2011.05.19 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Ten)

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I have a question for all of our non-US posters. Has listening to the PJs during voir dire changed your opinion about "typical Americans?" Do the answers they have given jibe with the prevailing zeitgeist in your country or culture?

Okay, had to look up zeitgeist as not a commonly used word here :)

Depends on your definition of typical - what you see as typical or how the rest of the world sees the "typical America"?

If you count those excused for hardships then yes I do thinks its a fairly well balanced cross section of society, although I didn't see any society types.

I'm not sure you can compare the answers the jurors are giving with those of Australians as we don't have the death penalty - although I will say there are some who would like to see it brought back but those people are generally thought to be a rabid minority.

I'm not speaking for all Aussies just the ones in my social circle.
So, if he brings in another panel and had to read the charges that's an hour. Then we still have how many to question? Then hardships and starting with the new 30 and then he thinks he's going to swear the jury in at 2:30-3pm tomorrow? And we have 1 1/2 hour lunch breaks? What happened to yesterday's rant about if he brought in 2000 the DT would want to question them and this process could go on forever?
I think Hizhonor is hoping that another 3 or 4 will take care of bidness. I can see this working with 3 alts, and he has the court room until Saturday evening. :)

Anyone have a link showing her walking out of the courtroom for lunch? I'd like to see the interaction between her and JB. Thanks in advance.
omg i really am getting tired of the talking heads. All of the focus on the rights of the accused.
Caylee, Caylee, Caylee! Its about her, right?? Hers is the life that was snuffed out. im a little bummed about the process. sorry for my rant.
At least ng puts her first no matter how people feel about her.
Bit O/T but just saw the ticker that Minnie and Mickey Mouse were arrested out in front of Disney. Can you believe this? Not sure which Disney it is tho'. What's the world coming to?
"Hits over air in da bear cooler"


"It's over there in the beer cooler"

...and around here it's Trudi Alley... If you want to go to Joe's house "Ya gotta go trudi alley" (through the alley).

Here's a cool link on a dialect survey that was conducted by Harvard (Havahd) serveral years ago - the results are fascinating and it has a cool map that shows the distribution of certain pronunciations and phrases.

Ok I'm back. I enhanced my calm. It appears my issue is with my internet provider. I seem to be able to get video on my iPad using the 3G connection. I was so mad earlier this am.

Any word in swearing them in?
I agree with the poster who mentioned the constant breaks and 90 minute lunches. What on Earth is he THINKING? Seriously, HHJP needs to get this done. I don't understand why he's not pushing this through quickly.
It's so the court reporter can rest her fingers. The "comfort" breaks don't bother me in the least.

The 90 minute lunches are a too much though.
I'm from the UK and visited Florida in 2009. I immediately fell in love with Americans. So polite and welcoming. I don't know what a typical American is but the people we met were lovely. I love the lingo when y'all say y'all and little things like that. When a waitress says good morning mam, I LOVE IT! And I could not believe how every single person says your welcome whenever someone says thank you. I would pack up and move in a heartbeat if I could. Maybe it was the Disney vibe and everyone is so happy, I don't know but I can't wait to go back next year.

We also let you slide into traffic when we're at a stop. If you're ever in Florida and someone doesn't allow you to squeeze into traffic... they are from somewhere else (I won't say where... don't want to offend anyone). :floorlaugh:
I think Hizhonor is hoping that another 3 or 4 will take care of bidness. I can see this working with 3 alts, and he has the court room until Saturday evening. :)

Then why bring in another new panel of 30 and go through all that? There are still like 5 or 6 left to question out of this batch and it appears the new strategy is to let them all in and then strike them............
Was it verified that Nancy Grace was really in attendance today??? Would love to know if any eye contact was made between Grace and ICA!
I have a question for all of our non-US posters. Has listening to the PJs during voir dire changed your opinion about "typical Americans?" Do the answers they have given jibe with the prevailing zeitgeist in your country or culture?

Love that you asked this! I am American but this process has been enlightening for my British hubby...his perception of Americans had already changed through meeting me, family and friends but it has really opened his eyes to the differences in our justice systems. And he now follows along on WS too. :great: We both yell at our laptop in our respective accents when certain, ahem, interested parties pose questions to the jurors.

He was guffawed by Facebook dude and not wanna judge lady...but then so was I!

I think some Brits still expect every American to have a NY accent like Joey from friends....most folks think I'm Canadian. (No offense meant to Brits - I love 'em! :angel:)
till 1:30

and I'm off to Radio Shack to get a thingy:great:

I hope that they have the "thingy" you are looking for. My experience is that they have a huge supply of thingy's and almost never run out.
Thing one and thing two are especially popular.
I'm from the UK and visited Florida in 2009. I immediately fell in love with Americans. So polite and welcoming. I don't know what a typical American is but the people we met were lovely. I love the lingo when y'all say y'all and little things like that. When a waitress says good morning mam, I LOVE IT! And I could not believe how every single person says your welcome whenever someone says thank you. I would pack up and move in a heartbeat if I could. Maybe it was the Disney vibe and everyone is so happy, I don't know but I can't wait to go back next year.

Its not just the Disney vibe... I experienced the same great people in Tampa, Clearwater, Miami and the Keys. I could go on for hours about my great experiences with the fine people of Florida!

I also didn't see the level of homeless people we have in vancouver, although maybe they deal with those folks differently there.
lol I think we've all caught the madness!

I can't wait for video of this exchange!

Yeknomaras..............I love your signature picture! Do you have the original large version of that picture? I failed to copy it when I first saw it. :)
Ok I'm back. I enhanced my calm. It appears my issue is with my internet provider. I seem to be able to get video on my iPad using the 3G connection. I was so mad earlier this am.

Any word in swearing them in?

2:30 tomorrow with transport happening on Sunday! :woohoo:
Ok I'm back. I enhanced my calm. It appears my issue is with my internet provider. I seem to be able to get video on my iPad using the 3G connection. I was so mad earlier this am.

Any word in swearing them in?

Hopefully 3 p.m. tomorrow. All in Courtroom by 2:30, swear in at 3:00.
I am feeling some relief after yesterdays escapades, whatever they were. My company is to arrive from Clearwater in about and hour and we just had a flood downstairs from a pipe breaking upstairs. Oh well rather deal with that then go through yesterday again. KC looks angry today. I say good.
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