2011.05.20 Jury Selection DAY ELEVEN (Afternoon Session)

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Don't get too excited about this PJ, the state has info on her record from my memory.
PJ says hubby asked a bunch of questions but she didn't think she was allowed to tell him anything so she told him she can't speak with him about anything. Hubby had to give up tv as well since she told him it can't be on around her. Very cute!
Well I'm thinking the SA might strike Casey's 25 yr. old mind melt guy, I would :)

OT - If my dog keeps eyeballin my patty melt sammich and making me feel guilty, I'm going to hold her in contempt!

OH yummy, pass one over here please................
I do hope that the SA brings up you can't do an AMBER alert after 31 days and w/o having tag/info on suspect. GA has been going off on this since the beginning.......and don't want defense *tainting* with that!
Mrs. Sleuther Ashton
Mrs. SOTS Ashton
Mrs. Sleuther ON Ashton Dropped the maiden name of "the side"
ya'll, I am supposed to be at the school picking up my son..

I just sent him a text msg, telling him ill be 5 or 10 minutes late..

shame on me, but thank the stars he is 13 and said he would help in the school office until I get there...

i got to leave this house in 3 minutes....cmon, lets get this jury sworn in......

by yall see yall in a bit

I'd go now, if you're quick you won't miss anything. They will have a resess before the swearing starts.
This lady is lying and wants on the jury. Her husband is a huge news junkie and watches the news constantly but he never mentioned this huge case?? And she never heard much??? I just don't believe that. I hope she is stricken.
I would think this is a good thing? :waitasec: I would WANT to go second....why would he not want to go second?

My guess is he either dislikes his thunder being stolen (lol) or doesn't want the PJs thinking the SA is smarter than he is. I just see a pre-teen saying "Hey, I was gonna say that!" and pouting. ;)
I just don't get it. Why all the happiness and chuckling?? On the part of JB and the PJ?
HHJP: 4123 okay, are you 4123? Heeded not to watch news?


HHJP: have you heeded talking about it with folks?


HHJP: has anything changed?


HHJP: internet?


HHJP: social media?


HHJP: have you heard anything about the case since 2008 until now?

yes I had

HHJP: kindly tell us.

I recall there was a little girl who was missing and a body was found and they had accused the mother. that is pretty much all that comes to mind.

HHJP: Cindy or George A?

no your honor.

HHJP: where you get your news from?

husband is addicted to bay news nine.

HHJP: any photos?

just of the little girl that was missing and of the mom.

HHJP: the photos of the mom or the child what did they depict?

a photo of a little girl with her hand up and a split screne of the mom

HHJP: been around others who have opinions?


HHJP: what did you hear them say?

mostly what I heard my friends knew I was coming to this case, they gave me advise on how to get out of it.

HHJP: anything else you learned from the news media?

I learned more about it yesterday when you read the indictments.

HHJP: as a result of what you have heard, any opinions?

In all honesty no, I am very open to hearing evidence and proof. You said they are innocent until proven guilty.

HHJP: if you are selected, you will be asked to lay aside news accounts and what others have said and only on the evidence? hesitation?

no, I would look forward to serving.

HHJP: presuption of innocence?


HHJP: she does not have to testify, prob?

no your honor

HHJP: state

MG: you mentioned they had told you how to get out. do you recall talking to them before that while this case was still going on when you were seeing news on it.

Honestly no.

MG: you had indicated your husband is addicted to bay news nine, do you watch?

a bit of news on AOL.

MG: any local?


MG: today show?

not in years?


did not know Geraldo was still on

MG: 48 hours?


MG: you mentioned you go online, any news sites?

not usually. I'll catch on AOL a few pages with sports or tv but not news on AOL.

MG: any other news sites while online?


MG: read newspaper?

no stopped a year ago, st peters burg times on a daily basis.

MG: do you recall ever reading any articles about this case?

In honestly I am sure I did but nothing comes to mind.

MG: blog?

I have a facebook

MG: post jury duty on wall?

yes. I told them I cannot talk about it. they just asked what case i got. I responded back can't talk. xoxoxo

MG: any thing more specific?

no sir.

MG: since 2008 have you been in Orlando?

no sir

MG: come across local media?


JB: you husband is a bay news nine junkie and you are not?

I am not, if he has that one we are out doing other things?

JB: how has it been that he does not know but he knows.

We went to dinner and the radio came on and I turned it off and this morning he could not watch tv.

JB: did you share with your experience?

I didn't think I was allowed to, but I didn't talk about it.

(oh what does this have to do with...) ?

I can be firm and tell him I can not talk about it.

JB: we have little doubt in that. you have read articles maybe in st pete times?

nothing comes to my mind only the search was on and the amber alert and things, back then did I look for an amber alert. not something that stayed in my mind.

JB: you said the media has not affected your opinion?

I don't always believe the media, as a personal experience...(IMHO: Jose got her to talk.... :pullhair:

She is talking about the media and the ratings. What you get is not always what has happened.

JB: I have no more questions but more later on.

What? Why more from Jose? When, Why? AGGGGG.

HHJP: is giving horse before the horse ( ha ha I meant CART, cart it is- the horse before the cart... :doh: Too bad I haven't heard that enough to remember how it goes? ) and I am going to rest my hands for the swearing in that I HOPE is going to happen TODAY.
horse just walked by....... eating a banana (amish buggy he was pushing earlier he tells me fell in tampa bay)
This juror seems just a bit too perfect. JMHO
Here we go with the horse & cart or as like I call it the Bass Ackwards questions
We do our best to PM for egregious or repeated violations Blue, but when the threads are moving this fast we don't always have time. If you notice a post missing & really don't know why, feel free to PM a mod! :blowkiss:

Ok thanks.
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