2011.06.14 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Eighteen)

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IF the judge sends her to DR,Casey has NO ONE to blame but herself..she can not blame Cindy,George,LEE,her lawyers and it is going to drive her mad!And when she is sitting on DR she will say to herself-I totally screwed up and just maybe-WHAT HAVE I DONE!
Did anyone besides me hear when HJBP read the stipulations to the jury about the short video and photos from the news reporter....that this command center was run by LA?? LA has the duct tape.....wonder if he will be asked about it??
Trying to sink through the floor, to hide? To disappear from the scrutiny of the court and the rest of the world?

It's likely an intentional strategy by the DT to make her appear more diminutive than she really is -- "look and see how the mean ol' gubmint is trying to railroad this frail little thing." They've really tried to present her as a young girl through most of this rather than a young woman.

Did anyone besides me hear when HJBP read the stipulations to the jury about the short video and photos from the news reporter....that this command center was run by LA?? LA has the duct tape.....wonder if he will be asked about it??

Yep, I did notice that... probably will, I think.
Ya know, the one things that has always bothered me about the gas can is who the hell reports gas cans missing?

Yes, I'm serious.

I believe he reported it to the police because the shed was broken into,and the fact that gasoline was alittle over $4/gal at that time.
I believe he reported it to the police because the shed was broken into,and the fact that gasoline was alittle over $4/gal at that time.[/QUOTE/]

Yes, I agree that GA reported the issue because the shed had been forcibly entered -- but I don't think the value of the gas was the issue. When somebody breaks and enters anything on your property, I would think you'd call the police -- could just as easily have been the house.
I didn't see that, but i have thought that maybe the case along, to make her appear smaller. waiflike to the jury, I think.

I know it's kind of disturbing that she sits there with the table edge even with her shoulders. She looks child-like, in a creepy kind of way.
if ONE juror asked, the judge would still say "the jury wishes to see..."

perhaps one asked, and another said oh hey I wondered about that too.

we cant assume they did not heed all previous admonitions!

When I was on a jury once, I sent a note to the judge while we were on a break. I just gave a note the bailiff, IIRC. My point is, I didn't include any of the other jurors, it was just a personal note from me. So I don't know, but I could see one of the jurors wondering about this evidence and sending a note.

IMO, the idea that someone asked about this shows that at least one juror is on the ball!
But George DOES sometimes drive the Sunfire. He did the maintenance on it. He drove it home from the tow yard. Did you want Cindy to lie on the stand?

IMO Cindy did not throw anyone under the bus except ICA.Him driving the car does not implicate him anymore then having a spare key does.
Thanks to all for the updates today. You folks rock!! I had to play catch up, as I missed part of this afternoon. (can't believe I have to plan a wedding in the middle of this trial! lol)

I'm confused about something I just watched. What is happening tomorrow? Motion for aquittal? And the jury is only coming in for a few minutes? So does this mean that tomorrow will go all day without the jury present? Or that the few minutes is all there will be for everyone. (hope that makes sense..)

I believe he reported it to the police because the shed was broken into,and the fact that gasoline was alittle over $4/gal at that time.[/QUOTE/]

Yes, I agree that GA reported the issue because the shed had been forcibly entered -- but I don't think the value of the gas was the issue. When somebody breaks and enters anything on your property, I would think you'd call the police -- could just as easily have been the house.

KC wanted to get TL's fingerprints on the crowbar that broke into the shed. KC was setting TL up for future blame should she have needed to point the finger at him.

When she ran out of gas, why couldn't TL have lent her a few bucks to get some gas -- enough to get home. The gas station would have had a can they could have borrowed and returned.

There was no need to break into the shed, other than to set TL up with prints at the A's home.

I haven't read thru the thread and am watching today's video so not sure if anyone noted about the item 313.

What I saw was the the witness was on and JB grabed a photo to ask her about... the Judge told him to show the SA.. and I absolutely loved LDB expression as she told him to 'go ahead'. The Judge then said (and its on record) not verbatim ..."showing photo to witness 'not' entered into evidence'. So LDB patiently waited until the witness left the stand to enter the exhibit JB had used. JB Objects... hello???? LDB wasn't planning to enter it with this witness so that is why it wasn't published and given any context. When the jury asks to see it, JB again objects that basically there is no info (cardboard on/off..who knows - teach him to touch exhibits not entered imo)

What really stood out for me is that this Jury is really paying attention and are to what was going on. That is making me feel so much relief.

ok, going back to watch :)
Wow, I am still finishing up todays coverage so you guys probably already talked about this, but...

I just realized that if the SA enters in evidence tomorrow and the DT does begin on Thursday, notonly will they begin on the 3rd anniversary of little Caylee's death, but also, if you go by WFTV's trial day count, it will be day 31.....
I believe he reported it to the police because the shed was broken into,and the fact that gasoline was alittle over $4/gal at that time.
Yes, I agree that GA reported the issue because the shed had been forcibly entered -- but I don't think the value of the gas was the issue. When somebody breaks and enters anything on your property, I would think you'd call the police -- could just as easily have been the house.

My opinion is that George called the police about the gas cans specifically because he believed it was Casey who took them. I think they did it to force her to come home.

Just like Cindy used the threat of calling 911 on Casey for stealing the car, when she wouldn't do what Cindy wanted.

I think that they learned that they really had no control over Casey, and calling the police was the only threat they had in their bag of tricks anymore. They were already aware that she would steal from them, Lee, Gramma, Grampa, etc. They knew she was fearless.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but wasn't there some inconsistency between Cindy and George's testimony about the duct tape? Today Cindy said that George mentioned putting duct tape on the gas can vents when they got the cans back in December. He had testified that he put duct tape on the gas can vents after he got them out of the trunk back on June 24th. I'm probably wrong about what the two actually said, but something seems a little off.

Also: I don't see why Casey wouldn't have had access to the tape in the garage. It wouldn't have been locked up in the storage sheds unless they're trying to say that george didn't even produce any tape until much later than June.

She stole everything else she could get her hands on, so its logical she would get the duct tape from their supply at home. It's not like she would spend her own money to go and buy it...
KC wanted to get TL's fingerprints on the crowbar that broke into the shed. KC was setting TL up for future blame should she have needed to point the finger at him.

When she ran out of gas, why couldn't TL have lent her a few bucks to get some gas -- enough to get home. The gas station would have had a can they could have borrowed and returned.

There was no need to break into the shed, other than to set TL up with prints at the A's home.


IMO She isn't that bright and never really plans that far ahead. She only plans as far as getting out of the current jam. Examples.... Kill my kid.....Caylee is dead, toss her in the trunk... ....bury the body, back in the garage, borrow a shovel...too much work. Grabs some trash bags, laundrybag and dump on Suburban, trunk stinks .....text people about it & blame dad, squirrels...starts REALLY reeking...ditch the car. See what I mean? It was NEVER a well thought out plan. She plans as needed.
And, to make it even more memorable that ICA is so child-like and living in a dream world, the over-long sleeves which she tugs over her hands and pulls up to her face also add to that child-like image the DT has created. Perhaps she is projecting herself as that little girl looking up at the teddy bear in the noose. Oh, I forgot, the jury was not allowed to view that. All the damning evidence that portrays the real ICA has been contested and withheld as DT claimed it was prejudicial. Not fair for Caylee Marie. I do hope that the jury can see through the witch filters that the DT has imposed.
She ICA BROKE the shed to steal them... That's burglary ... breaking and entering!!! Think about your neighbors if you don't care about your own property. He GA didn't ask for a 50 state manhunt he just wanted it documented. He was merely being a good citizen.

I totally agree! We do this and so do our neighbors. We had a chain saw taken from our garage and when the officer came to do a report, we found out there had been an increased number of minor thefts from open garages in our neighborhood and some car break-ins. It helps the local police and neighborhood watch groups to know about this, even if it may seem minor in the grand scale.

They don't normally send a group of police with sirens blaring, they just send an officer by to do a routine report.
Thanks to all for the updates today. You folks rock!! I had to play catch up, as I missed part of this afternoon. (can't believe I have to plan a wedding in the middle of this trial! lol)

I'm confused about something I just watched. What is happening tomorrow? Motion for aquittal? And the jury is only coming in for a few minutes? So does this mean that tomorrow will go all day without the jury present? Or that the few minutes is all there will be for everyone. (hope that makes sense..)


I believe tomorrow the State will enter a few things into evidence that they neglected to previously, then the DT will make the motion for acquittal. The jury will be there & it should be short.
seems I remember duct tape between Amy and ICA for the no clothes party also.....
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