2011.06.03 SIDEBAR THREAD (Trial Day Nine)

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IIRC (jump in anytime peeps) - she had gotten wind of it on her radio and then they brought her to the infirmary where the television was showing the initial recovery - camera's in the infirmary, etc. Strickland sealed it tout de suite as more prejudicial than probative. (So it was likely quite telling - Strickland didn't seal much).

Additionally, I think there's a tape and a transcript out there of an interview with one of her handler's that day Tammy Unser??? you might be able to scare that up....

I remember she said that ICA bent over and was breathing quickly, asked for a sedative... and then she joked with someone in the room about a ??football game???.
I don't know, but this morning, before the trial began, Judge Perry confirmed with the attorneys that the hearing scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30 am was cancelled. Anyone know what the Sat. hearing was supposed to address?

No consensus - please choose from the following menu items:

a.) Holistic Nurse Bereavement Expert Witness
b.) LATE DISCOVERY, i.e. GAs medical records
c.) Mystery motion from CMs office, that CM didn't know about

I'm leaning toward "b" as someone in the trial thread mentions...

see ThinkTanks post below (many thanks ThinkTank!)
That has occurred to me...
Does it seem to anyone else that Baez is trying to say or do something that may cause a mistrial or give cause for Casey to file a motion for ineffective counsel

Oh yeah, and it scares me half to death. Cause I don't think the state of FL has the $$$$$ to try this again. Wonder what would then happen. Legal eagles?
I'm worried about this juror (don't know her #) who said she couldn't "judge" someone. Jean Casaras was saying this juror had not taken notes but wrote something in her notebook when Casey was crying and emotional in one of the jailhouse vids. I think this juror is going to be the holdout.

From what I've read via reporters reactions, she has been shaking her head at the video of Casey cursing, and also looked up and shook her head at Casey at least once during that first call home. FWIW.
so what happened with the HOLISTIC nurse?

wasnt there a hearing this am?

is dreamland going up a notcH?

Supposed to be a Hearing on that new witness, AFTER the Defense gives the State a Report from this "expert", and AFTER the State has taken a deposition from this witness next week......

Hearing set for 8:30am tomorrow morning has been cancelled [probably the issue that Mason was confused about] ... the Defense was supposed to give "good cause" for turning over Discovery of George's medical records so late, past deadlines, at end of Saturday trial at 1:00.

(12:50 mark)
Here HHJP is stating they could do a depo of Ms. Karioth(thank you to WSers who post tags)after JA argued a depo of Ms. Karioth would be a depo of hypothetical(s) because Ms. Karioth will not have met with the defendant nor written a report.

HHJP cites case law that says what the defense wants has to "aid the jury in understanding" then says, "I don't know what time she is talking about" because bereavement generally takes place after a body is found." (12:47 mark) "And someone recognizes the fact that someone is in fact dead so for me to rule on this at this time without a depo being taken or reports being given because if that person is permitted to testify that person has to do every thing that every other expert is required to do."

The part I put in bold, regarding bereavement and HHJP stating that bereavement generally "takes place after a body is found" made me think of the jail tape they have showing Casey's reaction to Caylee's body being found. My understanding is that is one of the few motions the defense won to keep that out of the trial. (I could be wrong please correct me Is HHJP saying that tape might become admissible or the door would be opened for that tape if the defense wants to show bereavement?

The defense would be arguing that bereavement would begin on June 16th 2008 the day Caylee "accidentally drown" because that was the day the defense says "the body was found." And, if the tape of Casey's reaction were to come in how would they explain her having a reaction after she already had seen "the body?"

:bump: Sorry to bump my own post from another thread: Potential DT Witness Sally Karioth.
I'm worried about this juror (don't know her #) who said she couldn't "judge" someone. Jean Casaras was saying this juror had not taken notes but wrote something in her notebook when Casey was crying and emotional in one of the jailhouse vids. I think this juror is going to be the holdout.

I still can't believe that she was picked for the jury. I'm worried she's going to confuse judging someone with her job as a juror - to find her guilty based on facts and evidence, not her own judgement. Wasn't this the same one who was getting easily confused by the questions during the selection process?
If Caylee died from any accident, I cannot imagine how Casey could be out the very same night renting movies with her boyfriend. To me this screams, "no accident" occurred. The duct tape screams to me, "no accident" occurred.

I only see Casey celebrating her new life without Caylee, an intentional act of murder.
I wonder why CM doesn't wear suspenders. It would really complete the whole persona if he'd snap his suspenders and say "I DO declare!"
Just curious, do you think this trial will really take 90 days?? I sure hope not and it seems like they are moving right along. I'm hoping more like 60 days or less.
No consensus - please choose from the following menu items:

a.) Holistic Nurse Bereavement Expert Witness
b.) LATE DISCOVERY, i.e. GAs medical records
c.) Mystery motion from CMs office, that CM didn't know about

I'm leaning toward "b" as someone in the trial thread mentions...

The motion they scheduled for saturday was GA's medical records.

I haven't read this thread yet, I wanted to watch the video first. I signed off after having watched all day-and missed the part about the new defense witness(and George's medical records).

Watching the part where Jose discusses the new witness. From what I am getting( 8:00 mark) is Jose is saying he did not anticipate he would have to explain the "different ways people grieve" because he didn't think the evidence of how Casey was acting before/after would be allowed in the trial.

So he based this defense of Caylee drowning and the George cover up, on the idea that things like the party pics, the shopping videos and the jailhouse tapes-would never been seen by the jury? That is what I am getting.

How long ago did Jose know what the defense was going to use in court? Wouldn't he know that his having to fight to keep something out was the State fighting to use it?

ETA: Chalk one up for watching a little more of the video to have it explain exactly what I was wondering.

JA: Heard and denied motions by the defense attempting to exclude the evidence that Mr. Baez has just said to you he was surprised that you allowed in. I believe that the claim that he was surprised was disingenuous. I would point out to the court the defense's pleading filed on April 12th 2011, titled: Defendant's Response to Motion for Examination by Mental Health Expert. At paragraph two they in fact suggest, that they may want in the alternative, to call an expert who has not examined the defendant,- precisely what they are saying they just thought of.
(end snip)

Yeah, Jose is being disingenuous. But the question I have is, is this Jose...because this reeks of Casey's way of lying...or are they both the same kind of liar...a combo of them both? Why would Jose say this is something he thought of now? I should probably go listen to the rest of the video because JA might tell me why.

Again, sorry to :bump: but I thought others would like this information. Mods please delete if it is inappropriate. TIA.
Court is about to resume.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138192"]Let's scoot on over the the Afternoon Trial thread.[/ame]

Closing up Sidebar soon.
If Caylee died by accident, I believe ICA would have seized the moment to bask in world's sympathy for a grieving mother. She would be able to carry this and any resulting charities for some years. IMO
I still can't believe that she was picked for the jury. I'm worried she's going to confuse judging someone with her job as a juror - to find her guilty based on facts and evidence, not her own judgement. Wasn't this the same one who was getting easily confused by the questions during the selection process?

The fact she cannot judge,makes her less effective to me..anybody who cannot form an opinion about someone..because, they "dont judge" in a non-factor. jhmo
Bring your computers along to the


WHO told Casey when the body was found? They have her on video at the moment she supposedly 'finds out' her daughter has died...Am I understanding that right?

I'll bet it IS 'prejudicial.'

But now that Jose has stated she knew Caylee was dead since June 16th, can that video be unsealed (or whatever the proper term is)?
I wonder why CM doesn't wear suspenders. It would really complete the whole persona if he's snap his suspenders and say "I DO declare!"

Marple :lol:

I could hear the voice in my head...I had a "spit take." :)
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