2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Afternoon Session)

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I just LOVE Dr. G......she hit a home run for little Caylee......Sing Baby Caylee, Sing!!!
Is it just assumed she (dr g) is an expert? I dont think I saw JA ask her to be considered one. Did I just miss it?

She is not an 'expert' witness to be questioned about the subject in general ...
She is testifying as to her Post Mortem examination and findings.

CM asks: are you questioning morals here? Like, hey just because when this child died on accident they bagged her up and hid her in the woods, you are going to say this was a homicide?

YES Mr. Mason. YES.

If it was an accident and then they didn't report it-that ACT of NOT calling makes it a homicide EVEN if it "wasn't."

By not reporting the accident, (even if there was one, but there was not one she was sufficated by Casey) then it IS murder.

I am getting this now too. Get it! The FACT that Caylee was not reported EVEN as an accident MAKES this a HOMICIDE!


I hope it is understood why I celebrate. Not because...well, I figure you get it.
CM really, really blew it! That was so intense. He did elicit the best testimony from the state ever. he should have kept his trap shut. I think that was the most damning testimony of the case and it cam out in cross!!!

Dr. Warner Spitz come down to help autopsy - no ....are you aware he came (object-overrule) learned JB called and (object- ovrrule)

I was aware he was coming down...get everything ready....

Are you aware Dr. Warner Spitz did a 2nd autopsy (object

Goldberger an MD? NO PhD....

scrapings of the soil, the hair, the bone, scrapings from the bone marrow - washings from cranial cavity - tested GCMS - scrapings of cranial cavity and washings - and for Benzo aka Xanex......did not open the cranium - no absolutely not.....no trauma found - no anti-mortem (prior to that) found post-mortem trauma - animal activity...you could see that.....on the bones no evidence of trauma...didn't find ? either - no did not

despite all Dr's no evidence to establish this childs death.....the means of the Homicide could not be determined......the circumstances of death didn't fit anything other than a homicide...way body found.....you learned from Melich....is standard......learn from media - nothing from media would be in my decision......homicidal means it's probably a homicide...not probably! based upon scientific observation info about children dying....observational systematic studies....how we know our world.....went thru all drownings....100% EMS has to do with drowning.....absolutely has to do with this case....you can never ever determine a manner of death by just exam body...we have to know red flags for homicide (object by CM 0verrule) by experience and known how homicides occur not reporting a child missing.......tossed in a field in bags to rot...in a bag to be hidden - never seen in accidental death....duct tape anywhere attached to a child's face to me is a homicide.......what part of that is scientific? We know 100% accidental deaths are reported unless there is a reason......if you don't report - you are risking? that child life.....youre saying 100% no way this death is accidental? No 100% when the person finds the child they call for help - there is a chance the child might live.......about morality? no - looking @ bx's - no matter how stiff that body is....there is always a chance that child could be saved.....circumstantial evidence says it must have been homicide can't explain it any other way....I answered red flags....You need to answer My Question...sorry dont understand! Objection-susttained.......CM you question did not ask a yes or no answer -......new question....cause of death - don't know .....manner of death homicide.....manner of death is defensible based upon systematic observational studies of other cases of homicide, accidental, natural death.....if found 4 or 5 months earlier would you have better chance of determining death? absolutely

duct tape in lower mandible. - correct

CM asks for a minute - confer w/JB - no further questions

redirect -

JA - Dr. G....Cm asked you about defense desire to do second autopsy.....make attempt to keep body in same condition as received...except what they removed for dna and tox screen...packaged nicely to keep in tact roots etc......tox screen exclude acute use? we would not find anything positive in those bones not expect to find even @ time of death....very difficult to find anything in bones - long shot - remiss if didn't try.....June of 2008 - body missing - body out for 2 months if found in August.....certainly skeletonized by then.....very little soft tissue...internal organs completely gone.....

Re-cross to those issues

Dr. you are excused.

eta: Dr. G said ethical moral and legal obligation to seek help for the child.....as caretaker for child wellbeing (something to that effect - went by so fast didn't get it)

I hate to say it BUT JB might have done a better cross. CM looked like he got raked over the coals.
No re-cross. DT probably wants her OFF the stand! Go Dr G. Thank you very much.
ROFL. DT does NOT want to re-cross. I wonder why?

I almost expected the gallery to give her a standing ovation when she was excused.
Look at her smile! She knows she won!! I love her! :blowkiss:
Did ya hear all that Casey? :gavel:

It wasn't an accident! :gavel:
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