2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five)

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0riginally Posted by LyndyLoo
Personally I dont give a care what KC wears, what she does ( tho is a window into her soul at times), I dont care what Defense (in this case) suggests or professes,,ALL cases come down to the evidence..whether Direct or circumstantial..

This whole case is based on a missing and dead 2 1/2 year child who has been proven dead, who is found in a proverbial garbage dump just blocks from her mother's home. KC is the LAST ONE to be seen with Caylee and both grandparents have proof of working afternoon of June 16th 2008..Decomp has been detected in both specific area in Backyard, and KC's trunk, Dump site is well know to KC, then of course KC was observed partying for 31 dayz and never reported missing status of Caylee..even tho many asked for her or her well being...Grandparents had NO reason to dump Caylee, tho many reasons to cover for their daughter..thus cleanings..

The Big thing is..No One would have known one thing about this IF CINDY HAD NOT MADE THAT PHONE CALL!!! So as much as I deplore some of their behaviors..I just cant bash them entirely!!

NO One else would have or could have done this to Caylee and the DT know it..they are grasping at straws..and dragging many innocents under the BUS with KC and running with KC's lies..I am disgusted 100% for what JB is doing and I am disappointed with CM allowing it to happen

Apologize..Just had to vent

Here's the thing tho. When Cindy covers, she denies Caylee justice.

Also, I truly believe that Cindy made the call thinking she could scare ICA into telling where a live, hidden-in-someone's-apt, Caylee was.

Why would (in Cindy's mind and otherwise) ICA hide Caylee or deny access to her? For what reason? To punish her? So Cindy couldnt get custody as she possibily threatened? That's along the lines I believe Cindy was thinking and she was NOT expecting to find a dead grandchild when she made that call or I believe she would NOT have made it... BUT ONCE SHE DID realize there is a dead grandchild, she covered for ICA and here we go. So to backup, if Cindy knew Caylee were dead, she would NOT have called (imo) the police, or not at least without a better cover plan.

Thanks. Has that been an issue discussed by either side? Is there some mystery or was LKB just being dramatic. tia

Someone else might have a different perspective, but I thought it was 'much ado about nothing.' I saw it as LKB creating drama where there is none. My :twocents:!
Personally I dont give a care what KC wears, what she does ( tho is a window into her soul at times), I dont care what Defense (in this case) suggests or professes,,ALL cases come down to the evidence..whether Direct or circumstantial..

This whole case is based on a missing and dead 2 1/2 year child who has been proven dead, who is found in a proverbial garbage dump just blocks from her mother's home. KC is the LAST ONE to be seen with Caylee and both grandparents have proof of working afternoon of June 16th 2008..Decomp has been detected in both specific area in Backyard, and KC's trunk, Dump site is well know to KC, then of course KC was observed partying for 31 dayz and never reported missing status of Caylee..even tho many asked for her or her well being...Grandparents had NO reason to dump Caylee, tho many reasons to cover for their daughter..thus cleanings..

The Big thing is..No One would have known one thing about this IF CINDY HAD NOT MADE THAT PHONE CALL!!! So as much as I deplore some of their behaviors..I just cant bash them entirely!!

NO One else would have or could have done this to Caylee and the DT know it..they are grasping at straws..and dragging many innocents under the BUS with KC and running with KC's lies..I am disgusted 100% for what JB is doing and I am disappointed with CM allowing it to happen :loser:

Apologize..Just had to vent :truce:

a good post and I too am discusted. I've really been doing some soul searching lately. First I'm discusted that by whatever twist of fate ICA has a small army of a DT and is on national TV, and as a result of all the media hype has a "better" chance of walking than your run-of-the mill accused. Why? Cause she's cute? Luck? Makes me lose faith in the justice system. What also makes me physically ill is if this ends in a mistrial, JB and the DT can put up a whole new defense learning from their mistakes in the first place.

I also want to add I think a lot of people are confusing a "accident" with "unintentional". A "mistake" is when someone accidentially trips at the top of the stairs over the dog and knocks her todddler down the stairs killing her. "unintentional" is when she loses her temper, hits her toddler thus knocking her down the stairs and killing her. If this killing was in "good faith", an "accident", we wouldn't be here. IMO the killing was likely unintentional but done in bad faith, she was doing something she shouldn't have when the death occurred... For what it's worth, I believe this should get her felony murder LWOP. But in this circus, who knows?

I'm thoroughly discusted at JB's behavior and lack of any ethics. The entire defence is a disgrace. Calling Vasco to the stand? Give me a break. The DT doesn't care who's life they ruin - they have no regard toward ethics whatsoever.

Having said all that, this is America, we ALL derserve a "fair" trial and I'm not sure she's getting one which really upsets me because I want justice done.:banghead:
Trying to catch up on today's trial thread but a question just occurred to me as I was reading. Didn't JB raise a big stink about all the garbage/trash at the dump site not being tested with the one exception being the heart sticker, insinuating that Casey was being set up? Now he's called in someone to talk about the Gatorade bottle that was also tested. So which is it, was only the heart tested or were the heart and the Gatorade bottle tested? If both, it leaves the questions, 1) what else was tested and 2) why did JB lie?
Here's the thing tho. When Cindy covers, she denies Caylee justice.

Also, I truly believe that Cindy made the call thinking she could scare ICA into telling where a live, hidden in someone's apt, Caylee was.

Why would (in Cindy's mind and otherwise) ICA hide Caylee or deny access to her? FOr what reason? TO punush her? So Cindy coudlnt get custody as she threatened? That's along the lines I beliee Cindy was thinking and she was NOT expecting to find a dead grandchild... BUT ONCE SHE DID she covered for ICA. So to backup, if Cindy inew she were dead, she would NOT have called the police or not at least without a better cover plan.



This.....well said!
Someone else might have a different perspective, but I thought it was 'much ado about nothing.' I saw it as LKB creating drama where there is none. My :twocents:!

That could certainly be the case. She was all excited. Really not a fan of hers. jmo
~Respectfully Snipped~

Re: Henkel duct tape

It was my understanding this is a "specialty" duct tape. Not the kind you purchase at your local Target or Walmart.

Some of the specialty tapes, which cost a LOT more than normal duct tape, are used by heating and air conditioning companies for connecting ductwork.

I remember reading speculation on one of the older threads that perhaps George swiped a roll of it off a jobsite. Or, who knows, perhaps he purchased it for a specialty use. Most folks, unless they are in a business that they use it regularly, are not going to have multiple rolls of a specialty tape laying around. So maybe there was only the one roll and it did get used up what with the hanging of all those posters.

But - it WAS on Caylee and it WAS on George's famous round metal gas can.

Here is a link to the Henkel company. They do indeed make many, many kinds of duct tape. Click onto "Specialty tape" section. Must have been one of these. I only saw one type that has the name of the manufacturer all over the smooth side of the tape.

Don't forget about the SAME tape also being found holding up a poster in WFTV footage from July, 2008.


The tape was identified as Henkel Fireguard, which had been discontinued.

....assistant state Attorney Jeff Ashton contacted the Henkel company, now known as ShurTech Brands, and discovered the tape found with the body and on the gas can was actually an extremely rare type of industrial fire resistant tape.

Only 134,719 rolls were sold in 2006 and 2007 in North America, according to the records submitted to the court Thursday.

That constitutes less than 0.2 percent of all duct tape sales during those years, based on more than $100 million in duct tape sales reported by the industry in 2002, the last year for which Local 6 was able to obtain data.

The odds of two pieces of randomly discovered duct tape manufactured in 2006 and 2007 being of that same, rare type approach 250,000 to 1. The odds of such a coincidence are much higher, if you factor in all the duct tape in existence, regardless of when it was manufactured, and determine how much duct tape sales have grown since 2002.


The odds of two pieces of randomly discovered tape, whose manufacture was discontinued, being the same type was 250,000:1 against the occurrence when there were only TWO pieces known, but with THREE????

You can get better odds at a Lottery.
I don't think JB would run with the guilt angle, only that it possibly prejudiced other jury members against him........and OMG, he would run with it :banghead:

Could this possibly lead to a Mistrial!?
le sigh - I fail at pulling things over from other threads...

How ever in the news thread, there's an article with a Latin American news bureau - it's summarized in English.

Here is the link at least...http://en.terra.com/latin-in-america/news/exclusive_interview_with_casey_anthonys_lawyer_jose_baez/hof15569

The big pull-quote in the article is JB saying something to the effect that this is a penalty trial - which I think is quite odd. Perhaps it's a context or effective translation issue, but from that one could infer that his client was, at the very least, responsible...
Could this possibly lead to a Mistrial!?

Nah, I don't think so. Just more DRAMA. At the WORST...they might dismiss that juror but it's prolly' just the talking heads looking for something to talk about.
I thought these were strange:

bobkealing bob kealing
Did not see“@p37361: @bobkealing@JimLichtenstein Jjuror made gun gesture at baez during sidebar. Is that true? #caseyAnthony@InSession”

p37361 Paul C @
@_KBK_ I just watched it on Fox News Shep Smith show. Said male juror put 2 hands together and made gun sign at Baez during sidebar

WOW, can't say I could blame the juror, but not exactly appropriate behavior for a courtroom. I hope JP didn't see Yikes. Hope that is what they think of ICA too. Maybe this is a good sign??
There are several good posts above, and I have often wondered what might have transpired if Cindy had never made the 911 call with the emotional utterance about the "dead body in the da*n car".

Would Casey have admitted to Caylee's death, and the family agreed to just cover it up to spare Casey trouble with the law?

Would George, Cindy, and Lee have been told yet another Casey tale about where the child was and that would have been the end of it?

Would Casey have told her family that she had given Caylee to someone and that they would never see the child again?

Would Casey have left Orlando and told her parents that she was moving away and that she wouldn't see them again?

So many possibilities of what the "story" might have been if Cindy hadn't made that phone call....
Waayy behind here - but here's some photos I captured from today's testimony. In order of appearance:
M. Bvottrell, M. Montgomery, Dr. M. Sigman, S. Marus, Dr. M Rickenbach


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Here's the thing tho. When Cindy covers, she denies Caylee justice.

Also, I truly believe that Cindy made the call thinking she could scare ICA into telling where a live, hidden-in-someone's-apt, Caylee was.

Why would (in Cindy's mind and otherwise) ICA hide Caylee or deny access to her? For what reason? To punish her? So Cindy couldnt get custody as she possibily threatened? That's along the lines I believe Cindy was thinking and she was NOT expecting to find a dead grandchild when she made that call or I believe she would NOT have made it... BUT ONCE SHE DID realize there is a dead grandchild, she covered for ICA and here we go. So to backup, if Cindy knew Caylee were dead, she would NOT have called (imo) the police, or not at least without a better cover plan.


I don't think Cindy was covering for Casey, I think she was just in total denial that Casey could have killed Caylee. When you think about it, that's hard for a lot of us to grasp, that a (supposedly) loving mother could kill their own baby, whether intentionally or accidently. I really believe the Anthony family has YET to come to grips with that, but even if they do accept that she did, it will be very difficult for them if she gets the DP. I have tried to put myself in their place a thousand times, and it's just very hard to imagine how I would feel. I really don't think they are thinking about justice for Caylee right now, their focus is on trying to save Casey from the needle. They will never, ever get over losing Caylee, but Casey is still their daughter, and it's not an "either/or" thing for them. They love them both.
Well, I can't blame the juror...:floorlaugh: but I hope that's not true. JB would run with that for sure.

Could it have been one of those "you da man" gun gestures...with a wink, like he's with Baez, and he's (assuming it was a male) going to hang the jury?
a good post and I too am discusted. I've really been doing some soul searching lately. First I'm discusted that by whatever twist of fate ICA has a small army of a DT and is on national TV, and as a result of all the media hype has a "better" chance of walking than your run-of-the mill accused. Why? Cause she's cute? Luck? Makes me lose faith in the justice system. What also makes me physically ill is if this ends in a mistrial, JB and the DT can put up a whole new defense learning from their mistakes in the first place.

I also want to add I think a lot of people are confusing a "accident" with "unintentional". A "mistake" is when someone accidentially trips at the top of the stairs over the dog and knocks her todddler down the stairs killing her. "unintentional" is when she loses her temper, hits her toddler thus knocking her down the stairs and killing her. If this killing was in "good faith", an "accident", we wouldn't be here. IMO the killing was likely unintentional but done in bad faith, she was doing something she shouldn't have when the death occurred... For what it's worth, I believe this should get her felony murder LWOP. But in this circus, who knows?

I'm thoroughly discusted at JB's behavior and lack of any ethics. The entire defence is a disgrace. Calling Vasco to the stand? Give me a break. The DT doesn't care who's life they ruin - they have no regard toward ethics whatsoever.

Having said all that, this is America, we ALL derserve a "fair" trial and I'm not sure she's getting one which really upsets me because I want justice done.:banghead:

Yes, All defendent deserve a defense..but given the DT's opening they admit first KC is a "Sick Person" and that it was an accident but what they went on to do was to BLAME OTHERS for whatever she did..and that to me is absolultely REDICULOUS and does NOT lead to justice..but to a circus like you mentioned!!

I have come to the conclusion that Ms KC is one pathological liar with sociaopathic ideations..rather scary..I even thought of Zahara and how she was treated..but I will give the "Step mom" credit for at least be honest about certain things...yet in this case KC goes on to blame daddy, and everyone else for what happened to Caylee!!

KC takes this to yet another level..KC doesnt feel one bit responsible..and that bothers me..KC should never live in any society again..SHE is just plain EVIL!! I am sure anyone who either befriended her, thought of marrying her or had feelings for her are no doubt thankful nothing happened to them..I dont believe Ms KC would ever again have any "Brakes" to stop her from getting whatever she desired in the future..JB took on something he never should of even thought of yet he has for 3 years transformed into a KC advocate and that to me (given his courtroom behaviors) scares me too. Thankfully JB will be held accountable for his actions after the trial :maddening:

Again..Sorry..I am glad they had afternoon off..as I needed a break from this stuff :crazy:
and K. Korsbere-Lowe, plus Gatorade bottle and Big Red Disney bag


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I thought these were strange:

bobkealing bob kealing
Did not see“@p37361: @bobkealing@JimLichtenstein Jjuror made gun gesture at baez during sidebar. Is that true? #caseyAnthony@InSession”

p37361 Paul C @
@_KBK_ I just watched it on Fox News Shep Smith show. Said male juror put 2 hands together and made gun sign at Baez during sidebar

Sounds fishy to me...If there's more than one person standing at sidebar and from all the way across the room from the jury, how could anyone say it is directed at JB?
PLUS if you missed it from yesterday - pix of KC's new fashion look!


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    casey's new belt look7.jpg
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