2011.06.22 - Breaking News Folks! George and Cindy Anthony think Casey is guilty!!!

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Why do they come out with this statement now? Is it tied in with River Cruz? Are they letting Jose know they will come out swinging?
ABC is doing a Casey special right now on PrimeTime.
Disney-owned ABC is going to take another look at the Casey Anthony trial in a special at 10 tonight. This “Primetime Nightline” carries the title “Crime & Punishment: Casey Anthony Trial.”Will ABC take a bow for its crucial role in keeping this case in the headlines?
Is that a fat lady singing that I hear?????

1. The sequestered jury will not hear this "bombshell." :banghead:

2. It's about danged time.
Now that's a BOMB SHELL If she's unable to convince her own denial loving parents it was some sort of "drowning accident" with some "mistruths" in there for kicks.....

what must the JURY think?:great::great:

I really thought that they would be inclined to believe it was a drowning accident and she simply panicked.

I hope this is a step toward some sort of healing for them....and I will pray they never blame themselves. This was ALL Casey. imo

I think this lawyer had done them alot of good. When MH was their lawyer, he probably tried the same thing but they couldn't deal.

I am looking up at the sky.
Do I see donkeys flying around up there????

shoot I spun around to check my own butt for flying monkeys!:floorlaugh:

and I've always defended they Anthony's ! I was really hoping once they heard the opening statement that would remove any doubt they had
I've always felt that - despite everything - they loved Caylee and SHE was always their focus.
Which is a weird way to acknowledge she's guilty. Or am I hung up on semantics?

(This isn't meant to bash btw)

I too am hung up on semantics. I guess they don't have to say they think she's guilty. Still, they only say that they do not feel she is innocent. Not innocent of what? It sure doesn't mean they think she murdered her baby.

Until there are more definite substantiations of their stance, I'm going to remain sceptical because they are masters at prevarication. And to me, this is simply prevarication, and an attempt to stem the tide of accusation against them. Well, call me cynical as well.
Which is a weird way to acknowledge she's guilty. Or am I hung up on semantics?

(This isn't meant to bash btw)

If you are, then so am I.

I'm not saying they didn't say this. But I want to see it come from their mouths with my very own eyes.
Now that's a BOMB SHELL If she's unable to convince her own denial loving parents it was some sort of "drowning accident" with some "mistruths" in there for kicks.....

what must the JURY think?:great::great:

I really thought that they would be inclined to believe it was a drowning accident and she simply panicked.

I hope this is a step toward some sort of healing for them....and I will pray they never blame themselves. This was ALL Casey. imo

I think this lawyer had done them alot of good. When MN was their lawyer, he probably tried the same thing but they couldn't deal.
I think that they needed a reality check to get their butts into gear as far as Casey goes and that they got it when she decided to throw her dad under the bus. Plus with them sitting in the courtroom and actually hearing all the evidence and stuff how could they not? I just think it was major denial and coming to terms that their daughter did it.
This is not breaking news. They have known the entire time. This is simply called "acceptance". The 5 stages. They were in denial for a long time.

I hope they really let go. There is nothing they can do for her now. Just let go.
I too am hung up on semantics. I guess they don't have to say they think she's guilty. Still, they only say that they do not feel she is innocent. Not innocent of what? It sure doesn't mean they think she murdered her baby.

Until there are more definite substantiations of their stance, I'm going to remain sceptical because they are masters at prevarication. And to me, this is simply prevarication, and an attempt to stem the tide of accusation against them. Well, call me cynical as well.

Maybe they're not completely ready for the g word. If it's the truth, ya gotta admit it's a HUGE step.
God bless them both, and give them strength to see this through. Watching them taking comfort from each other these past couple of weeks has made me think that they are getting strength from the support and love of their church community, and many others of us who hold them in our thoughts and prayers. How horribly, dreadfully tragic their life has been, and what their daughter has put them through is just beyond words.
They had to know, for heaven sake. Remember when KC mouthed "I love you" (I believe she said 'thank you' as in, thank you for the testimony you just gave) to CA in one of the pre-trial hearings? How much you wanna bet KC was thinking she could snow CA into believing her?It always worked before. If CA turned on GA that would have sealed the deal for KC.
Yep but the question is now what do they think she is guilty of?

Ahhhh, Dr. Fessel,

You are sounding like my husband. Only he went one better;
He wonders if this 'new reality' of the Anthonys is based on the fact that Ms. Mistress is about to take the stand. You know, more power in numbers and that kinda thing.
Hubby feels it's the Anthony's way of hoping to soften them around the edges to the public who will soon be hearing about the 'intimate relationship' he had with another woman while supposedly searching for his Granddaughter AND searching for a job.
God bless them both, and give them strength to see this through. Watching them taking comfort from each other these past couple of weeks has made me think that they are getting strength from the support and love of their church community, and many others of us who hold them in our thoughts and prayers. How horribly, dreadfully tragic their life has been, and what their daughter has put them through is just beyond words.

I am on board with your post.
There but for the grace of God.....

I will never judge them as I hope to never be in their situation. They have lost so much.
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