (to quote the infamous Cindy) during the paternity testing protocol of Jessie Grund-Caylee Marie Anthony -Casey Marie Anthony. Yep, the testing would have to be performed by an licensed laboratory with a licensed M. D. as the medical director and oops, guess what, IIRC was Casey underage when she conceived thus it would be a reportable offense~(IF not underage, not sure WHAT Fl law might be so.....) but on the scientific side....the laboratory would be doing a lot of retesting and asking for NEW fresh samples to confirm results!
Okay back to You Tube lady: She’s advocating that one listen and respond to an individual with incest issues, to which I SAY YES! And then she becomes the Oracle of Delphi on pedophilia, with an incorrect dash of DNA mapping, then extrapolates her expertise into all types of behaviors a la Anthony.

Can’t find my full schematic panel but here’s a “quickie” from a brief overview of a doc dump:
Loci A Loci B Loci C Loci D

CAYLEE: 12 28 11 13

George 14 30 12 12

Bio Sperm: 12 28 11 13

That’s just 4 loci that I quickly grabbed, there are a significant number that r/o George.

Read below for detailed analysis from The Hinky Meter;

I don't know if I can agree with strategy y'know. Remember how she was at the hearings, tugging at JB sleeve, and constantly asking CM questions - these two are constantly up and what can be more important than jury selection? Those two have to pay attention and I think they are really stressed and don't want to/can't put up with her constant demands for attention. Plus HHJP would never stand for it.

I think she was put between the two women so she cannot not flirt with the men. She is constantly flirting, touching, etc when the men are around. She has no use for women. Using the sex abuse defense does not change her behavior and it does not even enter her mind that her behavior should change because she accuses her father and brother of sexual abuse. She just goes on - business as usual - and why are they mad at me for saying they abused me - don't they know this will get me out of prison????
I don't think the possibility of a guilty verdict even comes into her mind except when the judge talks about it and that makes her mad!
I can barely see straight - and must take my poor pups out again. This is me gone for at least a couple of hours or maybe the night. Five hours of sleep for six days in a row - my head is feeling busted.

I am so glad someone caught the video with the very end of the hearing. I see what appears to be kc complaining and gesturing and all of her Atty's do not engage her in ongoing conversation (from my interpretation).
Note how she talks "at" people, not "to" them. She spouts something without making eye contact and then does it again. Wrings her hands. Spews out something else without engaging in "conversation"...


I'm noticing this too. There's so many things about her and her personality, that even if you are to take out the murder part, she is just obnoxious. The hand thing is driving me mad. I just can't wrap my brain around it. Wringing, cracking, rubbing, bending, more rubbing, rinse lather repeat.

Also, she mixes it up a bit by grabbing each wrist. :banghead: She's so irritating.

I bet she did none of this before all this happened. This is a distraction thing for her......she's awkward in her own skin and really has no idea how to just sit and be still. Even when she does, you get the sense it's forced.

AND- chewing on her nails. I've seen that too. GROSS. She's a mess, this one.
I wouldn't dream of putting her on the stand if I were them. The poo storm that would open up for the defense is almost immeasurable with her being so trustworthy and all...

Oh, but we can hope, can't we - what a show that would be!!!!
Note how she talks "at" people, not "to" them. She spouts something without making eye contact and then does it again. Wrings her hands. Spews out something else without engaging in "conversation"...


WFTV part 15 shows ICA entering the court after the last recess.
It shows the displeasure ICA has with Baez
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