2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

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Yes I am still in shock I feel like someone let the air out of me...... I still have this what happened between the 15th and the 17th HOLE....... beyond that, the FBI chemist ( yes Jose E. Coyote verified it ) kind flubbed it with saying the chloroform could be levels from cleaning products. The FBI latent print lady was awesome but didn't really prove anything.
Dead body in trunk I think we still have the question open about how did it get there. The bug guy bolstered the various places the body had been as well as the dogs who were awesome also. Maybe they proved ICA was driving around with body in car and I missed it....
I think the witness the SA is waiting to arrive is the dude from the military. Perhaps he is in another country & there were problems with his flight arrangements. Maybe he is going to drop a bombshell!

Mark Hawkings? Maybe he's the baby daddy! :)


Just like on Maury - YOU ARE THE FATHER!

What an awesome moment that would be!!


I think the witness the SA is waiting to arrive is the dude from the military. Perhaps he is in another country & there were problems with his flight arrangements. Maybe he is going to drop a bombshell!

Who is that? I am not familiar with him. tia
Based only on what we've heard in court, filtering out what I picked up from WS in the last month...I am not positive that Casey meant to kill Caylee on that day...or that she did not have help in some sort of cover-up...just not sure.
Well, considering that up until the trial began it was the nanny who kidnapped Caylee and the fact that Casey never said that Caylee had died June 16th...I think the jury will wonder how come she never said anything...IMO...unless she meant to do it. There was no reason to keep it a secret...abuse or no abuse.
JB said in opening statements, George was seen with the duct tape in August when they were passing out fliers/T-shirts. It was sitting on a counter top behind a donation jar, IIRC.

but i never heard this presented during the state's case....am i remembering this correctly? i guess the defense could bring it in?
I have heard RA is in the OC jail from media so imo she will be testifying. My guess if for the state is most importantly what Casey told her about the blanket and trash bags Caylee was found in is what they want from her. They can get the letters in that way as well.

We've heard a lot of evidence about how long Caylee's remains were out there so imo the state may not use Dr. Hall at this point, only on rebuttal if the DT brings up theirs who claims a week root growth possible in her depo.
re: how Jurors don't get to see the real ICA that emerges when they are out of the courtroom
2011.06.09 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony MERGED Thread
by Coldpizza 06-09-2011, 07:48 PM, Post # 112
Don't forget HHJP has the final word on life or death in the state of FL
2011.06.09 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony MERGED Thread
by Eye Wonder 06-09-2011,07:50 PM, Post # 116
I often wonder if ICA realizes that when she is putting on her show for the jury and the second they are out of the court room shes back to her cheery self!!

(re: above quotes not neatly quoted but copied and pasted.......I'm not a chemist)

update: hahaha I just found the multi-quotes thingy on the bottom....but I'm still not a chemist
It would be awesome but there is NO way she can right? She's already been shown to be a pathological liar, I just can't imagine them putting her up there. She'll have to take an OATH to tell the truth, she can't do it!

But at the same time, she's claiming it was George who made her hide an "accident" - won't she have to give her description of what happened that day?

Stacey Barker also a liar,party girl, family help in raising her baby,morphs for newest boyfriend of the month,cut baby's father out of Emma's life.She also tried to say Emma died by accident and she lied cause she was scared just like ICA.Loving mother in her own mind, she took the stand against her lawyers advice and she was found guilty of murdering her beautiful baby daughter Emma.Let's all keep our fingers crossed that ICA does the same.
Based only on what we've heard in court, filtering out what I picked up from WS in the last month...I am not positive that Casey meant to kill Caylee on that day...or that she did not have help in some sort of cover-up...just not sure.

You cannot consider ANYTHING in the opening statement by Baez, without that obvious lie there in no cover up. It is not evidence.
Maybe in conjunction with Joy Wray, JB will call Obama! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Oh, oh and what about the TES volunteer that forged the documents...I would love for her to be destroyed on cross.:floorlaugh:
That poster says Caylee was missing since June 9th?

That's an old old photo, before they even realized the date was wrong (the 15th). This is when the tape was supposedly used. I'm wondering if there were other posters out there with the tape, which is why LE never found the roll. It was all used up by then.


Can someone fill me in? Do we think the prosecution is almost done for some reason?
:maddening: Sorry for the BAD NEWS ... but

Linda Kenney Baden, a former attorney for Casey Anthony, started today as a contributor for HLN and “In Session.”

snipped from : http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/en...aden-hired-as-hln-in-session-contributor.html

WS : [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140046"]LKB hired as HLN, 'In Session' contributor Baden will be on for duration of trial - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Oh, oh and what about the TES volunteer that forged the documents...I would love for her to be destroyed on cross.:floorlaugh:

YES YES - give us some Laura Buchanan! That would make my day (and certainly cheer me up a bit). She would probably have to be Baker act(ed) by the end of cross.

Then again, do we really want to put the jury through that?



I'm not sure the botanist is even needed. The photographs in evidence are pretty damning. It's painfully obvious from the root growth through the blanket etc. Caylee was there for the duration.

Gotta be Mark H and his FBI wire evidence perhaps from ICA's own lips.
Whatever they have I'm betting it's gonna be huge!
Based only on what we've heard in court, filtering out what I picked up from WS in the last month...I am not positive that Casey meant to kill Caylee on that day...or that she did not have help in some sort of cover-up...just not sure.

But when you say ' on purpose' are you thinking she accidentally killed her by trying to get her to sleep by using chloroform or tape? Because that would be aggravated child abuse and still can bring LWOP or the DP.
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