2011.06.17 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-One)

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Lol, on wftv some man just said this was like the slow car chase with OJ
So, my power and Internet went off. Still off. Was able to save my summary to Word and am now on my iPad. Will post summary later. Life in central fla and have my 90 year old mother here. Hope it comes back on soon or it is going to feel like WE are in the trunk of a car - HOT. Will check back later.
Guard snatched KC up while she was tidying. Must have given her a look as KC went very quickly.

I noticed that too. She seems to like to hang for a bit and yak with her team. The guards close in now quickly after court is in recess and they take her out. If I am not mistaken i think it is the reason she remains seated for as long as she can so she can linger. Must be nice to be out of the cell. Too bad she can't join the team for Martinis after a long day in court.
You know what? TH is not worthy of being a bug on Dr. Vass's or Dr. Haskell's shoe!!!! I am INCENSED he thought he could make a comment about either of those well experienced, highly respected men! OMG!!!! He had to be that student that misses classes and begs to turn things in beyond the due date. No way was he a GOOD student of Dr. Haskell!

But JA, HE is my HERO!!!! There was just nothing left of TH. JA burned him to the GROUND. Now go crawl back under the rock where JB found you, TH. I hope you've had the arrogance slapped out of you today. Not a good way to start out a career. I bet Haskell is so ASHAMED of you right now!
Wow what a great day for the prosecution! I honestly didn't think I'd stick around for the entire day of bug stuff (again), but could not pull myself away waiting for JA to turn TH into Bug Pulp!

Note to self: Never, ever, ever let my kids buy Bug Juice again!!! (for those that don't know, it's like kool-aid in little water bottles with bugs all over the label)
At one point, CM was shown kicked back and pinching the bridge of his nose! I think he is the first officer of the Titanic and knows it.
I bet we see that young man in high profile cases in the future, just give him time..............LOL

Oh yes, he'll be back.

His disdain for Dr. Vass is all too evident and it would appear he doesn't care for Dr.Haskell ,either.Both were up front,non evasive and confident. This guy? Not so much.

Maybe Haskell flunked him.
What a day!

Watching Ashton demolish the expert witness was worth every moment of my butt falling asleep, lol.
Soooo.... Dr. Huntington confirmed that the body decomposed elsewhere than the recovery site, and did not exclude the trunk of the Sunfire as that possible site?
I just listened to Bill Shaefer's remarks on today's testimony. He said that at the end of the day, this witness didn't really further the defense's case. He said that Dr. Huntington and Dr. Haskell's opinions are basically the same as brought out by Jeff Ashton.
Carried over from the last thread. (I got caught when the tram doors closed)

Originally posted by MsFacetious:
Judge - "You will be in recess for the evening, which I think you may find enjoyable." :floorlaugh:


Translates to me, Judge will really be enjoying the recess. He sounds like this is getting on his last nerve. Am looking forward to the reruns on HLN this weekend. I missed 99% of the entire afternoons testimony.
I'll never feel the same about cooking up "Pigs in a blanket" for the grandkids again............:sick:
Somebody asked why I said the guy just impeached himself

Ashton asked if he and JB talked about the stain. He said yes. Then JA asked if he knew that everything he would testify too was to be included in the report. He said yes. Ashton asked if he included his stain findings in his report. Long Pause. Huntington said no. (short version)
One of my favorite moments today was TH saying he saw salami in the photo.

Then JA goes to get that item, shows it to him. Asks him what it is. A PIECE IF PAPER!


Oh good grief - Bob Kealing says the door was opened for Kronk to come in as having moved the body...What was he listening to all day?
I feel as if my fingers have melted into the machine....I apologise to all for all of the spelling errors and transpositions! What a day!!!!
OMG, don't apologise, you're amazing for typing all that out!!
I've been watching this trial from Day 1, every day, all day while I work.

I actually think the SA is in trouble. Baez comes across to the jury as very "layman", unfancy, jokey, and dare I say it... likeable. The SA had excellent testimony and witnesses, but everything was very, very dry. The DT's so far have been more chatty, breaking-it-down-for-the-layman, and approachable. The jury is going to be exhausted by dry facts, they will appreciate a bit of chattiness.

Also, God love him, JA is going to come across as a hard-a$$, and unlikeable for jumping on Baez like a pitbull constantly and with such furor. He's doing a great job, but he's *got* to do it in a way with what is percieved as a slightly softer touch.

Justice for Caylee.

That is what I used to worry about. But Ashley Banfield , on CNN, said yesterday that she has noticed that the jury NEVER smiles back at Baez when
he greets them or says Good morning to them. She says not one of them ever respond with a smile in return.

Also, I think Baez is kind of condescending towards the jury. He always asks experts to 'explain it' so the jury can understand it. He makes them think it has to be dumbed down. But this is a pretty well educated and intelligent jury. So I believe they are going to appreciate the dry, yet intelligent manner
shown by the state. imoo
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