2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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DC might have knowledge of defense trying to find Caylee without LE involvement ? IMO DC coming to the Anthony's after working for JB always seemed very suspicious to me.

Same here, but that won't come in because it is evidence against Baez and the Anthony's. Both sides have reasons not to use it.
Whomever the last witness is, the SA will want to make a HUGE impact on the jury by their testimony. I don't think JG was called, even though he knew a lot, because it would hurt the prosecution with his testimony...remember, GA did not like him....and GA was the one who pitched a fit when he and CA walked in and found them lying in bed, even though fully clothed. So, JB would say, SEE......
So the roll of tape was never found? That is not good. All we have is footage showing the tape on the missing posters? That is NOT even enough to confirm it belonged to the Anthony's only the tape of the gas can. Where did the roll go?

Was it used up?
oy my head hurts.

JB said in opening statements, George was seen with the duct tape in August when they were passing out fliers/T-shirts. It was sitting on a counter top behind a donation jar, IIRC.
Well, I meant more that she isn't going to be called by the state. She is local, so no flying in there. I'm not sure if she is on the DT witness list, but would double dog dare them to call her. I don't think they would. :twocents:

who else will corroborate the molestation allegations? I think they'll call her. And then the state can analyze the rest of ICAs letters - all about Zanny - and the jury can conclude, yet again, that it's nothing but lies.
But IIRC, CA said they gave her the playhouse a month early so she could start playing in it. And it took awhile to set it up and do the landscaping and pavers and mailbox etc in time for the party in August.
I'm going to go look for it. It has me curious now too.

I beileve RA will be a defense witness - after all she did get the letters from ICA that spouted about the abuse.

Now off to dive into the depos......
Too many loose ends.........the chloroform for example. Where did she get it, could she have made it. Little things like that left just floating out there.

I agree. I'm convinced KC searched how to make chloroform, but I'm not convinced she ever actually made chloroform or had access to or possession of chloroform.

IMO, the State strongly suggested the possibility of chloroform, but has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that KC either made chloroform or had access to or possession of it.
Isn't he already in Florida?

Yes,but the State didn't say the next witness was their last witness. A case builds,one piece added to the other. There could still be several more witnesses whose testimony would be very short .
Nobody knows who tomorrow's witnesses will be. It could be on the cell phone pings.

some potential witnesses may no longer be needed. i am still waiting for a couple witnesses that might not be used at this point. first, the pen pal jail house letters friend of casey, second river - crystal. let us wait and see who will be sworn in. i heard on tv today - jose is not a bad lawyer, just an inexperienced one. some day he will be a fine lawyer. had to laugh -as if someday is not today!! glad i did not drive to trial today- i am sure the jurors will take a nap with the time they gained today.

out of state witness ? we will wait!!
Didn't JB say during OS that ICA's brother LA's DNA was tested to see if he was the father of Caylee? I thought I heard that, but have not seen anything mentioned about it lately. Does anyone know? TIA
His dna was tested, so was the rest of the family's.
I agree... I think the next witness is Dr. Hall, the botanist... What happened to the guy that did the water studies on Suburban?

I bet you are right......they have to close up the evidence with the root growth and estimated time of disposal.....great thought!
I am still in shock that we won't have court this afternoon or tomorrow morning and that the SA is finishing up with their evidence so fast.

The only thing I could figure is that the SA will come out with a strong closing argument and tie all of the evidence together to show that ICA is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt to the jury.
So the roll of tape was never found? That is not good. All we have is footage showing the tape on the missing posters? That is NOT even enough to confirm it belonged to the Anthony's only the tape of the gas can. Where did the roll go?

Was it used up?
oy my head hurts.

I thought George was seen using the tape to mount some posters?
I had read somewhere that she had been transferred to the Orange Cty. Jail, so maybe JB is using her in some way.

IMHO I believe she is being used for the DT (to show how much ICA loved Caylee Marie, blah blah blah).

On that note, I had to sit back for a bit and try to take the sudden ending in stride. I believe the SA has put on a firm and solid case.

My question, however, is can the SA bring on new witnesses during rebuttal? I believe the answer to be no, and they can only cross/rebutt what the Defense provides. So say, if the the SA rests, and the defense doesn't call Jesse Grund - the SA couldn't just bring up Jesse could they? It's my understanding that the SA can only use the DT witnesses to bolster their case (which I'm sure they will).

And as of today, at this moment, if I were a juror, I couldn't go beyond Aggravated Manslaughter. I would have liked to see the duct tape linked back to the house (where is the roll), maybe the tattoo guy (bella vita), and I hope to see some cell phone pings to show where the inmate was the 15/16th. IMHO, and please don't throw stones, as this is my opinion only -- I couldn't vote for death on what has been presented thus far.

My hope is the SA will have a fantastic closing to wrap this up in a nice bow.



who else will corroborate the molestation allegations? I think they'll call her. And then the state can analyze the reset of ICAs letters - all about Zanny - and the jury can conclude, yet again, that it's nothing but lies.

Nobody, because it didn't happen. Casey only wrote to her about Lee, IIRC. I just don't think she is credible, and JB himself said she was just a snitch. So, while I don't think they will call her - It always seems to be opposite day when it comes to JB. So maybe he will. :dunno:
The last State witness scheduled for tomorrow?

The baby daddy!

Either that is wishful thinking or you have inhaled! LOL - because as much as I would LOVE to know this piece of info ..... it's kind of irrelvant to KC killing her child (unless a link could be established that I am not privy to)

Ha Ha love it!
I think the last witness(es) must be techincal people who were scheduled elsewhere...anyone else could probably have been brought in a day or so early and been on hand to testify.
MH? The military wouldn't bend and alter flight times... they are pretty rigid. Especially if he is coming from over seas... not sure where he is right now
He was wired by FBI and went to see ICA. Wonder if there was any info gained.
I agree. I'm convinced KC searched how to make chloroform, but I'm not convinced she ever actually made chloroform or had access to or possession of chloroform.

IMO, the State strongly suggested the possibility of chloroform, but has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that KC either made chloroform or had access to or possession of it.

It was shown by the body farm that the trunk had 10,000 times the amount of chloroform in it than it should have.
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