2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

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You know too much from reading here :) The jurors probably have never thought of putting duct tape on to prevent the flow of fluids...matter of fact...IMHO, neither would Casey. Now if she put it on shortly after death to make it look like a kidnapping...she's still showing guilt about what she had done. Why would anyone cover up an accident?

I don't think anyone would believe Casey if it HAD been an accident, or at least in her mind, being called an "unfit mother" and all. I am NOT defending Casey...just that I can imagine her doing the tape as part of her story that she was concocting about kidnapping, and with her brain, the way it seems to work, doing so very quickly after Caylee died.
You know too much from reading here :) The jurors probably have never thought of putting duct tape on to prevent the flow of fluids...matter of fact...IMHO, neither would Casey. Now if she put it on shortly after death to make it look like a kidnapping...she's still showing guilt about what she had done. Why would anyone cover up an accident?

Maybe the jurors are thinking ICA put the duct tape on Caylee to keep her quiet.
I have no idea if she used cholorform on Caylee, just that residue was in the trunk air and that she was interested in it. I don't know how Caylee died. Only how she was disposed of.

Ok, but you said in your post that you did not know if Casey meant for Caylee to die that day. I assumed that meant you thought she accidentally killed her somehow. correct?
I agree with you, but wouldn't it be cool if the SA had actual evidence of her purchasing the product, finding it in the home, receipts? Nothing, nada, zip.

The amount in the trunk is huge for me, but I'm sure the DT will bring this up "so she searched for chloroform, prove to me she purchased any ingredients, or made it". The air sampling collection was confusing to me, as one witness said it wasn't that abnormal, and another said it was extremely high. I was kinda tired that day - so forgive me if I'm not remembering correctly.

Like in the peterson case, they at least found the cement he used to toss his wife and son into the ocean (receipt too if I'm not mistaken).

Just my opinion - thanks.


Ingredients needed to make chloroform are standard items in most homes.Nail polish remover,bleach or pool shock,and ice.Cement on the other hand is not as likely to be in most homes IMO.
Mark Hawkings? Maybe he's the baby daddy! :)


Just like on Maury - YOU ARE THE FATHER!

What an awesome moment that would be!!



He did have DNA testing done correct?
:maddening: Sorry for the BAD NEWS ... but

Linda Kenney Baden, a former attorney for Casey Anthony, started today as a contributor for HLN and “In Session.”

snipped from : http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/en...aden-hired-as-hln-in-session-contributor.html

WS : LKB hired as HLN, 'In Session' contributor Baden will be on for duration of trial - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I'm so thankful that I'm local and the local channels are carrying it live. I could barely handle IS before. Now I refuse to turn it on at all.
I'm not sure the botanist is even needed. The photographs in evidence are pretty damning. It's painfully obvious from the root growth through the blanket etc. Caylee was there for the duration.

Gotta be Mark H and his FBI wire evidence perhaps from ICA's own lips.
Whatever they have I'm betting it's gonna be huge!

Mark H wore a wire???? I completely missed that! Holy cow are you sure? I thought that Tony or Lee wore a wire too at one point, but that wasn't mentioned either.

I hope it's not another expert, honestly, it's been proven she was there for a long period of time - having a botanist come in will just be more than what's necessary, not to mention boring for the jury.

edited because I spelled Lee "Less" woops
Ok, but you said in your post that you did not know if Casey meant for Caylee to die that day. I assumed that meant you thought she accidentally killed her somehow. correct?

Not really, but I don't know that she did not die in some other way and the duct tape came later, and yes, I know that if she used chloroform, it hardly matters, sentence-wise. I'm just saying we don't know if cholorform killed her either. We just don't know how she died.
It was shown by the body farm that the trunk had 10,000 times the amount of chloroform in it than it should have.

Yes - and a subsequent FBI expert witness (Rickenbach) testified:

“It was not the most chloroform I've seen in 20 years,” Michael Rickenbach said under cross-examination.

And this:

Rickenbach acknowledged, during later questioning by prosecutor Jeff Ashton, that describing chloroform levels as high or low is subjective.


Regarding other evidence, Ms. Lowe provided testimony about post-mortem hair banding, which I feel was undermined by today's testimony when it was revealed that 2 FBI hair analysts inaccurately ID'd post-mortem banding during the study cited in testimony.

Based on prior testimony & today's testimony, I don't feel the State has proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt concerning both the measurement of chloroform levels and post-mortem hair banding.
I don't think anyone would believe Casey if it HAD been an accident, or at least in her mind, being called an "unfit mother" and all. I am NOT defending Casey...just that I can imagine her doing the tape as part of her story that she was concocting about kidnapping, and with her brain, the way it seems to work, doing so very quickly after Caylee died.

So you are saying the duct tape could have been solely to make it look like a kidnapping?
If the discontinued Henkle tape can be connected to the A's, which I think it has by virtue of its use on the flyers and on the gas cans, then ICA had access to it during the time in question. JMO.

This is the one of the biggest issues for getting a conviction. I dont know what they plan on doing with it but GA had the duct tape and it was caught on news footage.

It was not found in the searchers of the house. THIS could be why the dec search and LE witness have not come in for the state. They may be having them testify on the issue after JB go on the defence.
I'm not sure the botanist is even needed. The photographs in evidence are pretty damning. It's painfully obvious from the root growth through the blanket etc. Caylee was there for the duration.

Gotta be Mark H and his FBI wire evidence perhaps from ICA's own lips.
Whatever they have I'm betting it's gonna be huge!
I sure would like it to be her purchasing "products" at home depot.

What was it that JA wanted the jury to hear at the end that the judge denied? Anyone know?
Wasn't the SA's witness list near 300 people? What about the Home Depot video? My assumption is that the state is able to close early due to ICA's new lie.
Flight info for Orlando international airport on Monday 6/13/11 @- approx 11:18 - 12:05

possible same schedule tomorrow?


...there are 3 or 4 airports that serve orlando - international, orl exec, sanford, kissimmee - I''ll pull up flightaware http://flightaware.com/live/airport/KMCO tomorrow morning and keep my eyes peeled - if they're not flying commercial, it may show up, but private planes can block their N-numbers from appearing, so it's kind of a crap shoot.

However, if the state's paying, it'll probably be commercial. so check this too..http://www.orlandoairports.net/flights.htm
But when you say ' on purpose' are you thinking she accidentally killed her by trying to get her to sleep by using chloroform or tape? Because that would be aggravated child abuse and still can bring LWOP or the DP.

That's where I am. I know a lot more about her motivation, facts in discovery, etc. The im's and scribblings about TL. He became her priority. Still needing to cover up the no job, no nanny lies but needed a babysitter to be with TL and no money to pay one. Burned all her bridges with using people and stealing from them, etc. Got tired of playing the chameleon good mommy for Cindy.
but i never heard this presented during the state's case....am i remembering this correctly? i guess the defense could bring it in?

You're right, it was said only in opening statements, so it's not evidence. Hope JB brings it up again, it proves to me George had nothing to do with duct taping Caylee. He would've burned that tape before letting it ever be found! JMO
So you are saying the duct tape could have been solely to make it look like a kidnapping?

Yes, in Casey's case, I could see it happening. Thinking, I better make this look like she was kidnapped, what do I know about kidnapping, ok, tape the mouth...just saying.
Ok, I just looked up the Mark Hawkins wire info:

"No direct admissions of guilt were obtained and the recording was retained by FBI Orlando," the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service report said.

So I'm thinking maybe he got another version of the whole story?
Mark Hawkings? Maybe he's the baby daddy! :)


Just like on Maury - YOU ARE THE FATHER!

What an awesome moment that would be!!


What a bittersweet moment that would be.

Caylee finally has a father to claim her, but it's not announced until the trial for her murder.

In Session is constantly talking of "motive", and although the State does not have to prove it, something is missing for me here too. I'm remembering CA's testimony and toward the end, while speaking about the night of the 15th, when LDB asks if there is anything else relevant about that day, and CA talks about what a special night it was, as her and ICA were watching the video of Caylee at the Nursing Home. No mention of any fight, which if true, would definitely go to motive. CA trumps that by relating what a special time her and ICA had that night!!??:waitasec:

I know CA can not testify differently from her deposition, but to leave that night on such a high note does not sit well with me. JMO
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