2011.06.16 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Can someone explain why JB would ask about LA paternity test if it was negitive? I am so confused right now.

Because Jose wants to leave the jurors thinking that LE had a good faith reason to test him in the first place.
Anyone know if any homeless people could have been living out in those woods closer to the time Caylee was found?? Wonder if Dominic Casey would be a 17??

I know Jeff Ashton will fix this. I just know he will. There has to be a reasonable explanation.

He just needs to keep his emotions in check. I've said it many times that his personal feelings for JB are getting in the way of him trying the perfect case. I have no doubt that he will prevail, but he needs to set his petty gamesmanship with JB aside, and just go for the conviction.
I'm a little worried about the whole 17 issue. Casey and Caylee were excluded because they are 14-15... okay... so what is 17?? I remember the defense talking about mystery DNA during the first "48 Hours" special... so if it was mystery DNA, it doesn't match Roy Kronk or anyone else.

I don't doubt that Caylee and Casey's DNA was ruined in those elements... I'm just confused that there is some other kind of DNA there... they could determine if it were DNA from an animal, right??

If Caylees and Caseys DNA was ruined..we don't know for sure if it was ruined or never there in the first place..why wasn't the DNA that was present on the tape ruined? This does not make sense. I don;t think the duct tape was ever on Caylee's face.
Brutal - two hours and three minutes to discuss what wasn't there...if this is the way the DT is going to present their entire CIC we'll be here next June 16th too.
I think HHJP has to kind of be a little nicer to JB or it could show prejudice etc and be an item for appeal. His body language suggests to me he thinks this B is guilty as sin but he is continuing along for the "fair trial" aspect of it. JA's objections are appropriate IMO so I am not sure why HHJP is so bothered by them. Sure he is animated and very angry but why shouldn't he be??? This guy is now throwing another INNOCENT man in front of a train....for all the world to see. It's obscene. OF COURSE HE IS ANGRY !!
Honestly, I think this round went to Jose. The timing ( right before lunch ) the objection and leaving the jury with the impression LE believed there was a possibility that Lee was the daddy.

I agree Linda, as nursie said yesterday-you can't unring a bell. Even if they are instructed not to consider it, they heard it-you can't unhear information.
I think HHJP is an excellent judge, but anyone else get the feeling he just plain doesn't like JA?

IMO, I completely agree with JA getting so angry. JB continues to get away with his sneaky, irrelevant questions. MOO

I am worried! The judge dressed down Ashton in front of the jury. Thats going to make the state look real bad and like Baez has something.

Honestly, I don't see HHJP being angry with JA or giving JB an unfair advantage. Remember HHJP denial of the motion for acquittal yesterday? He KNOWS the state has a case...what he doesn't want to have happen is for there to be a mistrial or have this come back at him on an appeal.

He knows very well why JA is getting upset...and understands...but HHJP must maintain fairness in directing this whole circus, I mean trial.

I think JA can hold his own with the jury...a war is not lost or won in one skirmish. I think we all need to sit down, shut up and trust that the truth will win!!!
Well, I'm not gonna lie. I don't like this 17 thing. I don't like the dressing down of JA in front of the jury and I don't like that JB just says whatever the heck he wants even though he knows it will be objected or even stricken from the record. He doesn't care as long as he gets it out there and the jury hears it. I know we are going to see that from him time and time and time again. :banghead:

Oh and JA...love ya buddy but PLEASE calm down!!!
I just wanted to take a minute while we are all here on sidebar to thank the mod's!!!!!

Thank you for all the time you all invest going through each post and keeping us all in line! Thank you also for sending us on the express train when we switch from Trial to sidebar threads! I am usually threads behind when the break happens and would get lost if it was not for you all!!

I am worried! The judge dressed down Ashton in front of the jury. Thats going to make the state look real bad and like Baez has something.

Was the jury still there? I thought the judge sent them out before they had the discussion about the objection, etc.
ITA, and JB will probably keep doing this, timing lunch with a zinger, thru-out his cic, if he can.

I think HHJP will fix this after lunch by striking the question and having JB ask differently. I hope anyway.
Just saw a tweet that VT is not going to have the press conference:
Attorney Richard Hale, who called press conf, said Vasco Thompson has sought other counsel. Press conference canceled. #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 10:18 AM
I think HHJP is an excellent judge, but anyone else get the feeling he just plain doesn't like JA?

Dunno there but it's pretty common for there to be a like or not like relationship between judges and attorneys. I left my ex with his attorney, rather than requesting a conflict of interest dismissal. I sat on a Legal Aid board at the time and I was informed the presiding judge referred to the opposing attorney named Lincoln as "The Missing Link."
I've felt this from the very beginning, he is really nasty to JA. And when he smacks down JB he always includes JA, too. When JA had nothing to do with JB's actions. Definitely feel he coddles JB!

I agree. I love this judge, but he is so very quick to slap down JA. All the while letting JB ramble on and on and on and *advertiser censored* his head at sidebars with that lopsided grin that says "pretty please, judge -- I am just too stupid to know how to do this, so come on, can ya help a guy out?"

And he does.

And I am just about SICK of it all.
I'm picking up on the strategy here...

Baez using his "I'm an inexperienced trial lawyer" routine to get fat objections...while he also gets big bombs to go off in front of the jury.


Mr. mature will come on later and blow off the smoke with some Grishamesque
grandfatherley law-capade.

Our Judge Bevins is not amused.

I have followed all of this very closely and as crazy as it sounds Lee tried to touch his sister but it didn't go that far or something to that affect. Was unsuccessful. They are siblings maybe he was, at worst, trying to put a rubber spider on her bed. Who knows? But really JB if you are gonna lie go big or go home.. don't steal a VW and leave the Rolls Royce sitting there. Although this could be an insanity defense..... My lawyer is crazy.
Everybody knows you get pregnant from french kissing not from being felt up.
If Caylees and Caseys DNA was ruined..we don't know for sure if it was ruined or never there in the first place..why wasn't the DNA that was present on the tape ruined? This does not make sense. I don;t think the duct tape was ever on Caylee's face.

Have you been watching the entire trial?:waitasec:
JA or JB?

I get the feeling that he's trying really hard not to get a feeling....
Jeff A.

HHJP dresses JA down in court and generally treats him like shi..., IMO. But he mollycoddles Baez, even while slapping him down, HHJP handles him like a professional.
The State was VERY stupid not to meet these allegations of JB's head on about the molestation. They should have addressed it in their case and taken the sting out of it if they could. Now JB has full rein to tell his side and the State can't do much. Sounds to me like Lee did do something to Casey but that doesn't explain her behavior in my mind. The State didn't ask Lee about what he did to Casey when a teenager which makes him look guilty. I also think Lee is in on this and is going to admit to something when he gets on the stand but not enough to make KC into what she became.
We so very much need and deserve these:



Thanks! Didn't you make any for yourself or the others? :D
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