2011.06.09 Sidebar (Trial Day Fourteen):

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I am now hoping Dr G doesn't testify until next week, as in on June 16. She will be Caylee's voice finally.
My 11 year old fakes illness to get out of school better than that. Whatever.

She was seen smiling just minutes before that! Anyone can huff air in and out, look down and cover their mouths! Where was the pre-barf sweat, or where was the green around the gills look? Whatever. Just when you think you can't get more disgusted with her --- she finds a way to help you along.
Well, the jury can go back to their rooms and cry for Caylee now...that's what I would do if I was them...they are definitely not going to think about Casey's little fake breakdown for one second!
Any link on line talking right now? Wftv just said the it goes to guilt thing and went off air.
The upside is that the jury has now seen these photos and they had an impact. Now, instead of getting it over with in one day, thanks to something that we in this house call "Sociopathic Ostrich Syndrome" this delay, that she thinks helps her because now she doesn't have to deal with it in the next 10 foreseeable minutes in her future, will still be waiting for her tomorrow at 9am. Then they will have had the chance to think about all that they have heard and tomorrow it will be the same testimony again. In my experience only, sociopaths stick their head in the sand and just don't discuss or deal with things that are a problem and they just wait until it all blows us in their face.

ETA: You would much rather have me hear your bull story at once, because once I have had the time to think about it, I come up with more and more questions. If they had just moved on, the jurors would be concentrating on the next thing. Now we get to do more of this tomorrow.

Great Post, you are so right!!:rocker:
I think Casey was drinking more today than she usually does. There were two empty bottles to her right front and one in front of her. Can to much water make someone up chuck?
I think this was a defense ploy to get the attention in the news tonight off the photos and have them talking about this instead. I dont beleive she was sick for second. She has been laughing and being a paralegal during the smell of decomp and everything else that has been discussed so far.
We just witnessed an almost perfect reenactment and mimicking of Cindy who broke down the other day with the head going down further and further, seeming to be ill, and needing help to walk away. Disgusting.
So, now what do I do with the rest of my day? I have 1 hour until I'm done work for the day. Am I supposed to do actual work now?!?!?

FWIW: In all of this craziness I also missed my 1,000th post. :maddening:

Hahaha! I feel the same way, now what?!

Happy 1,000! :partyguy:
I doubt Casey's condition will require a trip to the hospital. She will most likely go to the jail infirmary and then back to her cell. I think she'll be back tomorrow. Jail medical personnel are experts at determining real illness vs the fakers.
Today I wish ICA was in general population. Jail house justice would be fine with me.
hehehehehe I posted around 1pm that I was seeing a meltdown coming. Sad...........really sad, in a fake backwards kind of way.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: you crack me up!
Are we absolutely sure they'd go forward without her tomorrow? The judge wanted the jury dismissed so that they did not know the reason for ending early today. If they show up tomorrow and she is not there, then that will explain to the Jury exactly what the judge was trying to avoid.

IMO he doesn't want there to be any leeway for an appeal, such as the Jury basing an opinion on her "illness" and not the actual testimony & evidence.

No! We are not absolutely sure at all. If she is somehow too sick to go forward, then we do not move forward until she is okay to be there and face her accusers. She also has to be there to assist in her defense. The only way it will move forward tomorrow without her is if her attorney waives her right to be there and even JB can't be that dumb. If they have to have her seen by a doctor who swears that she is okay then so be it, but as long as she is "unable" to be there, we are at a standstill.
With so many online right now, could someone please clear something up for me ...

When the man who worked at Johnson's opened the white garbage bag, I believe he said after he and GA looked at the garbage, the man who worked there threw the garbage over the fence. Then when he heard more about what was going on in the news, he went back to retrieve that white bag of garbage and it was not there.

How did the garbage become two white bags of garbage and who and when was it retrieved to become part of the evidence?

Thanks and sorry for posting this here, but my husband is asking me and I don't remember seeing or hearing anything regarding this.

Also, I thought the garbage bin was within the tow compound and tight security?
She's going to get destroyed on this forum no matter what she does. I don't see how that surprises anyone.

I have no interest in "destroying" her.

But I do call them like I see them, and no, I don't feel sorry for her. Whether she killed this child or not, SHE dumped this child's body in a miserable place and left her to rot. Of that, I am certain. She SHOULD be sick.
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