2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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He offers his pad and she declines. :)
I'm sorry WA I disagree. I do think defense might have a plan here. I'm not going to just completely disregard everything they have to say. That makes two instances now of DNA found and if the defense uses it to their advantage they can show that there was contamination at the FBI lab and that the DNA found on the shovel could either be from a female or a male. Just don't know where they are going with this...is all.

I lost feed! ACK!

I'm not understanding how finding dna on a shovel could show contamination at the FBI lab. Can you explain further? TIA
JB is killing me! :banghead: I cant wait for the State to start cross examination!!!:rocker:
omg... can the jurors raise their hands if they are confused??

hhjp: NO

omg...jb just asked if the jurors can raise their hands if they are confused. SERIOUSLY???!!!
March 19, 2009 report duct tape Q62-Q64

examined top (silver side) swabbed with water for biologicals - DNA profile generated but below threshold - 6 of 9 (JB now asks for witness to write on board explanation) and here she goes...
Isn't that sweet, JB offered the use of his big pad. I think it might be time to switch over to some Muzak for awhile, it's more entertaining.
JB going for the old "no blood/no dna on duct tape".

Okay...but does he think the jurors don't recall the flooding, the months and months the body was exposed to the elements?

iirc I don't believe that was explained to the Jury.
JB: May the jurors raise their hand if they get confused?

this is boring. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I was expecting the defense case to be far more interesting.
Almost an entire morning wasted...if this keeps up we will be here til Christmas.
O.M.G. - JB asking if the jurors could raise their hand if theya re confused.

He really doesn't get it.
LOL LOL He wants her to write on the wrinkle paper...........poor girl
JB can the jurors raise there hand if this is becoming confusing

HHJP ummm NO

JB can the witness step down please

HHJP she may
JB generously and proudly offering to share his big piece of paper. Wants a show of hands from jury. I hope they all raise their hands with middle fingers flying high.
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