2011.06.03 SIDEBAR THREAD (Trial Day Nine)

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I don't know. Mr Hornsby posts her at WS and has quite the following. I think you can find him on the Atty thread?

I am not a lawyer, but the reaching issue of adoptive admissions seemed to be the craw. Casey made no adoptive admissions of guilt in the death of Caylee whatsoever, only reaffirmed her story about having nothing to do with her disappearance since at that point she was not a suspect anyway. If she had made adoptive admissions, the protocol would have not played as important a role in whether it could be objected to in portions pre-trial vs. in trial. I hope that makes sense as I read it.
That is what JB has been saying throughout the trial. He is painting a picture for the jury of a defendant who is "ugly coping" or imagining things and making up everything to try and deal with the death of her daughter. And from what I hear now the DT has a NEW witness some kind of doctor that they want to bring in at this last stage. I have no idea how a licensed doctor could go along with this. I remember HHJP saying that the prosecution could depo this doctor but personally I have no idea how they would find time with this trial going six days a week and some days into overtime.

From what i understood yesterday. This new expert is a holistic nurse.
I may be wrong
IMO... last nite..we watched..all the vids and statements.. ICA's state of mind is, imo, quite clear and obvious....she is looking more and more as if she was and is, a cold monster....and think it is becoming quite clear... no coping junk here.. today, they said we may see the jail vid with just her and GA!! another lead weight against the DT
Good morning WS Family :seeya:

JB is not court appointed...she did get a referral from other prisoners but he is pro bono, I do believe there is a difference, not much...

Geraldo, Geraldo...what happened to his, "Jose is too good an attorney to be respresenting this reprehensible human being", paraphrased? When did his head turn? He knows nothing and his betting his house, I hope he looses it!

I also don't believe His Honor made any boo boo's as RH suggests. He's not Chief Justice for nothing! He has it all covered, I believe. Baez had over 2 years to go through those jailhouse tapes but IMO, he was too busy doing TV interviews to care about it, at that time. Now when it 'hits the fan', as always, he whines and cries but he missed his opportunity.

I do not believe His Honor would falter...only one case of his was 'partially' overturned, otherwise he's has an impeccable record on convictions..so I take what RH/GR say, with a large grain of salt. Caylee will get justice served. Those jurors are seeing ICA testify through those tapes. ICA has an opporunity, several to change her statements and give the truth. Only thing, as His Honor, SS said, "Miss Anthony and the truth are strangers"...that you can take to the bank...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Casey says she got Jose's name from other inmates. Ummm, why would you take the name of an attorney from people that ended up in jail? Obviously he didn't do a good job for them either. :floorlaugh:
That is what JB has been saying throughout the trial. He is painting a picture for the jury of a defendant who is "ugly coping" or imagining things and making up everything to try and deal with the death of her daughter. And from what I hear now the DT has a NEW witness some kind of doctor that they want to bring in at this last stage. I have no idea how a licensed doctor could go along with this. I remember HHJP saying that the prosecution could depo this doctor but personally I have no idea how they would find time with this trial going six days a week and some days into overtime.
This new witness should be interesting. I think Jose had a few more tricks to play. He is not done shocking us...that is for sure.

OMG Ynotdivein these patty-thwartcakes look divine!
Good morning all! And thanks for the pancakes!!! Just wanted to let all you wonderful fellow sleuthers that AGAIN I appreciate you taking the time to note what is going on for those of us that are unable to watch the trial (at work!). My sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you!
I finally figured out how to get my daughter's laptop hooked up to the TV (I hate Win Vista) and now it wouldn't work again (I really hate Vista) but I finally got it going again, but I have to use the TV instead of the laptop to click on things, which is a pain (really hating on the Vista right now...) but I think I am FINALLY set up.

I read RH's blog, and I see where he is coming from, but on the other hand, it just seems to me there has to be a line drawn somewhere on wasting the court's time. I agree Baez is ineffectual, but he's not the only attorney ICA has. At last count, I believe she currently has 5, and that's not counting the revolving door for the last 3 years. She has been asked repeatedly if she is happy with her counsel, and she always says yes. I just don't think this will be an appellant issue, because IMO this is not the 'make or break' evidence convicting her. Also, it seems to me this would open the door for every Defense attorney out there to postpone the trial as long as possible, not do any work leading up to the trial, and then bring in motion after motion, making the trial last months or years. MOO.

I can't help it, the DT makes me think of bratty little kids constantly pushing, pushing, pushing the envelope to see how much they can get away with.
I don't know. Mr Hornsby posts her at WS and has quite the following. I think you can find him on the Atty thread?

Richard Hornsby pops in and out with cryptic comments on laws and opinions which have been helpful for us, and he has a huge following here.
However, he has made a number of "forecasts" that have not come to pass, and it is helpful to remember he is a criminal defence lawyer. He has always said he would have gone with an accident defence.

We could say his opinion of Baez pretty well parallels most of us here....:innocent:
From what i understood yesterday. This new expert is a holistic nurse.
I may be wrong

I'm going to have to look that up as I have no idea what a holistic nurse is.
jb isn't "pro bono"----he has never declared himself to be....others have--but not him....other than that....ITA.....

You are correct...he never did say pro bono but he also isn't court appointed...my bad...sorry...:crazy: JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I'm also annoyed at them getting GA med records....WTH--why can't we know anything abut her but everything about the witnesses...I'm tired of the witnesses being attacked----that thing with AH was uncalled for.....makeing it out that everyone was jealous of the inmate???? PLEASE......she was the one hopign to impress them with her make believe job....
That is what JB has been saying throughout the trial. He is painting a picture for the jury of a defendant who is "ugly coping" or imagining things and making up everything to try and deal with the death of her daughter. And from what I hear now the DT has a NEW witness some kind of doctor that they want to bring in at this last stage. I have no idea how a licensed doctor could go along with this. I remember HHJP saying that the prosecution could depo this doctor but personally I have no idea how they would find time with this trial going six days a week and some days into overtime.

If this doctor hasn't examined Casey... what is the point?? How can she give any kind of diagnosis or whatever it is she does if she has never even met the defendent? That is what I don't understand??
You are correct...he never did say pro bono but he also isn't court appointed...my bad...sorry...:crazy: JMHO

Justice for Caylee

No problem.....I've always questioned the term "pro bono" in this case---because when it came down to really "pro bono" they left.....
Good morning everyone! If the State continues on showing the jail visitation videos, this should be the lineup for this morning, assuming they are showing all of them and in date order.

Lee Anthony July 28
.... Part 2 (unless this part was shown last yesterday)
Parents July 30
.... Part 1
.... Part 2
George August 3
.... Part 1
.... Part 2
Parents August 14

Exhibits that LDB listed to be shown:
MS - # 67 - Lee July 25 - shown
MY - # 68 - Cindy and George July 25 - shown
NZ - # 69 - Lee July 28 - shown
NA - # 70 - not shown
NB - # 71 - not shown
NC - # 72 - not shown
ND - # 73 - not shown
I agree. Some TH's are saying she was "in custody", therefore should have been mirandized. But she was not under arrest, she agreed to go with them and she agreed to talk to them. They were in the information gathering stage at that point. Police can take a person into custody to gather information, without arresting them.
Geraldo doesn't know what he's talking about.

LE must've been initially confused (who wouldn't be in that house?) trying to decipher exactly why they were there in the first place. Stolen vehicle? Stolen checks? Domestic problem? Missing child?

Geraldo: At this point, I actually pay more attention when Baez speaks than when Geraldo does. Did I just say that? :banghead:
You are correct...he never did say pro bono but he also isn't court appointed...my bad...sorry...:crazy: JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Yeah, he is somewhere in the middle - $3.00 per hr. - You know, slave wages! :crazy:
There she is - happy little yellow bird this am
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