2011.05.26 TRIAL Day Three (Afternoon Session)

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Uh JB give me a break. MILs are filed all the time during trial.
OMG ... JA based on conduct of certain counsel, we'll put it in writing! SLAP DOWN!
state says it is going to file a motion to prohibit questions that ellicit heresay
I love that JA is ready to deal with all his matters NOW rather than later. Let's get on with it!
Good Grief - Baez is asking if something is being filed in a timely manner!!! LOL!!!
JB in disbelief: "A motion in limine in the middle of a trial? You're past your deadline."

JA "The motion is based on behavior of the defense."
Oh good lord Mr. Mason.
"This old bird doesn't want to work on Monday"........hmm....you want your client to sit an EXTRA day in jail when she is innocent? GMAFB
Defense wants mistrial - they know they're screwed. They are desperate!

What I find so pitiful is that they are wearing their belief in her guilt on their sleeves! It's SO obvious they know there isn't a snowball's chance she'll walk. The only thing that worries me is them pulling something to guarantee another trial, or another jury - like witness or jury tampering.

I really don't put anything past them, once they get through all their other options that will be shot down by the judge, they are going to start playing really dirty - that's my opinion.
Orange County gov. has cleared opening the courthouse on Monday. Sheriff's office has budget issues. CM doesn't want to work on Monday. (Figures). LDB says it will depend on whether they can get their witnesses as they are law enforcement.
Defense opening statement (paraphrased): she was molested from childhood, learned to carry on as if nothing was wrong, desensitized to trauma, lying and acting "normal" became second nature to her. This assertion was impressed on the jury by the infamous/shocking sentence in DT opening.

Given the above, every witness for the State who has testified as to her appearing "normal", happy etc.. every witness who has testified to her lying about something (job, daughter whereabouts, future living conditions) ... all of this testimony (90% of the testimony so far) does nothing to contradict the DT assertion and in fact supports it.

The State had obviously intended to provide a multitude of witnesses to testify that she appeared unaffected by her daughter's death, but the DT shot a hole in that boat before the first witnesses were called. Same with the 31 days, its lost its relevance unless the State can can remove any reasonable doubt from the DT assertion(s) - and that won't be a trivial matter. IMO, there is a difference between no detectable change in behavior whatsoever (what we've heard to date), and small hints of something amiss. The former tends to support the DT story (conditioned to compartmentalize via trauma).

Aside from the effect of the testimony re: her disposition and behavior (neutral at best without anything else) the rest of the testimony from these particular witnesses thus far has additionally elicited that: no one could smell anything like decomp from the trunk, that (for the most part) she was at an attentive and/or loving mother, she was a light drinker, and she kept her relationship with her parents (and brother) as far away as possible from her friends/love interests both in the character of those relationships and the overlap. "Ever met her parents?", "No".

This is the State's case in chief, but its helping build the case for the defense, perhaps moreso than the State's...at least so far.

I disagree. First of all the defense did nothing to prove she was ever sexually abused. Just because Baez said it does not make it true. And I think the state may have upcoming testimony and evidence to refute that. [ Cindy, Lee AND her own jailhouse videos and the letters, where she says she MIGHT have a weird memory but she thinks it might just be a dream.]

Besides, even IF she were a victim of incest, that does not mean she would have no reaction to her child's death. Baez tried to make that seem like a true thing, that the jury should accept. Yet we are hearing testimony from her friends that she had lots of emotions during that time and was not 'disassociating' from certain events. She had very animated reactions to many things and seemed very reactive.

I think the state is doing a good job building the foundation for their assertions. They are showing us, day by day, where her interest and focus was. She was living the young, fun party life. Going out at night, at the mall during the day. I think this is vital to understanding her life.

They cannot 'fall' for the DT's bogus story and then fail to build their own case.
Two things:

1. It's remarkable how central to this case George Anthony has become.

2. The defense motion about "lack of remorse" was predictable and doomed. Obvious though, Casey's demeanor during this period does manifest an almost astonishing absence of emotion about what happened to her daughter. As much as I had read before, it still struck me as staggering.
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