2011.05.28 Cindy Anthony testimony

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I thought KC stole from her grannie a month or so back. Not a few days before June 15th.
Has anyone read Levi's page today? Yikes!!

Cindy Anthony: Grandmother of year? **** No!


I find it very strange that people are suddenly gushing with sympathy over Cindy Anthony, and ready to portray her as grandmother of the year, just because she shed tears on the stand when she testified in court yesterday.

More at link --


I feel VERY sympathetic to CA. This woman obviously (at least to me), adored both her daughter and her grand-daughter. To have to get up there on the witness stand and tell the truth, knowing that your words could very well be the thing that literally hammers the nail into your only daughter's coffin? You bet I feel sympathy for ANY mother put in that position. I ABSOLUTELY do.
JMO...but I don't think that CA and ICA ever had "the fight" described by ICA to some...I think that they probably had "words" and maybe CA told ICA that she was an unfit mother since she was a thief...and ICA figured that she would SHOW her!!!
To me the reason she told people that her mom almost choked her...was to give a reason why she was NOT at home!
always a little bit of truth in ICA stories but always worked to make her out to be a victim/heroine!
I feel VERY sympathetic to CA. This woman obviously (at least to me), adored both her daughter and her grand-daughter. To have to get up there on the witness stand and tell the truth, knowing that your words could very well be the thing that literally hammers the nail into your only daughter's coffin? You bet I feel sympathy for ANY mother put in that position. I ABSOLUTELY do.

That's why I said Yikes. Talk about kicking a person when they're down. Pretty unusual for Levi -- I've followed him for quite sometime.


I agree. I think I remember something about the neighbor saying it was around this time but not giving a specific date. When did Casey steal from her grannie? Anyone remember?

Casey stole from her Grandma AND Grandpa Plesea.

With Grandma P it was "to buy" cake for Caylee's 2nd bday

With Grandpa P she stole money from his assisted living account in late March or early April 2008
That's why I said Yikes. Talk about kicking a person when they're down. Pretty unusual for Levi -- I've followed him for quite sometime.



I hear ya. I don't know why some people feel the need to kick this woman in the gut at every turn. It's almost like she can't win no matter what she does.

There but for the grace of God...

Casey came home around 7:30. They supposedly watched that video after Cindy and Caylee got out of the pool. Looking at ACandyRose's timeline, Casey was on the phone or texting continuously from the time she got home until after 11:00 p.m. How could they have watched the video?


Casey probably watched the video while texting ("yeah mom, nice video, mmmm hmmmm").
CA stated that she started sleeping with a teddy bear and a few days leter the bear disappeared. ICA uploaded the image of the teddy bear hanging from a noose on July 8th shortly after CA made the myspace page.
I feel VERY sympathetic to CA. This woman obviously (at least to me), adored both her daughter and her grand-daughter. To have to get up there on the witness stand and tell the truth, knowing that your words could very well be the thing that literally hammers the nail into your only daughter's coffin? You bet I feel sympathy for ANY mother put in that position. I ABSOLUTELY do.

I agree. I was one of the ones that was always on CA's case in the beginning with how she acted. After hearing her talk about all the lies that Casey told her I was completely blown away by the lies ICA told her. When she was talking about how Casey would tell her that Caylee had a play date, that she'd go to the mall, and how she became friends with Juliette and involved with Jeff I could totally understand why she would believe some of that stuff. It's not out of the average normal for someone to have play dates with a friends kid or for as young mom to get into a relationship with a single father. I think Cindy and George were in major denial and that they needed something BIG to change their mind on her. Her turning on her family & throwing ALL of them under the bus is what it took for them to realize that Casey harmed their grand-daughter.
Casey stole from her Grandma AND Grandpa Plesea.

With Grandma P it was "to buy" cake for Caylee's 2nd bday

With Grandpa P she stole money from his assisted living account in late March or early April 2008

Then why were they supposedly fighting about this on June 15th? Because Cindy saw her mother and she reminded her of it. Cindy's mom must have told her way before June 15th of KC stealing from her. Or did she wait and tell her then?
CA stated that she started sleeping with a teddy bear and a few days leter the bear disappeared. ICA uploaded the image of the teddy bear hanging from a noose on July 8th shortly after CA made the myspace page.


ICA is scary, scary, SCARY!

Then why were they supposedly fighting about this on June 15th? Because Cindy saw her mother and she reminded her of it. Cindy's mom must have told her way before June 15th of KC stealing from her. Or did she wait and tell her then?

I believe the last one...from grandpa's account was just recently found out. They didn't notice the money missing right away. I believe that Shirley had said, she pays bills and such and looks at it like once a month or something like that.
I believe the last one...from grandpa's account was just recently found out. They didn't notice the money missing right away. I believe that Shirley had said, she pays bills and such and looks at it like once a month or something like that.

KC said she needed the money for a new phone and Universal was going to reimburse her...LOL...from her make believe job.
Then why were they supposedly fighting about this on June 15th? Because Cindy saw her mother and she reminded her of it. Cindy's mom must have told her way before June 15th of KC stealing from her. Or did she wait and tell her then?

I don't remember..the "Why" there supposedly was a fight, that is up for speculation and it is speculated in the Fight Threads Part 1 and 2..

Theories ranged from arguing over money to arguing over Casey not being home a lot, going out more and more..

If you go the this Sub Forum http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=233&order=desc&page=2

There are many threads of interest such as the Fight Threads and this one, but there are others...
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70811"]Seeking Key Info 6/10-6/14 for New Leads - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I believe the last one...from grandpa's account was just recently found out. They didn't notice the money missing right away. I believe that Shirley had said, she pays bills and such and looks at it like once a month or something like that.

I think so,
I think they found out in late April early May of 2008 that Casey stole the money from that account.
I remember Shirley saying she didn't know how Casey was able to withdraw money from that account, even she(shirley) could not withdraw money from that account that it was only to pay for the assisted liviing expenses.
I can only blame Casey, I can't blame Cindy because I don't know what it would be like to have a crazy daughter kill my grandbaby and if she did I don't know how I would act. George and Cindy are off the hook now. Don't you think?
Has anyone read Levi's page today? Yikes!!

Cindy Anthony: Grandmother of year? **** No!


I find it very strange that people are suddenly gushing with sympathy over Cindy Anthony, and ready to portray her as grandmother of the year, just because she shed tears on the stand when she testified in court yesterday.

More at link --


I love Levi's show but on this I totally disagree. It was quite a bit more vicious than it needed to be. What is past is past, what counts now is that they so far, are telling the truth.
That's why I said Yikes. Talk about kicking a person when they're down. Pretty unusual for Levi -- I've followed him for quite sometime.



Has anyone read Levi's page today? Yikes!!

Cindy Anthony: Grandmother of year? **** No!


I find it very strange that people are suddenly gushing with sympathy over Cindy Anthony, and ready to portray her as grandmother of the year, just because she shed tears on the stand when she testified in court yesterday.

More at link --


I agree with him. Let's wait til the trials over and we've seen all of their testimony. CA's story about watching the DVD is :rolleyes: IMO

CA stated that she started sleeping with a teddy bear and a few days leter the bear disappeared. ICA uploaded the image of the teddy bear hanging from a noose on July 8th shortly after CA made the myspace page.

Do you have a link for that? I've never heard that before.
I can't wait to find out how JB is going to explain to the jury why ICA needed a babysitter for an already dead child on June 16th. Is he going to try to suggest that CA is lying about the phone calls from ICA that night? What reason for her lying would he give...to cover for GA? So now we have 4 people in on this cover up? Or is he going to suggest that ICA's sexual abuse somehow made her believe Caylee was still alive? I mean, seriously, how is he going to address this?

Well if he uses the phone pings which show a call to cindy very soon after George called Casey after he arrived at work , Baez can say it was part of the cover up plan george set up after Casey asked him to help her hide the accidental drowning.

That george told Casey to call him mom and ask her to babysit.

That george told her to stay away from the house. And they made the nanny up together,along time ago.
CA stated that she started sleeping with a teddy bear and a few days leter the bear disappeared. ICA uploaded the image of the teddy bear hanging from a noose on July 8th shortly after CA made the myspace page.

One disturbed cookie. The mother has reality issues. I would be fearful of her daughter.

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