2011.05.17 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Eight)

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I like to believe that everything happens for a reason, but I also think that can sound insulting.

If you think something like that, then you are saying to people who have lost someone in a terrible way: oh, that happened for a reason! KWIM? But, you wonder if it can bring people comfort to know there really WAS a reason for the awful thing to have happened?

I don't even mean this in the way that people say: "God" knows what he is doing. I don't mean it religiously. I mean there has to be reasons all things happen and a reason they happen the way they do, if you know what I mean?

What is it I want? I want that people like Casey, who hurt people without remorse-to be stopped.

Ah, how can I expect that following the trial of a mother for the murder of her two and a half year old would be anything other than...

what is the word for this? :dunno: Emotional. :tyou: to everyone for being here and to everyone who is following this case because they are upset about what happened to Caylee Marie. And thank you to fellow Websleuthers who are so brave to share their stories of pain and loss, that give us hope.

I've been on and off today, but from what I've seen, I don't see how anyone can look at ICA, and the way she's acted in court today, and not see guilty! She does not look like someone who's even remotely innocent. Sitting there laughing etc....when she's on trial for the murder of her sweet daughter!
As a long-time lurker allow me to finally attempt to thank you all for your knowledge, wit and logic. All commenters here have become "friends" in my small world.

In 2008 my husband who relied on me to keep him updated with news (mostly political) never seemed to show any true interest in what I thought were my "brilliant" analyses. However, in the summer of 2008 after recently moving to Volusia County in Florida (slightly east of Orange) he developed an truly uncharateristic obsession with this case.

In November, I had to have him admitted to the hospital with an unknown illness. After 41 years of marriage I know now I was in denial about how sick he really was. Soon after being moved to ICU, I lost my husband of 41 years. Lived in a fog for quite a while after this. It was much later that my daughter reminded me that the day he died was the same day Caylee's remains were discovered. She is convinced that it was due to my husband's intervention.

For me at that time this WS site became my couseling group and in many ways kept me moving on. For that, I have to thank each and everyone of you.

Thanks again and I do believe justice will be served.

HELLO:hug:flgrandma and WELCOME to the family:grouphug:!!
I don't like juror 1391 AT ALL. I don't believe her that she can't judge anyone--everyone makes judgments about people all day long whether they realize it or not. I don't believe her religion is a factor--not that I'm saying her religion doesn't preclude her from judging others (that's pretty much a tenet of every religion I'm aware of) I just don't believe her answers. My gut is she wanted on this jury for her own reasons which we'll figure out when all is said and done & I have very good gut instincts. Hate to say it, but me thinks she's the holdout juror. Waste, huge waste.

I didn't hear her speak so I can't tell whether or not I believe her. She may have heard a sermon on the very subject, here is the bible quote:

Matt. 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

LDB's objections were perfect and they had nothing to do with race. I really feel JBP should have let this juror go. This is a DP case so if she feels she can't even judge someone, which is the basis of our legal system, then she could never vote for death either.

I don't understand JBP's reasoning on this one.

I completely agree with LDB that this woman will hang the jury through no fault of her own. She told them up front about her religious beliefs.
I'm just getting online today, but scanned the news to try to get updated. From what I've read, 6 jurors have been eliminated this morning through state and defense strikes. The AA juror has been retained and is on the jury. Is there any updated information about her? Do we know how old she is? Married, single, divorced, widowed? Any children or grandchildren? It would be easier to get somewhat of a handle on her if we know a little more about her background.

We don't have that info. The attorneys do from the questionnaire but thanks to JA's impulsiveness, we know next to nothing.

I notice he did not take the lead in voir dire after that day. And the state spent much more time on PT's they knew they would want to strike. Lesson learned. Hope for Caylee's sake that it's not too hard a lesson.
Hi guys just thought I whould add my two pence (OK you Americans, two cents :D) to the discussion over the Batson challenge to the DT's Peremptory challenge.

The starting point is to be remember that a Batson challenge is very rarely granted. So much so that Gitana has never heard of one being granted. Now there are a few reported cases of Batson challenges being granted at first instance (such as Rivera v. Illinois (Slip Op. 556 U.S. ___) (Case No 07-9995)), however, as I understand such challenges if granted are usually granted at first instance. So although a Batson challenge was granted to the Defense earlier on (perhaps the judge was trying to avoid appelate issues if there is a conviction) it doesn't mean we should expect these to be granted in abundance (if again at all).

Secondly, I think the court has to be careful about evaluating the whole gender based Batson challenge. Obviously this is a case where parties and indeed the media and interested public feel that having the Jury composed primarily of one gender or another could benefit a particular party. However, we will be here all day if everytime the SA seeks to strike a male juror the DT object and everytime the DT strikes a female juror the SA raises a Batson issue. It would be absurd and would effectively limit the DT to striking males and the SA striking females which was never the intention of Batson.
I feel like I am all alone on a island here.

I agree this jury selection is boring and frustrating. I just think this is real life, and real life is messy, not all neat and wrapped up and tied in a bow.

I agree HHJP is being lenient on the Defense. IMO, there are many reasons.
The DT represent the defendant, this is a DP case, and that means the defendant's life is on the line. Erring on the side of caution, like it or not, means giving the DT more leeway than the Pros.
The Pros. are agents of the state of Florida. In some ways, the Judge is also a representative of the state of Florida. IMO, he has to tread carefully to avoid appearance of bias. It might be a little bit different if these attorneys were public defenders, but even though ICA was declared indigent, all of these people are still private attorneys.

Our economy is not good. There has been a lot of talk about how much money Fl. has to keep their judicial system up and running. I completely understand why HHJP is wanting to run a tight schedule here. IMO, seating the best jury on the planet isn't going to do any good if there is no money left over to hold the trial. The DT has delayed this trial for almost 3 years already. One of the first things HHJP did when he took over was to try and move the trial date up, but no, that would interfere with some ex-DT's child's graduation. (Ironic, considering how blaise the DT is about what the PJ's have to sacrifice.)

I don't want to write a book, so I'll wrap up by saying I'm not surprised this is taking longer than expected, and I don't know HHJP or what goes through his head, but IMO, by making the statements and pushing for this to wrap up in a week, it may not (it didn't) but that sets the bar, and IMO will keep this from dragging on for 3 months.
Okay guys, courtroom loading up.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136479"]JS Thread Express Service[/ame]
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136479"]We're back! Magic tunnel to the Afternoon Thread![/ame]
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136479"]Hurry and catch the Express flight![/ame]

Locking up now.
I think they asked about John Grisham books because he wrote a NF book about a guy on death row who ended up innocent and the onnocence project took on his case he was eventually let out of prison.
So we're obviously stuck at 11...gee what a surprise. Can someone please tell me how many strikes each side has left?
dang, I don't eat chicken or drink beer..*goes to sit in the corner*
SOTS, did you happen to catch a shot of the guy sitting behind LDB next to JL this evening? Looked an awful like LA.
I wonder if what happened with the DT having to consult after the last PJ, could it be that they found something out about another juror and the DT told Casey either this one we strike or that one, and that just blew for ICA
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