2011.05.28 Cindy Anthony testimony

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Did CA testify that she, in fact, removed the pool ladder away from the pool after she and Caylee were done swimming and ICA took Caylee inside for her shower?

The defense, in their opening statement said that CA told her boss/co-worker that someone was swimming in their pool because the she saw that the ladder was up to the pool.

I'm confused.
Thank you!

Both are true but for different dates. CA told SA that on June 15th, after they were done swimming, she took the ladder down.

She told some of her co-workers (I can't remember the exact date but I think it was June 17 or 18) that someone had been swimming in their pool because they had found the ladder up and the gate open.

oooh that makes a lot of since and this fits into what I have always thought. Since you mentioned that 2 hour time gap of she did whatever she did to Caylee then this is what I think may have happened. I think that since Casey could not find a babysitter she decided to chloroform Caylee to put her to sleep. As for the tape over Caylee's mouth I think that it was used to keep Caylee quiet if she woke up and started crying. IMO a two year old child would wake up and start crying if they were placed in the trunk because they would be scared. This would also fit in with what the state said because the duct tape is what killed her = murder weapon.

ITA with this theory AND the time slot.
She also managed to get in that KC helped George in the yard. In a Juror's mind,this statement might account for Casey borrowing the shovel. I feel for Cindy as she has been through a lot. However, I am concerned she was a very cooperative witness in order to seem credible to the Jury. She will try to help KC during cross examination.

I was almost aboard the CA train and decided to go back and look at all of her videos. I believe your last sentence will ring true. I think that CA is still CA and ICA is still ICA. As for GA, he's still GA and I think that both parents will still do whatever it takes to save their evil spawn. Nuff said!:maddening:

Casey came home around 7:30. They supposedly watched that video after Cindy and Caylee got out of the pool. Looking at ACandyRose's timeline, Casey was on the phone or texting continuously from the time she got home until after 11:00 p.m. How could they have watched the video?


She was using her phone the whole evening of the 15th??
Cindy made it sound as though they had really spent a lot of time viewing the videos after Casey did whatever to make them viewable on the computer...and then the time they spent crying together...
Cindy testified today that she did speak with Casey on the 16th. and her plans were to stay over at the nanny's with Caylee because she had to work late and be there again early. George has said that is what she told him also. The big elephant in the room for me is what did she plan on doing with Caylee? We know her real plans were to stay with Tony. Tony did not allow Caylee for sleepovers. With what we know I can't think of any other explanation than Casey using chloroform, duct tape and the trunk as a baby sitter.

YEP! I agree, I've felt this way for a VERY long time!
I just don't believe for one second Cindy's description of KC at home as mild mannered, sweet, helpful, and compassionate. I don't believe her account of June 15th when she says KC lovingly gets Caylee out of the pool and was so happy to see them having a great time. Then they share a special and emotional moment regarding the grandfather, just another lie IMO. Cindy exagerates the care that KC gave Caylee. She credits KC for purchasing the items to baby proof the house. Sounded like more fluff and I was wondering with what money??

Cindy messed up when she claimed Caylee slept in KC's room every night but, when she was talking about the teddy bear while Caylee was missing, Cindy states she herself was the one cuddling with Caylee every night. She immediately realized her mistake and threw KC in the bed with them. It was an obvious lie. IMO

I have to agree.
I did find Cindy was truthful most of the time during her testimony but when she described what you posted above I was Hinky and IMO she was still trying to paint ICA as mother of the year.

Read the great post by BJB below..
Cindy arrives home around 2:50pm and Casey comes home around 7:30pm
ICA goes on a texting extravaganza between7:06 and 9:26pm with TL and Amy .so when did she take Caylee and go and give her a bath and get ready for bed
IMO Cindy was the one who bathed and got Caylee ready for bed. IMO

For anyone interested here is a link to the thread where June 15th is discussed
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70637"]Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83435"]Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2
For reference the "Details Emerge Casey/Cindy Fight" Part I thread is located here. Also worth noting per JBean's closing post on that thread that Part I was closed due to some "personal attacks". Soo...hoping everyone can stay on their best behavior.

Maybe this'll be a short one, but, I thought it deserved a follow-up. Worked this out on the Theories Part 5 thread as it pertained to the tension between Cindy & Casey that may have been a key motivator for Casey actions 6/16, and to begin a focused look at whether or not an overnight murder was plausible based on the information we have. Similar analysis done for the morning of 6/16 until Casey left the house here if interested, but, perhaps OT for "the fight" discussion on this thread.

The following will be a re-read for some that encountered it on the Theories or 6/15 Ping thread. I edited it a bit here and re-posted it so it could be snipped/parsed for detailed Q&A.

Sunday, 6/15/08

@ ~9:12AM Cindy and Caylee left for Mt. Dora (see Conway toll 9:27AM - 15 mins to toll from G&C's per Google Maps)
Per E-Pass records here

@ ~9AM Casey left G&C's and arrived @ Tony's ~9:15AM.

@ ~2:48PM Cindy & Caylee returned home to Hopespring. Per E-Pass records (and consistent w/ statements) (see matching Conway toll @ 2:33PM + 15 mins to toll from G&C's per Google Maps).

@ 3:35PM Cindy called Casey's cell from the Hopespring home phone. Casey let this call roll to vmail, and Cindy left a 36 second vmail.

@ 3:45PM Kyle called Casey's cell phone and Casey let this one roll to vmail also. At no time during this period did Casey interact w/ her phone.

@ 5:06PM, w/o checking vmail, Casey called G&C's Hopespring home phone from her cell phone @ Tony's apt. for a 3 minute conversation, or left a 3minute answering machine message.

...2 hours passed, w/ no activity on Casey's cell...

@ 7:06PM Casey began a text dialogue w/ Tony while she was still near his apartment. The pings from this conversation indicate Casey left Tony's ~7:06PM.

@ 7:10PM Casey already enroute & unprompted, called G&C's Hopespring home phone for a 1 minute conversation or answering machine message.

@ 7:36PM Casey arrived @ G&C's Hopespring home.

...between 7:06PM and 9:26PM Casey was engaged in a continuous texting conversation w/ Tony (and a little w/ Amy). The single greatest lapse between their texts was 11minutes @ 8:56 w/ most of them in the 2 minute range.

@ 9:26PM a period of cell inactivity lasting 39 minutes began (Inactivity Period I) . (IMHO, this seems to be a good candidate for "the fight")

@ 10:06PM Casey ended the cell inactivity when she received a text from Tony by placing a call to Tony and talking w/ him for 10minutes (IMHO, this also would seem to be indicative of the fight having just taken place)

@ 10:25PM the heavy texting between Casey and Tony resumed for the balance of the night...with a 40minute break @ 11PM. "(Inactivity Period II)

Note: WhyamIsoInterested observed this second period of inactivity would've encompassed the time George likely returned home and perhaps Casey spent a few minutes w/ him...being Father's Day... and apparently having not spent much time w/ him that day.

@ 11:44PM Casey called Tony for an 80-minute marathon phone call.

Some other things to consider...
IIRC, George was @ work 6/15PM...based on his work schedule he would've been gone or in the process of leaving about the time Cindy & Caylee returned to Hopespring that afternoon.
It has been speculated based on Casey's PhotoBucket activity timing (thanks JWG), as well as Casey's cell call durations during this timeframe each day, Caylee's naptime was typically 1-3PM. Since Caylee was @ Shirley's, etc. during her normal naptime, Caylee likely fell asleep in her carseat on the ride back to Hopespring (speculation).
Cindy did NOT fire off several calls to Casey to come home. She simply left a vmail. Even when Casey didn't respond there were no add'l calls from Cindy. So, FWIW, it doesn't appear Cindy was anxious/upset w/ Casey about not coming home immediately @ this point.
Casey was casual about coming home. She may have seen the missed call# and known about being called from Hopespring, but, she didn't check her vmail. She simply did her own thing for another couple of hours and called when she was on her way home.
There appears to be an opportunity for Cindy & Caylee to have gone for a swim after arriving @ Hopespring after Caylee, perhaps, finished her nap. Recall they had eaten @ Shirley's. Dunno if they needed to eat again.
By 9:26PM a tired Caylee should've already been in bed asleep. IIRC, C&G have indicated Caylee typically co-slept w/ Casey in her room. With George @ work still, and Lee nowhere around, this would've given the rest of the house to Cindy & Casey to have it out. By this time in the evening it would also seem to be quiet enough in the neighborhood that a shouting match would've been overheard...esp. if they carried it out into the backyard.
This scenario would have Casey going into her bedroom (closing the door presumably) with Caylee already asleep after "the fight" if it indeed occurred @ 9:26-10:06PM, perhaps coming out for some time w/ George after he came home from work. Cindy likely went to bed after a long day - having to goto work on Monday morning.

Hoping this paints a clearer picture of the day & the circumstances to support productive discussion regarding "the fight".
Anyone know what time Cindy said she left for work on mondays ?

Was it 7 or 730?
Anyone know what time Cindy said she left for work on mondays ?

Was it 7 or 730?

I believe she said 7am because she likes to be at work on Mondays a 1/2 hour before her normal start time knowing that Mondays are busy days.
O/T but has anyone noticed the big difference in KC's face? Her partying pictures show a more rounded happy go lucky KC and her trial pictures have a tight jawline. I think for once she's realizing she hasn't fooled anyone and she's particularly upset about her parents not covering for her as they always had. JMO

Snipped by eryme.

I have enoticed and mentioned it somwhere around here. (this place moves fast and furious...lol)

It's all about the pouting. The lips go tight and the bottom jaw comes out. Shows the BS in her IMO. I beleive its the look her parents are very familiar with for many, many, many years now.

The other day when HHJP was talking to the jury about the hockey game and all that and she was trying to be a part of the conversation I saw a face I have never seen before. The one you mention in the party pictures where she acatually looked like a pretty young woman.

Casey came home around 7:30. They supposedly watched that video after Cindy and Caylee got out of the pool. Looking at ACandyRose's timeline, Casey was on the phone or texting continuously from the time she got home until after 11:00 p.m. How could they have watched the video?


This would also leave no time for the fight. Was the fight in the middle of the night, the next morning or not at all???
This would also leave no time for the fight. Was the fight in the middle of the night, the next morning or not at all???

I don't remember if in CA's testimony she was asked about a fight in the middle of the night...was she?
I don't remember if in CA's testimony she was asked about a fight in the middle of the night...was she?

She wasn't asked about a fight at all...at least yet, but Lee said it took place, supposedly the neighbors heard it. At one time we speculated it was over Grandpa's stolen money...Cindy said there never was an argument. I find it hard to believe that Cindy found out that day at Mt. Dora Casey had stolen money from Grandpa's account that she never mentioned it to KC that evening.
She wasn't asked about a fight at all...at least yet, but Lee said it took place, supposedly the neighbors heard it. At one time we speculated it was over Grandpa's stolen money...Cindy said there never was an argument. I find it hard to believe that Cindy found out that day at Mt. Dora Casey had stolen money from Grandpa's account that she never mentioned it to KC that evening.

But Lee wasn't at the house. What did he haar about the argument from Cindy or the neighbors? Whom did he tell this to? Law Enforcement?
I can't wait to find out how JB is going to explain to the jury why ICA needed a babysitter for an already dead child on June 16th. Is he going to try to suggest that CA is lying about the phone calls from ICA that night? What reason for her lying would he give...to cover for GA? So now we have 4 people in on this cover up? Or is he going to suggest that ICA's sexual abuse somehow made her believe Caylee was still alive? I mean, seriously, how is he going to address this?
But Lee wasn't at the house. What did he haar about the argument from Cindy or the neighbors? Whom did he tell this to? Law Enforcement?

Can't remember all the details....I'm pretty sure the neighbors told LE.

I don't believe the neighbor heard a Fight on June 15th..
iirc, the neighbor describing a fight that occurred previously when Cindy and Casey were outside and Casey was yelling profanities at her mother..and the neighbor told LE about this argument.
But I could be wrong :innocent:...
I can't wait to find out how JB is going to explain to the jury why ICA needed a babysitter for an already dead child on June 16th. Is he going to try to suggest that CA is lying about the phone calls from ICA that night? What reason for her lying would he give...to cover for GA? So now we have 4 people in on this cover up? Or is he going to suggest that ICA's sexual abuse somehow made her believe Caylee was still alive? I mean, seriously, how is he going to address that?

Since its proven that Casey was lying about so much, he's agreeing because he has no way to explain the lying, he only has a way to explain why she lies which as we heard is because of the alleged sexual abuse she has endured. I don't see how he could explain much about her lying. It seems like he's just going to emphasize the sexual abuse and her disassociation with reality. KC has given Baez a hell of a job.
I don't believe the neighbor heard a Fight on June 15th..
iirc, the neighbor describing a fight that occurred previously when Cindy and Casey were outside and Casey was yelling profanities at her mother..and the neighbor told LE about this argument.
But I could be wrong :innocent:...

I agree. I think I remember something about the neighbor saying it was around this time but not giving a specific date. When did Casey steal from her grannie? Anyone remember?
Has anyone read Levi's page today? Yikes!!

Cindy Anthony: Grandmother of year? **** No!


I find it very strange that people are suddenly gushing with sympathy over Cindy Anthony, and ready to portray her as grandmother of the year, just because she shed tears on the stand when she testified in court yesterday.

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