2011.06.23 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-six)

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Okay just to further the conversation, one of the searches was for chloroform HABIT. Now why oh why would CA be looking that up. NOT. Come on SA pick this up

LDB did ask CA about this, and CA said she didn't search chloroform habit.

You're right. CA did have a bit of the same sort of snide, snotty demeanor that she displayed aggressively during that last deposition. I think she tried really hard not to show that side too much, though. But her true colors were shining through. I realize CA is a victim here, too, but she has a very ugly, nasty side to her and that earlier deposition is quite the eye-opener. Open, effusive, and unabashed hostility towards the attorneys. :argue:
He is saying the SA needs to remain flexible, and they will check Cindy's work records to see if she was at work or not. Pretty much it.
My favorite side step answer from CA:
"IF those searches were on the computer and I looked them up, then I was home."

Yes, I laughed outloud at that one.

Dear Cindy,

The searches were on the computer in the Firefox browser you don't use.
You didn't look them up.
You weren't home.

All the best,
Cindy A. needs to read (in depth) about what a true narcissist is capable of. IF she gets her off with her lies, she will be sorry. Casey will not thank her, she will be the same ungrateful psychopath she is now & Cindy & George could be her next targets!

It's sad that Cindy cannot see that even when she mouths "I love you" to the narc, she turns away in disgust. Doubt that anything can open Cindy's eyes to the devil spawn that she calls her daughter though!
My favorite side step answer from CA:
"IF those searches were on the computer and I looked them up, then I was home."

That used to be my favorite... cause it started the fiasco. But then... later... after the chlorophyll poisoning her dogs, wellll. LOL If you are smarter than a 5th grader than you know chlorophyll is in all greenery... makes them GREEN. Who's she trying to snow?!!

Then you had the whooopies I spelled it wrong, which would show up... but see you did that seconds before you opened your MySpace. Wait, what? YOu didn't have a myspace?? ohhhhhh

And THEN, you had this mysterious friend (prolly named Manny) who had this horrific accident and you, as a nurse, didn't understand all these technical big words like hematoma and cranium and chest trauma and hypovolemia and shovels and alcohol, cause alcohol is new. Never had beer bottles in my garbage that was stolen and perused thru NO WAY. We don't drink.

Just JUST like watching Cops where the druggies get busted with drugs in their pocket and they always, ALWAYS say "It's not mine" or "These aren't my pants."

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, right Cindy? WELL, we all know how that turns out. The movie has been out since, what, 1931???
I'm just not sure the jurors necessarily know that Cindy is 'lying'. How could they possibly know?

They wouldn't necessarily know, but they might suspect it. And there is so much other evidence, that it is an indication that CA is lying to cover for ICA. Her demeanor was also different today; she glared at the prosecutor most of the time while on the stand. If I was a juror, I would have to wonder if CA is in denial and covering for her daughter to spare her life.
IMO Cindy stayed just on the legal side of purjury today. Her inconsistencies from todays testimony and her depos were blamed on the medications. Her answers were very vague, giving lots of leadway if she were ever questioned again about her testimony and it seemed like she was given sound legal advice as to what to say on the stand today. I am really curious as to what GA will say if he is brought back up to testify. I still am giving more of a pass to CA and know her agenda now is that she already lost a grand daughter and do what you can on this side of the law to save your daughter from the DP.
I bet the Anthony's had their lawyer "leak" they thought she was guilty in order to make it seem like CA wasn't lying on the stand. They thought it would make them look more honest.

Just jumping off your post to post mine....I guess we can chalk another dishonest attorney up, ie. Lippman...what a shyster! He states to Vinnie, that CA 'only went by her depo' and alot of other things that were just word games...carp! I am just too angry to even think of them! LOL

I am about done with this whole trial...let KC get off...let her move back home...she'll end up killing CA and GA eventually!...do we think that once home, she and CA will get along?...do we think that KC will get a job?...or even have someone give a lying, murdering piece of <unusual person> a job? She will forever be the one who murdered Caylee.

One other thing my husband said when he got home from work tonight and I was between screaming what happened and crying my eyes out...he said, "do you really think that all the jurors really don't know anything about the case?"...I bet they know more than we think about what went on during the last 3 years.
Yep. Today was Act Two Scene Four for the Anthony clan.
CA's shuddering on the stand was overdone and i said so then. It was too much and it was too convenient.
We all stared in stunned disbelief at how the A's were suddenly sitting on the SA side.

Yup, I believe you're right.

I never had a single twinge of sympathy for CA. Up until her performance on the stand and then I caved. As one who has been there, I really felt her grief was genuine. I've always felt I was a good judge of character and can sniff out a con when I see it in addition to having a hefty dose of cynicism. But she got me. The veil was slightly lifted from my eyes in the next day or so but still, I chalked it up to my cynicisn. So I got blind-sided today - but good. It won't happen again. Know that!

If I were the Anthonys, I'd be hiring those body guards back. There are a lot of angry people out there just like three years ago. Maybe worse.
I truly believe that IF and that is a big IF she walks-she will end up in jail for some other crime and CA will be right behind her doing her clean up job!!
Just jumping off your post to post mine....I guess we can chalk another dishonest attorney up, ie. Lippman...what a shyster! He states to Vinnie, that CA 'only went by her depo' and alot of other things that were just word games...carp! I am just too angry to even think of them! LOL

I am about done with this whole trial...let KC get off...let her move back home...she'll end up killing CA and GA eventually!...do we think that once home, she and CA will get along?...do we think that KC will get a job?...or even have someone give a lying, murdering piece of <unusual preson> a job? She will forever be the one who murdered Caylee.

One other thing my husband said when he got home from work tonight and I was between screaming what happened and crying my eyes out...he said, "do I really think that all the jurors really don't know anything about the case?"...I bet they know more than we think about what went on during the last 3 years.

Your second paragraph = my thoughts exactly.

Once I caught up on today's antics, I just completely lost the ability to care. There are people in this world that NEVER. GET. IT.

The Anthony's are these people - the entire clan. And I don't want to hear about them anymore. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and I feel taken. I don't even care if ICA gets off any more. This entire thing is a joke.

Poor Caylee, she never had a chance, ever.
That used to be my favorite... cause it started the fiasco. But then... later... after the chlorophyll poisoning her dogs, wellll. LOL If you are smarter than a 5th grader than you know chlorophyll is in all greenery... makes them GREEN. Who's she trying to snow?!!

Then you had the whooopies I spelled it wrong, which would show up... but see you did that seconds before you opened your MySpace. Wait, what? YOu didn't have a myspace?? ohhhhhh

And THEN, you had this mysterious friend (prolly named Manny) who had this horrific accident and you, as a nurse, didn't understand all these technical big words like hematoma and cranium and chest trauma and hypovolemia and shovels and alcohol, cause alcohol is new. Never had beer bottles in my garbage that was stolen and perused thru NO WAY. We don't drink.

Just JUST like watching Cops where the druggies get busted with drugs in their pocket and they always, ALWAYS say "It's not mine" or "These aren't my pants."

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, right Cindy? WELL, we all know how that turns out. The movie has been out since, what, 1931???

Linda should ask Cindy if her and Casey were playing pop tarts with the computer that day. Cindy searched for chloroform, Casey went on myspace, Cindy saw the popup on neck breaking skateboarder, Casey searched how to make chloroform and shovel.
Who knew bamboo would take a prominent role in this case? ICA once borrowed the shovel to dig out a bamboo root. Now, CA is doing these computer searches because of that darn bamboo.

I hope the dang bamboo and kudzu overgrow the the house and pin all 4 of the Anthonys in, to live with each other forever! :banghead:
Can somebody reassure me that tomorrow will be better? :(

I bet Jeff Ashton is gonna come in punching! Bet he already has the computer files from CA's job...Cindy may end up in jail! Now I am wondering what George is gonna testify to. So sad to see them covering for someone who would destroy them without blinking an eye...:sick:
Just jumping off your post to post mine....I guess we can chalk another dishonest attorney up, ie. Lippman...what a shyster! He states to Vinnie, that CA 'only went by her depo' and alot of other things that were just word games...carp! I am just too angry to even think of them! LOL

I am about done with this whole trial...let KC get off...let her move back home...she'll end up killing CA and GA eventually!...do we think that once home, she and CA will get along?...do we think that KC will get a job?...or even have someone give a lying, murdering piece of <unusual preson> a job? She will forever be the one who murdered Caylee.

One other thing my husband said when he got home from work tonight and I was between screaming what happened and crying my eyes out...he said, "do I really think that all the jurors really don't know anything about the case?"...I bet they know more than we think about what went on during the last 3 years.

I was you a few hours ago, and my anger was powerful, swift. Luckily I couldn't log onto WS for about 30 minutes. LOL Then, tonight while listening to HLN for HOURS, I'm feeling better and better about everything. And I agree!! YOU KNOW some of those jurors know bits and pieces and I believe they have decided their verdict long ago. Today's testimony... from tweets and observations... they didn't even flinch!! THEN. When they left for the day, there was a tweet that there was laughing from the jury room. whaaaaa. Yeah, I have no worries that they have this, but I don't see DP.
I bet Jeff Ashton is gonna come in punching! Bet he already has the computer files from CA's job...Cindy may end up in jail! Now I am wondering what George is gonna testify to. So sad to see them covering for someone who would destroy them without blinking an eye...:sick:

Unforturnly JA can't do anything about CA's job tomorrow. SA will have to wait until their rebuttal case.
:boohoo:Lippman says Cindy is upset people are accusing her of not being truthful. :boohoo: :boohoo:

Well boohoo...then she shouldn't have lied Attorney Lippman!
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