2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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Surely if we can see that CA is "not quite so genuine" than the jury is feeling the same thing.
And women judge over women by a very high standard, esp the mothering standards. If they feel a woman is being honest and forthright they will have mercy and understanding BUT if women feel another woman is being dishonest, deceitful, and manipulative........look out because women recognise that bologna a mile away. And you don't want to meet a woman's wrath about being duped. (I can say that coz I am a woman-lol)


So is CA saying they also neglected to lock both the inside back door and the sunroom door, left the ladder up and then moved the storage bin back against the pool because that is what I believe it shows in LE's pictures of the pool area.

And if GA was involved how did he think he would explain a missing granddaughter. That part makes no sense. jmo
Ah ha! Caylee killed herself. She had been told not to swim without an adult. There were safety precautions in place. Someone else opened the gate, and left the ladder up-Caylee knew how to open doors and it was SHE, Caylee that caused her own death.

Now, can we let this grieving family go home to heal? Please. Thank you.

The SA are going to have to impeach Cindy. What a job, impeach a crying grandmother of a murdered child. I'm sure they can do it though.
(through the jury's eyes)

It doesn't matter what CA said to the media, it doesn't matter what she said to anyone other than what she said in sworn testimony. JMHO. They are going to have to get her by using her sworn testimony and sworn interviews.
Don't hold your breath though...
previous appearances on the stand were for sympathy. Now the real A's emerge.

I know, I know...just wishing real hard, somebody in that jacked up family would stand up for Caylee :(
The only thing I can think of re: Cindy is that she has memories of Casey as a cute 2-yr old toddler, just like Caylee, that we can never have. Believe it or not, Casey was probably just as cute and sweet and maybe very much like Caylee at the same age...Cindy may see Casey when she looks at some of those photos...just a thought...
Who are going to say put the ladder up? And for what reason?
I don't see that there is much that the state can do about these pictures and testimony. The jury will see that Caylee CAN climb the ladder and she CAN open the door, and there is little LDB can do to change that perception now.

The real problem will come if CA now throws George fully under the bus and implies that he was an abuser and may have been involved in the cover up. Casey will walk if that happens, imo.
Bill S on WFTV says the girl opening the door doesn't look like Caylee.

Staged photos perhaps???
I agree wholeheartedly. To support one she has to deliberately turn her back on the other, her helpless grandchild.

Her grandchild is gone there is nothing she can do to bring her back as a mom myself i would do anything to help my child avoid the death penalty. Sorry
Thats what moms do! This is her child no matter what she has done...I think she just wants to keep her alive!

Cindys life is over nothing will ever be right again!
so Casey would rather sit in jail than force her mother to accept that she left the ladder up.

then...because casey and george are complete sociopaths...casey doesn't really give 2 craps ...and takes off for a month.

all to hide this from Cindy, hmmmm
Says everything I need to know about ICA being guilty when it takes DOWNRIGHT LIES to get her off.

That goes to the very heart. I've said this from the beginning...the only reason a parent would LIE on the stand is if they know their kid is guilty and the truth won't get them off. If you truly believed your kid was innocent....you would KNOW that the TRUTH is the only thing that could save them. YOU ARE RIGHT...CA having to resort to lying....says it all!!

Wouldn't it be poetic justice if all the lies CA tells end up being what convicts KC? Serve them both right.

Heres a new theory... KC came home that night, CA jumped out of the pool to choke KC about the money she stole and left Caylee there and she drowned. Come on GA, reverse this all and save yourself.
Cindy can say what she wants, who is more credible and has no reason to lie, Cindy, or Dr. G?

Think about it.
Re: The files that were deleted from the home computer

The files were found in an Unallocated file area. They were all "together" there. Computer forensic guy was surprised they were all there together because that meant there was little "overwriting" onto the unallocated file area, which would have occured if the computer had been used much after the deletion.

The search by the forensics people that turned up the files was for all Google searches. While there were searches for chloroform and how to make chloroform, along with neck breaking, shovel, houshold accidents, etc., there was no search for chlorophyll in there.

The deletion took place in the early morning hours of July 16th, around 4:57AM IIRC. Yuri Melich was likely still in the home at the time.

In addition to the file deletion that occured at this time, there was photobucket activity and AT&T activity on that computer right in that same time frame. It is thought that Casey offered to get photos of Caylee and to obtain her telephone records from AT&T in order to "assist" LE. While at the computer she deleted the google search files.

For much, much more detail on deletion, files, times, go to the Anthony Computer thread.
Hi everyone. Sorry if this has been mentioned but the picture of the child opening the door is that absolutely Caylee? You can't see her face.
why didn't ICA call 911.... if it was an accident.. why not call 911.. what is JB's excuse for that...

besides the molestation... sorry edit
What happened to the safety door knobs that CA talked about in her testimont to the state?
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