2011.06.17 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-One)

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I see comments on WFTV live blog saying JA should just let it go now...he's going to go into overkill but I totally disagree. You should never back down just because the witness might be getting embarrassed. He owes it to CAYLEE to not let ANYONE mislead the jury.

The evidence is so very important. If there is no food or "garbage" in the trash then what stunk up the car bad enough so that it still smelled two years later even after the trunk liner and garbage were removed?

The expert will not be able to disagree with that premise.
It upsets me that this witness smiles so much and that includes Casey too. If this was my daughter I could not, would not crack a smiles about any of this.

Someone tweeted a juror saw Casey laughing and then nudged the person sitting next to her. I think the juror was disgusted but I can't find the tweet right now.

ICA is not helping herself by her behavior so I hope she keeps laughing, whispering, and shooting daggers with her eyes.

I sat my family down at the beginning of the trial and said "I am apologizing now for the neglect you will rcv over the next 6 -8 weeks" :floorlaugh:

My husband and I were in Hawaii for the opening statements.......yes we are still married even though I stayed in to watch on my computer while he went to the beach!
Get that carpet out Jeff! You rock baby! :)

This expert must make Jeff sick, to sell out their opinion on the back of a dead child.

This guy makes me sick. He is a flat out liar and knew nothing in that bag made that car stink for 2 years. He knew the contents of that bag.

I hope Ashton makes him cry and all the guy wants to do is crawl in that garbage box and close the lid before he is done with him.
I wish the entire courtroom could give JA a standing ovation once he's done. He so deserves it. He is really fighting for Caylee. I am just in awe about it. This is how justice gets done!!!! And Caylee WILL have her justice!!! I am so proud of Jeff Ashton. He is the absolute BEST at what he does in the courtroom! Bravo, Mr. Aston, Bravo!!!!
How else was Ashton supposed to ask if the Dr wrapped the pigs in a blanket??

I mean, how many ways can you ask that?

I don't think he was insensitive.
I understand that we get upset with Ashton at times for being loud and dramatic in the court room, however, I believe it is necessary for two reasons.

1. This jury has been sequestered at this point away from their families long enough. They need the excitement even in circumstances where it seems so wrong to be excited. They need this in order to stay awake through the end of this trial.

2. The world needs to see compassion for Caylee, and so far, this prosecution team has been the ONLY ones to show such compassion for a child who has been taken way too soon.

I imagine once this conviction comes down we will see an interview with Jeff Ashton, and I do believe we will see many tears from him about how much this child has meant to his life over the last few years.
Definition of ANNIHILATE
transitive verb
1a : to cause to be of no effect : nullify b : to destroy the substance or force of
2: to regard as of no consequence
3: to cause to cease to exist; especially : kill
4a : to destroy a considerable part of <bombs annihilated the city> b : to vanquish completely : rout <annihilated the visitors 56–0>
5: to cause (a particle and its antiparticle) to vanish by annihilating


And what a psychological victory, too! I wonder how JB is going to get himself off the mat?
Now after me:

I feel better.
I feel better.
I feel better.
I feel better.

And down goes a shot of tequila!

Heck yeah! JB makes me want to drink to make the pain go away. JA makes me want to raise a glass for justice!
I sat my family down at the beginning of the trial and said "I am apologizing now for the neglect you will rcv over the next 6 -8 weeks" :floorlaugh:

I told mine I'd be sequestered from 7am (mtn time) til early to mid afternoon.

Luckily they are on vacay with the grandparents right now!
JA is doing fantastic but is it just me or does anyone else think he could have just came up for his cross and said

You stated that you saw pictures of the evidence.
Did you EVER inspect or conduct any tests on ANY of the evidence, the car, the stain, the bag of trash or the paper towels personally like Dr. Haskell did?

Witness: No I did not

No further questions!!

It would have been alot faster. lol

Seriously, I do understand that JA is crossing this T's and dotting his I's but sometimes less is more. KWIM??

No because JA knew from the depo what this witness was going to say. Dr. Huntington was basing his opinions on Dr. Haskels report. Right down to the flies coming out of the trunk at the tow yard fits with what he is saying anyway. From what I can make of the info he is bolstering the states case. No way can the state own the defense's expert witness without a cross.
I see comments on WFTV live blog saying JA should just let it go now...he's going to go into overkill but I totally disagree. You should never back down just because the witness might be getting embarrassed. He owes it to CAYLEE to not let ANYONE mislead the jury.

The evidence is so very important. If there is no food or "garbage" in the trash then what stunk up the car bad enough so that it still smelled two years later even after the trunk liner and garbage were removed?

The expert will not be able to disagree with that premise.

So this little item in this little package stunk up that car for 2 years?
>>>>AFTERNOON TRIAL THREAD >>>>>>>> court back in session ... closing side bar for now

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139915"]2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Afternoon Session) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
If I were Dr. Spitz I would go hide.

I really hate to say this..but Dr. Spitz wont run and hide..he has many times gotten up on the stand and considered an expert and completely made assumptions not based on science, pathology or evidence..but soely on what he thinks will assist whichever side he is representing...The Spector Trial completely blew me away and ya know..My "Experts" who I did listen to in the past that have shown brazen testimony and in Dr. Lee's case shown to tamper with evidence (Spector Trial) and NOW Dr. Kobolinsky has joined those elete experts that indicate They are bought testimonies..Ohhh Yeah..Dr. M Baden also wiggled his way with this bunch..Man oh man..I do believe this young expert Dr. Huntington has had a seat reserved sitting with all these older, seasoned experts...

WOW..JA sure has shown Dr. Huntington's biases and skirting the truth and evidence relying only on opinions (as an expert) that is NOT based on science but opinion to suit whomever is paying him.....Yikes..Crying shame...Wonder what Dr. N. Haskell thinks of his protege now???

Holey Moley..
I love how the witness apologized to dr vass, totally making it appear that he respects his work.

If I were 20 years older I'd be all over JA! His intensity is awesome

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