2011.06.13. HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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That is EXACTLY what Baez said in opening statements.

That Kronk stole her body and kept her for months to get the reward.

Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.

Unless you are the defense team.

(Baez never explained where he stole the body from, how he got it or when this occurred exactly.)

:waitasec: This could be where the dogs come in..they hit by the playhouse, could be that Caylee was there for a few days and that is why they got the other fly's in the trunk...also could be why she asked for the shovel? Just thinking out loud here..
More video clips from the courtroom.......

Caller: If Casey stood up in court and said she killed her little girl could we really believe her?

NG: Which leads me to the question.....Is tot mom going to take the stand?

JO: Don't think she'll take the stand; huge gamble for defense in general

JM: Will testify and JB will put her on very early in case.

NG: Defense says GA/LA abused Casey; GA denied; so somebody has to testify they did. Talking about big gaps in defense O/S that only Casey can answer.

Caller: ........possible accidental suffocation in the car?

NG: Defense has said she drowned in the pool..........

Dr. Kessler, ME: Evidence of chloroform however use of it over and over would cause liver damage. Look at circumstances surrounding death. Talking about not letting a toddler disappear and not do anything.

Heather, forensic anthropologist, talking about Dr. G's reasons to declare a homicide and agrees with Dr. G.

Not meant to be snarky but what is the big deal about knowing who is Caylee's father? The dad was never in her life and now the baby is deceased so what difference does it really make?
If he showed up tomorrow what difference would it really matter?
He also denied knowing about Caylee's death.

When Baez laid out his fairy tale nightmare in his opening statements... one of the many times I was total lost was the circumstances.

Under what circumstances is he claiming Caylee escaped and drowned?

Casey asleep, George supposed to be watching Caylee?

Casey getting ready, George busy, Casey supposed to be watching Caylee?

What was it?

You would think if your Dad came running in and said "Where is Caylee!" And you then found your daughter DEAD that you would remember what you were doing at the time. Which would narrow down the time.

I still haven't even heard the circumstances under which this "accident" supposedly occurred. Or the timing.

The whole scenario is beyond absurd!

I have grandchildren and a pool. According to JB....When Caylee seemed to be missing, ICA and GA meandered out of the house and around to the back........not is 12 lifetimes! If one of my kids were missing, the first place I'd FLY TO would be the pool! In the state of Florida, drowning in a pool is the #1 cause of death for children.

JB, in my humble opinion, is trying to pull the same nonsense he tried in the Nilton Diaz case in 2008. It didn't work then and it won't work now.
In that montage N just played, they showed a clip of a heart attached to something. What is that? Was that duct tape with a red heart?
I'm watching the morning's testimony...if they ended with the FBI lady who saw the heart residue, they still have to call the person who found the heart sticker, and enter it.
Not meant to be snarky but what is the big deal about knowing who is Caylee's father? The dad was never in her life and now the baby is deceased so what difference does it really make?
If he showed up tomorrow what difference would it really matter?

I was just thinking that if by chance Casey was set free maybe the father's side of the father can file civil charges on Casey..kind of like in the OJ case. I just don't want to see her free is all.
Not meant to be snarky but what is the big deal about knowing who is Caylee's father? The dad was never in her life and now the baby is deceased so what difference does it really make?
If he showed up tomorrow what difference would it really matter?

Well, if it's one of the men in her life during this mess it could make a difference. But honestly I don't think anyone knows, nor would anyone come forward.
I was just thinking that if by chance Casey was set free maybe the father's side of the father can file civil charges on Casey..kind of like in the OJ case. I just don't want to see her free is all.

i'm not sure kc even knows who the daddy is.
More video of testimony......

NG: Jury sits in silence as they hear evidence about a heart shaped sticker on the duct tape over Caylee's mouth & nose.

Paul Penzone, fmr LE discussing tape still being on Caylee's mouth, shows it was there to take her life otherwise would've been removed if initially put there to keep her quiet.

NG talking about an "accident" and GA not calling 911 or doing anything to help Caylee, and putting duct tape on her.....

PP: First thing that occurs is you try to revive a drowning victim, especially an experienced LEO........

Michelle G, psychologist talking about using heart sticker, shows emotional connection, trying to show some kind of love.......

Caller: Wondering if both chloroform and tape were used to keep her quiet.....

NG: Saying it should be felony murder even if the intent was to keep Caylee sedated/quiet and she died..........
Dr. G is on the money about calling 911 for an accidental drowning. During the Zahra case where the dad called 911 and said hey how ya doin, I read an article about 911 calls. They did a study and the ones that were a true accident had certain features. One of them was that even if the person was obviously dead the person wanted 911 there NOW. That's what they said and didn't put anything first like Hi how are you. The ones where people were covering would put extra things is. Point being if it were an accident (where the parent weren't a sociopath), 911 would have been called frantically.
Not meant to be snarky but what is the big deal about knowing who is Caylee's father? The dad was never in her life and now the baby is deceased so what difference does it really make?
If he showed up tomorrow what difference would it really matter?

I am so sick of the entire debate...It is clear to me that Casey has no idea who the daddy is.
We need a little more Levi Page on HLN, imo. :D

Thanks! You all should email them at Jane@CNN.com and let them know. I know they do read the email. :)

Glad someone likes what I say! I read the FB pages of Jane's show and many people complain! LOL
Just to remind all, if the jury finds ICA guilty of aggravated Child Abuse of a child under the age of 12 resulting in DEATH, the State of Florida can seek the DP.
Just to remind all, if the jury finds ICA guilty of aggravated Child Abuse of a child under the age of 12 resulting in DEATH, the State of Florida can seek the DP.

Exactly and I believe that is exactly what NG was referring to as felony murder. :)
Thanks! You all should email them at Jane@CNN.com and let them know. I know they do read the email. :)

Glad someone likes what I say! I read the FB pages of Jane's show and many people complain! LOL

I love your brand of indignation, Levi! It's refreshing. :)

Dr. G is on the money about calling 911 for an accidental drowning. During the Zahra case where the dad called 911 and said hey how ya doin, I read an article about 911 calls. They did a study and the ones that were a true accident had certain features. One of them was that even if the person was obviously dead the person wanted 911 there NOW. That's what they said and didn't put anything first like Hi how are you. The ones where people were covering would put extra things is. Point being if it were an accident (where the parent weren't a sociopath), 911 would have been called frantically.

No matter how angry I have gotten with CA over the years, every time I hear "I need to find her!" it has always chilled me to the bone, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, my heart race and made me cry.
Not meant to be snarky but what is the big deal about knowing who is Caylee's father? The dad was never in her life and now the baby is deceased so what difference does it really make?
If he showed up tomorrow what difference would it really matter?

If he was never told IMO it's a big freaking deal! He was denied his parental rights! That is wrong on so many levels!
Just to remind all, if the jury finds ICA guilty of aggravated Child Abuse of a child under the age of 12 resulting in DEATH, the State of Florida can seek the DP.

I know this will sound terrible but this makes me feel better. I am so adamant about ICA never being set free again...

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