2011.06.14 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Eighteen)

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In the article, it says ICA's clothes have NOT come from there..

"Most of Casey's clothes have been donated. Her mother, Cindy, used to bring her own clothes from her home. Casey's attorneys and others have also donated clothes to her"

Yes, I noted that in my last post.:truce:
I'm just watching CA's testimony from today.This is the same ole CA ,not helping the SA at all. Barely giving answers unless she thinks it will help ICA. Maybe newbies and the jurors won't recognize it,but those of us who have seen other interviews,depos and hearings,can spot it,IMO.
When LDB states she wants to pull up a part of CA's depo,CA startles. She was not expecting THAT!
At best I hope she is not lying,but she certainly is being totally honest.JMO
So is GA in on this defense too? Poor Caylee.She never had a chance.

That's the part that worries me, the jury has no idea how Cindy has behaved for the past 3 years, they would have a hard time even suspecting her of lying.
It seems so unfair that so much has to be left out, I guess we just know too much.
I'm still not sure where GA stands, I guess we'll find out soon enough. The SA's presentation has left me feeling a bit anti climatic.
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I noticed on HLN video from the hearing showing ICA taking her chair at the defense table and then lowering it three times. Hopefully, they will show this again.

I knew they were doing this. I went and watched some of the pre-trial hearings and Casey was almost shoulder to shoulder with JB. Having her sit there now appearing the size of an 8 year old is disgusting and should not be allowed!
There is no doubt in my mind that CA and GA were in denial. What happened to them was the worst thing that could ever happen. I tend to give them a "free pass" more so than alot of others here. I think they are in the mode now that they know they can't help thier grandaughter, so they must at least help their daughter from the DP. God bless George and Cindy for even lasting through this nightmare so far.
And, to make it even more memorable that ICA is so child-like and living in a dream world, the over-long sleeves which she tugs over her hands and pulls up to her face also add to that child-like image the DT has created. Perhaps she is projecting herself as that little girl looking up at the teddy bear in the noose. Oh, I forgot, the jury was not allowed to view that. All the damning evidence that portrays the real ICA has been contested and withheld as DT claimed it was prejudicial. Not fair for Caylee Marie. I do hope that the jury can see through the witch filters that the DT has imposed.

Several stipulations today. The jury WILL get to see all the photobucket photos when they go into deliberations. All of the items of evidence that have been entered will be seen by the jurors.

- stipulations regarding WFTV video on July 20, 2008, Lee at command post with
duct tape on Caylee missing poster

- stipulations regarding Cindy employment at Gentiva - January 1, 2008 through
July 16, 2008 - time card history report

- stipulations regarding George employment at Security Forces
Jan 16, 2008 through July 4, 2008 - weekly time reports

- stipulations regarding Photobucket photos from May 24, 2007 through
July 16, 2008
Since I missed most of today's testimony I just watched Kathi/BillSheaffer's analysis of the day. They talked about a missing dufflebag, taken from the A's garage and how it might have been used to transport Caylee with the other bags inside. I don't remember any previous mention of this bag....?

IIRC The canvas bag that Caylee was found in came in a set of two, both are missing. CA had originally blamed LE, saying they had taken one from Caylee's bedroom but she later remembered that the rectangle tote had been put away along with the cylinder shaped tote, in the garage over the W&D. :)
Are we 100% positive the state isn't calling anymore witnesses?

What I got out of the discussion in court after the jury was dismissed this afternoon is that the State still wants to bring in the translation of "Bella Vita" somehow (though not thru a witness), and that after that, they wanted to clarify something re: the admission of 2 exhibits (I believe concerning the carpeting from the car trunk). After that, it sounded like they were prepared to rest their case.
I knew they were doing this. I went and watched some of the pre-trial hearings and Casey was almost shoulder to shoulder with JB. Having her sit there now appearing the size of an 8 year old is disgusting and should not be allowed!

wow I did see that are we certain it's a defense move and not a personal preference? or ICA trying to appear smaller herself? Makes no sense for the defense to suggest this. Even at 100# she is still 3x Caylee's weight.
Hope I never murder anyone. I'm 5'9" so I'm not sitting with my chair as low as it will go. AND even if I did... I'd still be as tall as most men in their chairs. I'm more likely to raise that chair and tower over my team lol
wonder how tall JB IS! HOW tall is ICA?

IMO- the jurors don't see her as an 8 yr old. Many of them probably have tiny grandmas that even today whoop their backsides!
Several stipulations today. The jury WILL get to see all the photobucket photos when they go into deliberations. All of the items of evidence that have been entered will be seen by the jurors.

- stipulations regarding WFTV video on July 20, 2008, Lee at command post with
duct tape on Caylee missing poster

- stipulations regarding Cindy employment at Gentiva - January 1, 2008 through
July 16, 2008 - time card history report

- stipulations regarding George employment at Security Forces
Jan 16, 2008 through July 4, 2008 - weekly time reports

- stipulations regarding Photobucket photos from May 24, 2007 through
July 16, 2008

Then that is all they should need. Jurors don't need to be spoon-fed. They can put this stuff together IMO.
ICA creates chaos and seems to thrive on drama. She has continued this for 3 years and the entire hoopla of her trial fits into her need for attention. Wonder if she will crash and burn when the State will dispell the DT story step by step.

The old CA swung back into action today. She answered the States questions but it took prodding by LDB.

I agree!

I am disgusted by the "I Love You" together with the "altered" testimony!
Cindy forced LDB to bring out her previous deposition statements several times just to get an honest answer out of her! Sheesh!

Cindy did everything she could to be helpful to the Inmate.

- when she walked up to the witness stand she looked directly at KC and smiled at her

- she mouthed "I Love You" to KC when she left the stand for the break, and the jury was out

- She tried to infer that her hair was brunette at one time and long enough to be the questioned hair in the trunk that can only match Casey, Caylee, Cindy, Lee, Gma Plesea and her sons.

- She tried to put her own mother and brothers in the Sunfire so the hair in the trunk could be theirs and not Caylee's.

- She offered additional testimony that she and George drove the Sunfire also, and she drove it a lot - would trade with KC with her 4Runner. This was not even an answer to LDB's question.

- She tried to say the duct tape did not come from their home, when she KNOWS it did.

- She said that George and KidFinders went and bought duct tape for the command center to hold up posters of other missing children also [not only Caylee missing posters] and they only had one roll of black duct tape which she used on the no trespassing signs for the protestors

- LDB had to get Cindy's depo out to make her admit that she said they used duct tape at the command center.
depo July 2009, under oath, answered questions, I was present with Baez
page 511 - page 570 line 13 on this issue
512 line 24
Cindy said in depo they used duct tape at the command center in July and August
Cindy said in her depo that she knew George put a piece of duct tape on the gas can vent
but today she is saying she doesn't know the origin of the duct tape

- She refused to identify Lee in the background of the photo at the command center with the Caylee poster with Henkel duct tape on it - on the WFTV video

- She said George was the only one using the duct tape

- She tried to confuse the issue of the cylindrical and rectangular Whitney laundry bags saying she wasn't sure of the size in the cylindrical one that LDB showed her photo of
LDB had to get her depo out to show her the dimensions, to finally get Cindy to admit that she had a similar cylindrical canvas bag in her home at one time

- She altered when she last saw the rectangular Whitney canvas laundry bag from being in Caylee's room to saying today that she had put it in the garage. Her memory is better now than it was at depo in July 2009 - forgot she switched it out and put it in the garage [not in Caylee's room]
LDB had to get the depo out again.

- She said July 3rd teddy bear was missing [but did not mention WTP blanket]
LDB had to pull it out of her - LDB asked about missing items from July 2008 through Dec 11, 2008 timeframe

- She said she told LE [during Dec 20th search warrant] that Caylee's WTP blanket was missing, but said today that it has been missing since end of May [meaning prior to the July - Dec 2008 timeframe and KC did not remove it from the house when Caylee was killed in June] Cindy was trying to confuse the timeline of when the WTP blanket was taken out of their home

- She said Caylee had outgrown those shorts she has on when bouncing on KC's knee and Baez implied that someone (George) who put those shorts on her did not know she had outgrown them - shorts found with remains

- She said caylee bouncing on KC's knees taken in early 2007 - Caylee younger and chunkier
LDB had to get Cindy's depo out to make her admit that she said photo taken before Caylee 2nd Bday Aug 9 , 2007 [not "early 2007"]
LDB showed depo page 497, lines 1-6 - different statements of when picture taken

It is my opinion that Cindy tried to send words of love to her daughter in the hopes that the Inmate will have a change of heart about the destruction to the family which Baez has planned for the Defense case. Cindy chooses to believe that it is all Baez saying horrible things about their family, and not the Inmate.
I agree!

I am disgusted by the "I Love You" together with the "altered" testimony!
Cindy forced LDB to bring out her previous deposition statements several times just to get an honest answer out of her! Sheesh!

Cindy did everything she could to be helpful to the Inmate.

- when she walked up to the witness stand she looked directly at KC and smiled at her

- she mouthed "I Love You" to KC when she left the stand for the break, and the jury was out

- She tried to infer that her hair was brunette at one time and long enough to be the questioned hair in the trunk that can only match Casey, Caylee, Cindy, Lee, Gma Plesea and her sons.

- She tried to put her own mother and brothers in the Sunfire so the hair in the trunk could be theirs and not Caylee's.

- She offered additional testimony that she and George drove the Sunfire also, and she drove it a lot - would trade with KC with her 4Runner. This was not even an answer to LDB's question.

- She tried to say the duct tape did not come from their home, when she KNOWS it did.

- She said that George and KidFinders went and bought duct tape for the command center to hold up posters of other missing children also [not only Caylee missing posters] and they only had one roll of black duct tape which she used on the no trespassing signs for the protestors

- LDB had to get Cindy's depo out to make her admit that she said they used duct tape at the command center.
depo July 2009, under oath, answered questions, I was present with Baez
page 511 - page 570 line 13 on this issue
512 line 24
Cindy said in depo they used duct tape at the command center in July and August
Cindy said in her depo that she knew George put a piece of duct tape on the gas can vent
but today she is saying she doesn't know the origin of the duct tape

- She refused to identify Lee in the background of the photo at the command center with the Caylee poster with Henkel duct tape on it - on the WFTV video

- She said George was the only one using the duct tape

- She tried to confuse the issue of the cylindrical and rectangular Whitney laundry bags saying she wasn't sure of the size in the cylindrical one that LDB showed her photo of
LDB had to get her depo out to show her the dimensions, to finally get Cindy to admit that she had a similar cylindrical canvas bag in her home at one time

- She altered when she last saw the rectangular Whitney canvas laundry bag from being in Caylee's room to saying today that she had put it in the garage. Her memory is better now than it was at depo in July 2009 - forgot she switched it out and put it in the garage [not in Caylee's room]
LDB had to get the depo out again.

- She said July 3rd teddy bear was missing [but did not mention WTP blanket]
LDB had to pull it out of her - LDB asked about missing items from July 2008 through Dec 11, 2008 timeframe

- She said she told LE [during Dec 20th search warrant] that Caylee's WTP blanket was missing, but said today that it has been missing since end of May [meaning prior to the July - Dec 2008 timeframe and KC did not remove it from the house when Caylee was killed in June] Cindy was trying to confuse the timeline of when the WTP blanket was taken out of their home

- She said Caylee had outgrown those shorts she has on when bouncing on KC's knee and Baez implied that someone (George) who put those shorts on her did not know she had outgrown them - shorts found with remains

- She said caylee bouncing on KC's knees taken in early 2007 - Caylee younger and chunkier
LDB had to get Cindy's depo out to make her admit that she said photo taken before Caylee 2nd Bday Aug 9 , 2007 [not "early 2007"]
LDB showed depo page 497, lines 1-6 - different statements of when picture taken

It is my opinion that Cindy tried to send words of love to her daughter in the hopes that the Inmate will have a change of heart about the destruction to the family which Baez has planned for the Defense case. Cindy chooses to believe that it is all Baez saying horrible things about their family, and not the Inmate.

TY, TY for taking the time and the trouble to document that.
After the tattoo testimony and there was an objection and a sidebar and the jury was out, they all stood, and the Inmate twisted her back and grimaced as if in pain, then whispered to JB, without covering her mouth, and I clearly saw her say

"rub my back ... if I rub your back ... will you rub mine?" then a sexy smile, then sat down

I was shocked at how inappropriate that was, and that the Inmate seems to think she is on a date, instead of in a murder trial where her life is at risk!


  • rub my back aa.JPG
    rub my back aa.JPG
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Anybody know why the meaning of the tattoo was not given in court? I don't understand why they could not explain what it meant. As usual I am confused,lol.:loser:
wow I did see that are we certain it's a defense move and not a personal preference? or ICA trying to appear smaller herself? Makes no sense for the defense to suggest this. Even at 100# she is still 3x Caylee's weight.
Hope I never murder anyone. I'm 5'9" so I'm not sitting with my chair as low as it will go. AND even if I did... I'd still be as tall as most men in their chairs. I'm more likely to raise that chair and tower over my team lol
wonder how tall JB IS! HOW tall is ICA?

IMO- the jurors don't see her as an 8 yr old. Many of them probably have tiny grandmas that even today whoop their backsides!

Me thinks she does it to get more hidden behind her laptop with the white cord she is so fond of.
Is it me or does the way she wraps that damn cord remind anyone of duct tape and what she did with it?
After the tattoo testimony and there was an objection and a sidebar and the jury was out, they all stood, and the Inmate twisted her back and grimaced as if in pain, then whispered to JB, without covering her mouth, and I clearly saw her say

"rub my back ... if I rub your back ... will you rub mine?" then a sexy smile, then sat down

I was shocked at how inappropriate that was, and that the Inmate seems to think she is on a date, instead of in a murder trial where her life in at risk!
:eek: no words!
Me thinks she does it to get more hidden behind her laptop with the white cord she is so fond of.
Is it me or does the way she wraps that damn cord remind anyone of duct tape and what she did with it?

Before court started this morning, Baez plopped down the power box and laptop cord in front of the Inmate, and she used a folder to shove it towards Sims, and mouthed "I'm not touching it..." and did not plug it in under the table as she has been doing.

Also, when the Inmate would whisper to Sims today, Sims would purposefully lower her monitor so the Inmate could not read it.

Looks to me like someone had a talking to with the Inmate and reminded her that she is in custody [minus the ankle chains thanks to Judge Perry's kindness], and not a paralegal or legal assistant at the defense table.
Have been watching since day 31, and in my opinion the SA have done a very fine job and we may think they left a lot of key facts out, just because we have been following this for 3 yrs. But I think their strategy is brilliant. Let them not give too much credence to Caseys claims of molestation by dad and brother, there is no proof. And as to some witnesses, such as RK and Kiomarie that they did not call, they will ask a few key questions on rebuttal when the defense calls them. The defense is in panic mode. They know the way it is going. The State will ask the important questions on cross they need to and bring the case home. But I must add, that ICA will never get the DP, because IMO from hearing a few tweets. a few of the jurors seem sympathetic to CA. But one thing I cant figure out for the life of me, is how the defense will bring RK to the stand and have him bolster their theory.

I agree. Jeff Ashton and Linda Drane Burdick have an excellent reputation. If I recall correctly, they have won something like 37 cases out of 40. That's a good track record! So, I have confidence that they know what they're doing.

I think they're going to let the defense present their case and on cross exam diffuse the testimony of the defense witnesses. Then on rebuttal they'll bring in a few more witnesses to refute defense claims.

Based on previous claims, the defense will likely claim that someone moved Caylee's remains to where they were found after Casey was in jail. If they claim this in presenting their case, the state on rebuttal will put Tim Miller on the stand to testify to the attempts to search that area and the fact that it was under water from late August onward. I'm sure there's a local meterologist who will testify to weather conditions.
if ONE juror asked, the judge would still say "the jury wishes to see..."

perhaps one asked, and another said oh hey I wondered about that too.

we cant assume they did not heed all previous admonitions!

There was a tweet posted earlier today about one juror whispering to another...maybe this was what it was about?

I am surprised that the judge did not question the jury to find out how this came about, or perhaps he did, but he did not mention it for the record...
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