2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

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Baez will put on a defense the same as his OS, which was ridiculous. There were so many holes an nothing provable.

The PT had very profession, well spoken ,articulate and educated witnesses.

Who is the DT going to have? the PI D casey, a psychic, Joy wray? I can't imagine any one as good as the witnesses we have seen so far.

JB can double talk, circular talk, or baby talk, nothing will change the fact he has NOTHING. JA will make mince meat of JB witnesses. Just 3 or 4 questions by JA and those witnesses will be discredited or look like babbling fools.

JB will get what he pays for.

JB has no scientific evidence. JB has no credible witnesses. He will just attack the Anthony family.
It wouldn't work for me. But I am capable of connecting dots, seeing the big picture and fully understand that rarely is their an eye witness or video of a murder. I think the prosecution proved beyond a REASONABLE doubt that Casey is a cold blooded murderer.

Me too, but then again, I was pretty much convinced of that before they presented their case so it is hard for me to be objective. And I thought I could lay my prejudices aside in the beginning - hah!
Anyone else pondering the DT's CIC and wondering what in earth they even have to present? :waitasec:

Yep, still :dunno:
Based only on what we've heard in court, filtering out what I picked up from WS in the last month...I am not positive that Casey meant to kill Caylee on that day...or that she did not have help in some sort of cover-up...just not sure.
I really don't have a good feeling about this! Sooo much the jury doesn't know. JMO.
I believe the State will use their Rebuttal to the fullest. Remember, the DT will present its CiC, and then the SA can call new witnesses to present their rebuttal to DT.

Then, once closing arguments are made, the SA gets another chance to rebut the DT's closing.

So, the SA always gets the last word. I'm still not worried.
Who do we know that would be called as a witness(es) tomorrow that would need to fly to Orlando vs. someone who is local?

Jesse Grund? From what I understand, he's moved to Georgia since 2008.

Other experts?
Who will then tell the story or the drowning? There was NO MENTION by JB that when Caylee was found in the pool that GEorge or KC attempted CPR. NOr any explaination on what happened to the body and how she ended up at blockbuster hand in hand with her man.

How will JB tell this story or confirm it?

Excellent question. There is no way unless ICA takes the stand.

On the flip side, the SA doesn't have a way to show how ridiculous it is either.
Unless ICA takes the stand.

Since George denies it happened, the only to person to ask is ICA.

"Did you or your dad attempt CPR?"

"Did you are your dad think to call 911?"

"Did you try to call 911 and your father wouldn't let you?" "Did he rip the phone from your hand?"

"Was your dad wet when from getting Caylee out of the pool?"

"How come you searched the whole house, under the beds, in the closets and in the garage before checking the pool?"

"What TIME did this happen?" (very important IMHO)

The list is a mile long and no way to ask any of it unless ICA takes the stand.
Oh please - HLN thinking its Robyn Adams - but she is already in Orange county - Lord these TH's need to read here. lol - we even have her mug shot from when she was admitted to Orange County.

I'm waiting for the TH to say that its Zanny the Nanny. They are so biased.
I thought George was seen using the tape to mount some posters?

As far as I know (and I did miss a few moments) this was not seen at trial. I do remember the tape and the poster.

Here's a picture, but it's not very clear --

Who will then tell the story or the drowning? There was NO MENTION by JB that when Caylee was found in the pool that GEorge or KC attempted CPR. NOr any explaination on what happened to the body and how she ended up at blockbuster hand in hand with her man.

How will JB tell this story or confirm it?

Dunno but we can be sure it will be dramatic and with a theatrical flair. Oh Lord, I gotta go buy a case of Tylenol, super strength. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
I'm also thinking they will possibly be in deliberations by Saturday. I just don't see a huge defense case.

I recall Mark Geragos boasted the same thing in SP's case. When it came down to it, he called a few witnesses (the mom & dad), and then rested. I think the same will happen here.
I agree. I'm convinced KC searched how to make chloroform, but I'm not convinced she ever actually made chloroform or had access to or possession of chloroform.

IMO, the State strongly suggested the possibility of chloroform, but has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that KC either made chloroform or had access to or possession of it.

I don't think it's left floating out there IMO, Casey searched for chloroform, the levels were too high to measure from the carpet in the trunk, bleach + pool chemical + glass jar and ice for cooling makes chloroform in 30 mins or maybe less.
It seems to me that JB only has one witness for the defense - Joy Wray....:great::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::crazy:
Prepare to be bombarded by the Defense teams band of propaganda pushers that are sure to descend upon the networks in mass numbers for the next week or so. :giggle:

BBM AND the on-line message boards :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Tylenol, anyone?
Based only on what we've heard in court, filtering out what I picked up from WS in the last month...I am not positive that Casey meant to kill Caylee on that day...or that she did not have help in some sort of cover-up...just not sure.

even if she didn't mean to "oopsie - my bad for taping her up to keep her quiet" - that aggravated child abuse, and that means Murder 1.
I think the very last witness will be the tattoo artist, showing what Casey had planned for her future without Caylee...A beautiful life....

JB may call the tattoo artist saying it was a tribute to Caylee (since she already knew she was dead) - and if he does, he has already stated he thought ICA was a good mother every time she was in the studio...
Jesse Grund? From what I understand, he's moved to Georgia since 2008.

Other experts?

I doubt it would be Jesse but oh man - can you imagine the expressions on her face if it were? Her head might actually explode...
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