2011.05.26 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Three (Morning Session)

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In my heart of hearts this is what happened. She had Post-P Depression.....got pregnant unexpectedly, "allegedly" the father died in an accident, she wanted to give baby up for adoption or abort, Cindy said NO. Cindy harped and harped on her re taking care of Caylee (rightfully so but didn't see the s/sx of post-p depression and get her help). Numerous fights/anxiety ensued with family, felt everyone forgot about her and loved caylee more than her from her ex-boyfriend to family.....grew to completely resent caylee and had a family fight for the "last time" w/ threats of taking away caylee from her and she snapped.....and killed caylee....this way to get back at Cindy and alleviate her "burden" from keeping her from having fun like her friends. I don't think Caylee died by drowning...I personally think ica snapped and it was a long time coming.....does she deserve the death penalty? Honestly, I do not know.....the Bible says an "eye for an eye" however only God can truely judge but what she did is just completely unforgiveable. She should at the very least be spade and sent to prison for life so she can never have another child or harm another child.


~most respectfully snipped to save bw space and bbm~

On January 26th 1970, my mother stabbed herself in her chest with a steak knife and died. She suffered from what we now know is PPP.

I have one brother and 3 sisters. We were lucky, some teensy part of the person she was remained. She spared our lives. To save space I'm trying to keep this post short, so I won't get into the details. We now know after the birth of her first child; my sister my mother sufferered from PPD. Then, I came along and the symptoms worsened. By the time she had her 5th and last child she suffered from full blown PPP.

I'm sort of an armchair advocate for education regarding these illnesses, for obvious reasons. I followed the Andrea Yates case from beginning to end.

The defendant never suffered from PPD, never. The defendant is not mentally ill. The defendant was never sexually abused. She meets the criteria IMO for many personality disorders. This board is filled with opinions, observations, etc...regarding the defendants behavior, some of the opinions were offered by RN's.

thank you for sharing.....
I think the jury has a good idea that whatever is at her parent's home she considered her own. That duct tape is not something that would be under lock and key-- super easy to use, and return, imo.

Just wait until they get a load of Amy-- the defendant has no boundaries whatsoever.

Except she did even return the gas cans without being proded.
I have to share with you guys. After watching everything and anything on this case and of course being here my hubby thought I (and all of you..lol) was nuts. Yesterday I had the trial on and went to tell him something and he told me ssshhhhhhhhh he wanted to hear the testimony..lol..he is now hooked. I guess we all aren't so crazy after all.

That's so funny- I have been so into this case and tried really hard not to bother the guys I work with about it as my boyfriend already had to put me on a "don't talk about KC to me" edict, then Monday rolls around and the guys I share an office with ask me what I'm listening to and I give them a little rundown. I had 3 guys all watching the trial and gasping all afternoon lol.

Lol and my boyfriend just texted me "So I listened to the opening arguments..." haha! Amazing, it's just too hard to turn away from all this crazy.
I have a hard time believing CA can only answer with yes or no's. MOO...But she just can't do it.

I am really curious about the possibility Casey learned to lie from her Cindy. We shall see if she gets called to the stand. George seems to tell the truth imo.
They're saying on IS that it may seem funny now as to why would Casey need a shovel from the neighbor when GA said he had several and she could have used them. I say it's not strange at all. If you're gonna use something like that in a crime why would you use one from home. That's the FIRST place police look. You'd want to get it from elsewhere.

Not only that, but regardless, she borrowed a shovel. Either to dig up bamboo shoots, or to bury her child.

Sure, the defense could say "why would she borrow a shovel to bury Caylee when there were shovels in the shed?", but then the state could easily point out that she wouldn't need to borrow a shovel to dig up shoots, either.

Not sure if that has been mentioned yet, but it's been on my mind today.
Dear Friends: I am stepping back for a bit b/c I have become so emotionally invested in this that it is affecting my health (have been sick for several weeks.) I just want the truth to be revealed, and will continue to pray for that. Whether or not the truth is revealed by the end of this trial, is ultimately out of my hands. However, I am confident in HHJP's superintending, and the SA in getting to the truth. Regardless of the outcome, there is One who will eventually Judge, I am certain of that. Regards to all.
I have to share with you guys. After watching everything and anything on this case and of course being here my hubby thought I (and all of you..lol) was nuts. Yesterday I had the trial on and went to tell him something and he told me ssshhhhhhhhh he wanted to hear the testimony..lol..he is now hooked. I guess we all aren't so crazy after all.

Oh, I'm crazy....lol. I'm still in my pajamas and its 1pm here. I also have a SUPER messy house surrounding me.
I think Cindy will surprise us, like George did. I don't think she and George would even be sitting on the same side of the room if they were in disagreement about testimony. They appear to be supporting each other thru this. I do think Cindy's testimony will be even more emotional than George's. I think they finally decided to do the right thing by Caylee.

As someone else said before, the state must have warned them what was coming because they didn't act surprised at the allegations. Hopefully that was the final straw with them in regarding to supporting Casey.

I hope you are right, but Cindy could very well be doign her own thing and not following GA's lead. I am sure the claim was shocking to them but Cindy could have convinced herself that JB MADE KC use that defense.

anyone know where I can see a vid of ricardos' testimony? I missed the whole thing. Did he diss her very much?
Not only that, but regardless, she borrowed a shovel. Either to dig up bamboo shoots, or to bury her child.

Sure, the defense could say "why would she borrow a shovel to bury Caylee when there were shovels in the shed?", but then the state could easily point out that she wouldn't need to borrow a shovel to dig up shoots, either.

Not sure if that has been mentioned yet, but it's been on my mind today.

Wasn't there a lock on the shed? I know TL broke it, but it might have been easy for TOny to break but not for KC.
Caylee still pays the bills if they sold that exclusive video that N. Grace had on.

Yep and did you catch it when NG said something along the lines of -wondering how many times George and Cindy watched the video ? She told us where she got it from.
I hope you are right, but Cindy could very well be doign her own thing and not following GA's lead. I am sure the claim was shocking to them but Cindy could have convinced herself that JB MADE KC use that defense.


I would NOT be shocked at all. Zero shock or even an eyebrow raise from me.
I think the jury has a good idea that whatever is at her parent's home she considered her own. That duct tape is not something that would be under lock and key-- super easy to use, and return, imo.

Just wait until they get a load of Amy-- the defendant has no boundaries whatsoever.

And remember TL questioned KC about breaking into the shed and if she was sure it would be okay and KC's reponse was everything was fine -- it was her shed. (may not be an exact quote).

There's that sense of entitlement -- no contribution to the household.

I wonder if there are any victims of sexual abuse on the jury, if so they will detest George. JB has really managed to dirty up this case. His big mistake was saying Kronk had possession of Caylee's body, nobody's gonna believe that one. But the abuse?
Sounds very plausible.
Went out for my allergy shot and made a couple of other quick stops. Looks like afternoon session hasn't started yet.
OMG -- my 21 yr old son used to view me crazy and now he asked to be woke up for trial too. If he has to miss testimony (for school) he texts often and that is first thing he asks about when he gets home.

PERRY TIME - has become a game in our house. He even pulled a fast one on his GF yesterday and texted her: "I will pick you up at 20 minutes after the hour of two." So now, we no longer tell time 'informally'!!!!!!!!

Yep, my fiancee is doing this too now...he texts me from work and can watch there when it's slow. Almost stood me up last night! Never thought he would be interested.
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