2011.05.17 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Eight)

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Hi long time lurker checking in.

I'm curious, ever since the jury selection has began I get feeling less and less like I can face watching this. I mean some of the people are struck out of whim (I know that's what the strikes are for), I'm sure they have their reasons, like not getting to the magic number 12. :innocent: However it is some like the woman they kept on because of race that said she couldn't make the death penalty decision the prosecution tried to strike. Why is that person on?? Or did I miss and they managed to get rid of her? It was so early how could they cry race when they had no idea if the next 6 chosen would be Hispanic or AA.

I feel more and more what we have down her is a legal system not a justice system. My heart cries out for justice for Caylee but what chance does she have?

I've followed since day 31 and the reason I follow a bit today wan I've been off sick. Yesterday I couldn't bring myself to watch. Does anyone else feel this way? I mean I've got to the point of despair in what is right happening compared to what is legal happening. For example the state was over ruled when the defense said "there may be no crime" excuse me, a child is dead, if only due to neglect and that is a crime!! We are having a trial for a dead baby, there was a crime. OK they may be able to bend time travel trough a wormhole to another universe where Casey didn't do it, but someone is responsible for that babies death!

Sorry about the tirade, it's just I cringe at even following the forums right now. Anyone else like me out there and can anyone convince me there is justice in this somewhere?
Welcome glewis, and to all our new posters! I've noticed several folks coming out of lurkdom in the past few days, and we are soooo very happy that you have joined us! Looking forward to your insights and participation!

:welcome: :welcome5: :welcome:
Coast Guard guy is still in. Who knows why the lady got dismissed, when they strike they don't have to give grounds or reasoning.
...and the lady who was originally from NJ, had family in LE (sorry...that's when I fell asleep)...who struck her State or DT?
Alrighty then - I've had a bad case of RL intruding here today. I've managed to tag along here and there and have the updates on the jury situation. BUT what was the deal with ICA's little hissy fit? A short recap if you would. TIA
Hi long time lurker checking in.

I'm curious, ever since the jury selection has began I get feeling less and less like I can face watching this. I mean some of the people are struck out of whim (I know that's what the strikes are for), I'm sure they have their reasons, like not getting to the magic number 12. :innocent: However it is some like the woman they kept on because of race that said she couldn't make the death penalty decision the prosecution tried to strike. Why is that person on?? Or did I miss and they managed to get rid of her? It was so early how could they cry race when they had no idea if the next 6 chosen would be Hispanic or AA.

I feel more and more what we have down her is a legal system not a justice system. My heart cries out for justice for Caylee but what chance does she have?

I've followed since day 31 and the reason I follow a bit today wan I've been off sick. Yesterday I couldn't bring myself to watch. Does anyone else feel this way? I mean I've got to the point of despair in what is right happening compared to what is legal happening. For example the state was over ruled when the defense said "there may be no crime" excuse me, a child is dead, if only due to neglect and that is a crime!! We are having a trial for a dead baby, there was a crime. OK they may be able to bend time travel trough a wormhole to another universe where Casey didn't do it, but someone is responsible for that babies death!

Sorry about the tirade, it's just I cringe at even following the forums right now. Anyone else like me out there and can anyone convince me there is justice in this somewhere?

well I don't understand the strike for race either since Justice is blind it is of my opinion that race/sex/gender shouldn't really be a factor. That is just my opinion...yeah strike if they find something about not able to understand lets say high school level thought process, strike if they are totally against DP, strike if they lied on the questionnaire
Based on the notes in unexcused thread - here is what tomorrow morning will look like HHJP said 5 in the AM the first number he said was 3283? I have not found that one yet. Maybe he transposed the numbers? Here is the rest from 2-5:

#38 #3310 - Male - no hrdshp; no financial, family or medical concerns; only medical is blood pressure meds; no upcoming plans; will be pd by work
IN - ASKED BACK Running total - 55

#39 #3025 - Female - will be pd for 30 days by work & offer up whatever vacation time she needs; very much wants "to do the right thing"; has 3 dogs - needs to board
HELD - Asked to call boarder and see about discount in boarding and report back

#40 - #3016 - Male - no hrdshp; no financial, family, medical hrdshp; is a teacher, has 3 weeks left; under public school contract will be pd and retain job security; 2 dogs w/ neighbor to watch
IN - ASKED BACK Running Total - 56

#41 #3317 - Female - no hrdshp, financial hrdshp, will not be pd by work; would rely on one parent - other parent unemp - lives with parents; HHJP instructs to inquire with temp agency she works for about having a position for her when done; St. Pete College - not in session for next 2 months; had fun stuff for summer planned - cruise, nothing prepaid; very young and articulate girl!
IN - ASKED BACK Running Total - 57
I think they asked about John Grisham books because he wrote a NF book about a guy on death row who ended up innocent and the onnocence project took on his case he was eventually let out of prison.
I've read a lot of John Grisham novels-if it's The Chamber, you're referring to, no, he doesn't get let out of Death Row, he gets fried(gassed?)! He was a head Klansman.
Pi tech- I feel that way at times too. I would say the worst time for me was when TES was searching that weekend in November and then called off the search. I felt hopeless that Caylee would never be found. And then..... She was! The chances of that happening were so low. And yet, it happened. Justice is coming. It is. We just can't give up yet!
Lera213 I don't know when you put that pix on your avatar, but I cracked up when I seen that on the other thread.

Had B-Day dinner with son and his wife tonight so I missed the last hour. Still at 11 jurrors I see. Waht happen when ICA and company had closed door/side door meeting?
The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind fine.

Can't remember who to attribute this to, but have faith folks! Tomorrow will be a jury of 12.
I've read a lot of John Grisham novels-if it's The Chamber, you're referring to, no, he doesn't get let out of Death Row, he gets fried! He was a head Klansman.

I believe this is the nonfiction title being referred to:

I've read a lot of John Grisham novels-if it's The Chamber, you're referring to, no, he doesn't get let out of Death Row, he gets fried! He was a head Klansman.
That might be it. I just remember he had a low IQ?? I think it was called the innocent man.
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