2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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"Cause it's useless and will only confuse the jury. But, that's all Baez can offer, confusion.

imo, JB is trying to have the ability to say to the jury, "See this piece of evidence that the SA introduced? There was nothing found, nada, zilch."
I think that is his only point, imo. Now, the fact that it took sidebars and the jury having to leave, and how much time? That maybe he will annoy the jury with this minutiae, (sp), does not seem to be a consideration to him.
Brighter minds, please chime in.
I'm just getting here............who is the FBI expert on the stand?
As they go to sidebar JB turns the page on his crinkly notepad........that can only mean one thing.....more scribblies to come.....
That's it...I'm toggling between and the Mavs Victory parade online (what I can't see out my window). Mavs parade is going to win. I think I'll get more out of it.

Justice for Caylee.
This testimony is all about trying to raise reasonable doubt for the jurors. I don't see this happening.

I don't get the reasonable doubt. Casey borrowed the shovel, Brian testified to it. Besides george has tons of shovels in his shed, he would of used one of his own. SA is making to much of this.
So confused as to why JB wants to prove there was DNA on a shovel borrowed by his client to possibly bury her dead daughter????

Now I'm guessing he wanted to show it was MALE DNA. But is sounded to me like only the X was present. We'd need another X to show female, or a Y to show male. XX- female, XY- male
Oh the captions I could give this............ but, I love the MODS.....so I won't..... I will just share!

This is so tedious I could kill myself.
Okay, LOL! But if it's on the trial thread and we're trying to follow, it makes those of us not in in the inside joke wonder what it means.

I'm playing "mock juror" for everyone, since I'm hearing this evidence for the first time. And I have a litter of stray kittens I'm caring for. That's all. :)

(No more kitten talk out of me, mods.)
I just don't understand what the point of submitting a result of a test that a DNA profile result where you rely don't know if a male or female touched the shovel when a male gave the shovel and a female received the shovel... Maybe JB is going for a 'perry mason' moment

I certainly hope so. This "DNA Testing 101" is getting boring.
That is what bothers me the most about Baez, he has unnecessary comments that he smiles about but are meant to make the witness look bad or that they are lying.
They are going to try and say it wasn't ICA who used the shovel. Another dig at GA. But don't know how that will fly with the jury since she was the one who borrowed the shovel.

Not to mention, GA wasn't even home during the entire time she HAD it...
The expert can detect an X chromosome on the shovel, but there is no Y chromosome (or second X chromosome) peak. Therefore, she can't determine if it's female or male DNA. All of us have at least one X chromosome.

So is JB trying to insinuate that GA could have used the shovel? Because she can't say whether it's male or female DNA? It's pretty weak, but I think that's what he's doing.
does the jury just have to hover in a hallway when they are sent out like that or do they have a break-room type space they can retire to while they wait? I can't imagine how must restraint they would have to have to keep their mouths shut. Must be maddening to not react/talk about anything with the only other people in the world who are experiencing the same moments as you.

I served on a jury for a hit and run case last year. We had a well-appointed room with a big conference table with comfortable leather chairs. There was also a nice bathroom/dressing room, small kitchenette area, and a sofa. The jury room was located right off the main court room, so we did not go into the hall or have to interact with anyone except for the judge or court officials.

ETA: I remember it being awkward knowing none of us could say a word about the case until deliberation time. Our case only lasted 2 days, but it felt like an eternity sitting there in court all day long and not being able to think out loud, so to speak. But there was definitely what I'd call silent communication going on, between the jurors--eye rolls, raised brows, amused looks--that sort of thing. I have no doubt all kinds of telling body language is occurring between these jurors.
*shudders at sight of the big notepad*

me thinks someone has watched too many rerun episodes of perry mason on late night tv, heh. or Matlock
Duct tape now. He wants to show there was no DNA on it!
Concerning the "intentionally lowered chair" that everyone keeps mentioning, I'm short although not as short as Casey is and it's extremely uncomfortable to sit in a chair all day with my feet not touching the ground. Everyone on the DT is tall and if her chair was as high as their are her feet would be swinging.
I still don't get this...what is the point? They cannot determine if it was ICA's DNA, the neighbors DNA, his wife's DNA, his kid's DNA, etc.... This does not prove or disprove anything. It creates no reasonable doubt (imo), because it tells the jury nothing about who used it and who didn't. Why waste the time? I am lost. :(

That is his intent apparently. Get the Jurors lost so they conclude that DNA science is complicated and probably unreliable....?
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