2011.06.16 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty)

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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If I was a juror ICA demeanor would seal it for me,they have seen her cry so they know she can but today of all days she should be inconsolable sp?If your child died "accidentally" how the heck could you sit there like it is just another day!Mind blowing to me............
Posted on the Morning Session but nobody replied....

Can anyone tell me why the case law that is cited is always "located at Southern Second" ????? I hear this constantly and have no idea what it is referring to. And if it's the actual location (Orlando), shouldn't they be using case law that is more diverse, i.e., other areas in Florida such as Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, etc. ?

Any insight would be appreciated!
I can't remember where or on what this possible blood was found and missed this part of the testimony this morning. Didn't ICA have a tattoo around that time? July 2nd, 2008, if I remember correctly. So...the child's body was in the car's trunk from June 16th until maybe July 2nd or so? 'Cause I'm just speculating that tattoos bleed sometimes and maybe ICA threw some item over her shoulder and/or the exertion started her tat bleeding?
As I said, I don't recall where or on what the possible blood was found...can someone refresh my memory?
I understand what you're saying and don't disagree.

I wonder what test was used that detected possible blood. (for instance does it detect the presense of the hemoglobin etc...) because I thought I read here that decomp fluids (purging fluids) don't usually contain blood/red blood cells. Also, if an animal is damaging a corpse would that corpse produce blood? I don't have the answers. Just curious though. Doesn't mean I have reasonable doubt though. I believe she's guilty already and I haven't seen the entire trial. :)

Hemoglobin has no DNA, it has no nucleus. However any other bodily fluids, including Decomp fluids will have DNA, IF not damaged. Adipocere does not contain DNA. Within about 3 hours after death, the decomposition process begins. By the time Casey threw Caylee's body into the woods, it had begun decomposing and there definitely would not have been blood. Heart not beating / pumping, lungs not exchanging oxygen . .
I'm worried #4 is going to buy into the "LE hounded that poor innocent young mother who would never kill her baby and they didn't even try to find out what really happened to her."

I may need to take a break. This is Day 1 of their case and my blood pressure is going up. I knew this would happen. Someone make me feel better.
Treating JA like a professional wouldn't be giving a hint about problems with the DT; just basic professional courtesy to both sides.

JA is a seasoned veteran. The judge knows this. Respectfully, imo.
got to remember..all the DT needs in ONE juror to believe them!
I need to go back and relook at the dates on the papers that requested the lab run paternity tests on caylee's DNA against Lee and GA so I can get a good handle on understanding.

But, why did they? I kind of disagree that the info came from padilla so LE tested because of that. It could have been from an interview with Tony but I need to see the date of request and the date of his interviews to compare so I'm not ruling that out.

But I've always found it interesting they did test. Highly unusual to do that IMHO.

(just noodling here, not really going anywhere with it :))
Juror #4 who has never written one thng the entire case, has taken up w/extreme note-taking the minute Jose started. It's time for nail-biting. She is a possible problem.

If I saw JB starting I know I'd have to take notes to stay awake...

In some of the most boring classes in college the only way I found that I could stay awake was trying to write down everything the teacher said.

What kind of notes taken from this morning's session would be coherent?
On In Session-I just saw JB's law office-pathetic looking. I remember going into my dad's law office and it was full of books and papers. Plus our family attorney's office is full of books and papers. JB's office looks like 12 books plus two pamphets. He looked like a rookie with empty book cases and a big chair.
Hi Kathyn: I too have a suspicion that we have not heard the last of Lee with regard to his sister's allegations. The Anthony's "Team Casey" is not dead yet.

IMO, you're right. The A's "Team Casey" is far from dead. We will see how this plays out.
Let's face it any talk that would "cause" the paternity test is because or what Casey told people.
I can't remember where or on what this possible blood was found and missed this part of the testimony this morning. Didn't ICA have a tattoo around that time? July 2nd, 2008, if I remember correctly. So...the child's body was in the car's trunk from June 16th until maybe July 2nd or so? 'Cause I'm just speculating that tattoos bleed sometimes and maybe ICA threw some item over her shoulder and/or the exertion started her tat bleeding?
As I said, I don't recall where or on what the possible blood was found...can someone refresh my memory?

THERE WAS NO BLOOD! Baez is just trying to confuse & distract the jury, part of the reason Jeff A is so livid.
ok I stepped away for a bit and i still feel like I'm in a cloud. I gotta think that the jury had zoned out SOOOOO much that they missed that little tidbit UNTIL an ojection was launched.
The "possible" blood that came up, and it was only possible, was probably Caylee's or what was left of her blood, that the water and decomp didn't destroy. To me it means nothing and it does not constitute a get out of jail free card for the murderer.

That's what I am getting from this testimony also.

Of course there would have been blood during the decomp process ~ it's a part of your body, and it has to leak and go somewhere also.

So, it doesn't surprise me one bit that there was trace evidence of blood on those items. It just ended up degrading along with everything else, and the elements, IMO.

But man, "get to the point" - this has been painful and you know the jury has to be going, "WTF - Land this GD plane and get on with it man!!!"
I know I would be.
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