2011.06.22 - Breaking News Folks! George and Cindy Anthony think Casey is guilty!!!

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I'm thinking Cindy is going to be the appetizer before the entre...RC/KH testimony.
I wish I could be a bigger person here,but the Anthony's have hurt a lot of people,defrauded a lot of people (IMO) and would just as happily let someone else be blamed for Caylee's murder.
Yes,they are suffering,no doubt, but that does not give them a pass,IMO.

Anyone remember Kidfinders? The Caylee Foundation? the Kidfinders boat? They took $$$ from people knowing Caylee wasn't missing.
How about the nasty voicemails CA left for TM?
How about Dominic Casey? The e-mails when CA discusses giving LE the wrong brush? She was covering up,not in denial.

The A's are at the end of their own Universal Hallway and are now turning around to face the lie. They should have done it a very long time ago.


Thank you MissJames, I want to feel bad for George and Cindy and I guess I do to a point, sure wouldn't want to walk in their shoes but all these things are hard to over look.
Why am I remembering CA on TV saying "If Casey did this she must have had help"?

Could this statement be were Biaz got his 'theory' of GA helping? I'm seeing they have taken statements and small bits of evidence then shaped a defense on things the SA didn't think important or relevant.
WOW. I am going to bed. I hope that in the morning, things and statements are clearer.

I am amazed that this thread is happening right now. :eek: :nevermind:
I'm not surprised. I saw Lippman on a talk show one day last week and he was asked what the Anthony's hope for the outcome of this trial to be. He said something like "well without violating attorney/client privilege, all I can really say is that they want justice. They just don't want the ultimate justice that the state is after". I'm sure I did not verbatim quote him but that was very close.

You're right! I remember that! But I filtered it through Cindy glasses and interpreted it to mean they think it was an accident and want her to not have to pay for something that was an accident.
Anderson Cooper just said it's coming up (again) about the A's feelings re: their daughter..It should be on soon for anyone that missed GT & want to see it for yourself.

eta..There was just a small 'teaser' with GT but more to come later.
Why do they come out with this statement now? Is it tied in with River Cruz? Are they letting Jose know they will come out swinging?

That's what I'm thinking! The guy who was talking to AC said the ML first hedged and the guy (reporter) said you know GA could be in big trouble if this scenario is believed. I think they're sending a signal that GA never was there when it happened and they will never take the fall.
FWIW, of course it will be a bit of a wishy-washy statement. IMO if they said "We believe she's guilty!" and then ICA (god forbid) was aquitted - she wouldn't waste a moment turning and suing them for slander and a hefty sum. I bet after the verdict is in, there will be a stronger statement issued.

I fully support them not wanting to see her put to death. That's a heavy burden to bear. Not to mention, it destroys all hope of maybe one day her explaining "why."
Are the A's serving up a threat to JB and ICA that if you take us down we have the goods and will take both of you with us -- a pre-emptive pre-testimony strike?
I am very worried right now about this.....I don't want any game playing from any of them to de-rail this trial.
You know what i wish. I wish all the talking heads would stop talking.. We here at WS can figure things out all on our own and much better then them.

Well said -- and I'm sick of some of the shows and their TH's opening with the statement -- is ICA getting away with murder or saying they think ICA is going to walk.

I wish they would wait until the trial is over and I'm so glad the jury is sequestered so they are not hearing this ridiculous dialogue and cannot be swayed by TH opinions.

Are the A's serving up a threat to JB and ICA that if you take us down we have the goods and will take both of you with us -- a pre-emptive pre-testimony strike?

I certainly hope this is the case!

This is their, "this family is united" warning to the defense team and Casey.
I love Anderson Cooper and Gary Tuchman, BUT I am having a hard time believing that #1. The Anthonys said that (although I have always thought that to a degree GA knew in his heart what really happened to Caylee) and #2. That they would allow their lawyer to spill those beans to the media if they did ever say that.

If for some reason this was an actual statement from their lawyer, I would expect CA to give this guy the boot. I feel sorry for the Anthonys, I do, but I do not think they fully believe the truth yet. They may be getting closer, but CA especially is just not there yet.
If the Anthony's say that they don't believe that Casey is innocent then that says it all about what they now think. She's charged with first degree murder, and they don't believe she's innocent. If they are thinking an accident with an elaborate cover up, then they would never use that wording. It must have just taken them awhile to get on the same page and see all the evidence and put it together. George knew that smell from the beginning and was thinking drugs and maybe someone else had died and Caylee hidden or taken. Cindy was thinking someone was hiding Caylee for Casey and avoiding the smell. They also had to look for a zenaida just in case, because the alternative meant that Caylee was dead.
I certainly hope this is the case!

This is their, "this family is united" warning to the defense team and Casey.

But it too little too late...should have been done before the trial got this far,IMO
May 24, 2011|By Anthony Colaross
After court adjourned, George Anthony's attorney, Mark Lippman, issued this statement:

"George and Cindy Anthony are shocked and appalled that the Defense would resort to lies about them in today's opening statement. Baez's idle speculation today certainly are not facts. The only result achieved by the defense in this statement was to further hurt this grieving family."

I understand what you're saying - that they were shocked and appalled by the sexual allegations. But someone asked why they would come out now with the 'not inncocent' statement and speculated it may have been due to River Cruz's recent accusations. I'm just saying that it seems to me that the straw that broke the camel's back and turned the tide for them, so to speak, would be the sexual allegations rather than accusations of an affair that may or may not have happened.

And now I've gone and confused myself. :D
One can only imagine what might have happened had George Anthony driven his daughter's death smelling car to the nearest police station instead of the Anthony home.
Are the A's serving up a threat to JB and ICA that if you take us down we have the goods and will take both of you with us -- a pre-emptive pre-testimony strike?

I agree. it was a warning.

I fully believe Casey believed with all of her heart she could manipulate mom into believing this tale too. and she's FLIPPING FUMING MAD she didn't buy it. She took George's words in that prison tape.."I would GIVE MY LIFE for YOU and Caylee" literally. She really expected him to go along with this charade of a defense tale!

SURPRISE CASEY :floorlaugh: You parents have also chosen CAYLEE over you!
Interesting the timing of this little tweet by vinnie P. Also interesting that it came from another source than their attorney, Lippman, directly.....hmmmm

It's not over till the fat lady sings.
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