2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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In response to Turnadot:

"Oh wow...

I have no idea what to think now. Maybe he's crying because he really did molest her. I'm at least now seriously considering it. Holy crap."

Exactly what Baez is hoping the jury comes away with. He's hoping the jurors are thinking exactly like you right now.

LA was hurting emotionally, not because he had "molested" ICA but because CA & GA always put HER before him! And, after both of them are in adulthood, look where the "chosen one" is compared to where he is. I think he felt left out all along.
Prediction: by end of the day some says they molested Casey/witnessed it or directly implicate someone else.
I guess JB will say in closing that he didn't ask Lee about the abuse because it was too unspeakable and too hard on the family and ICA wouldn't let him put LA through that but believe it, anyway? WTF?
JB got exactly what he wanted. He left the jury with the impression that Lee and ICA have more than just a close relationship. The elephant is in the room and it's roaring.
I agree. That was just so strange to me.

I can't imagine crying all that many years later about being frozen out of my sisters pregnancy unless there were...unnatural feelings there. But that's just my take and perhaps Lee is just emotionally immature, or something deeper is going on. Blah.

We'll see what Lee says this afternoon.
So what we can take from this is:

The Anthonys are sketchy on dates.
ICA lies and hides really big, obvious things.
Cindy helps ICA lie and hide really big, obvious things.

And if I was doing the Pros questioning, it would start like this:

Mr. Anthony, you described feeling hurt and left out because your sister and mother lied to you to hide your sister's pregnancy. Is that correct?

LA: Yes.

Do you feel that hiding a pregnancy is a big thing to hide/cover up?

LA: Yes.

So you were hurt that your mother and sister lied to cover up something big?
JB: Objection
HHJP: Sustained.

No further questions.
Because LA told CA she was pg and CA has to be right. IMO I still think the alleged abuse about LA was another lie KC told in her day because she was jealous and wanted brother out of the picture.

BBM I hadn't considered that (duh!) but it seems obvious now and fits Casey's profile to a 'T.'
LA was hurting emotionally, not because he had "molested" ICA but because CA & GA always put HER before him! And, after both of them are in adulthood, look where the "chosen one" is compared to where he is. I think he felt left out all along.

I can so relate to this!
I am totally confused. Didn't Cindy say they sat George down and told him about Casey's pregnancy and then they called Lee and everyone rejoiced? (basically) And there is video of Cindy talking about her and ICA decorating the nursey. Where the heck was Lee then? Did they lock him out of the room??? I don't get this whole thing.

Don't be confused! You hit the nail right on the head.

Why would JB pat Lee on the back, as if to comfort him, if he's accusing him of molesting Casey???????
I don't see what relevance any of this has on the case. Who cares if mommy dearest didn't tell Lee about the pregnancy? What does that have to do with Caylee being murdered? Hellllooooooooo?

Either Lee's resentment of Caylee's birth (if that's how they'll spin it) is somehow linked to Caylee's death...


Proof of incredibly dysfunctional family dynamics that led to ICA being in denial about huge things like pregnancy and childbirth and child death.
About much more than what he was testifying to. He has got to be a wreck over the fact that his sister killed his niece (whether he has been able to move past accident to murder or not) and that she is using the unthinkable to get away with it.

I don't doubt that he was hurt about being closed out about the pregnancy. I do not think he ever abused his sister. I think he grew up in a family where lies and secrets where prevalent but I don't think that his molesting or GA molesting ICA is one of them.
BBM I thought she had said they were 'more lenient' with Lee than with Casey? I recall thinking that Cindy appeared to say that with some regret, in retrospect.

In this family dynamic, I think "lenient" translates into left out and/or ignored.
Can soneone tell me what just happened????

WFTV kept freezing.

The last I saw was the sidebar after JB asked why Lee didn't go to the hospital.

Did he ever answer the question?????
A bit of psychoanalysis: Lee broke down when he said he was mad at his mom. It's like he was revealing alot. He's afraid of his mom and it took alot to admit that in front of her and everyone. Casey broke down because she is/was also mad at her mom and that's why she killed Caylee. JMO

matou, well said. He has a "role" to play with his Mom. I bet there really isn't a solid full relationship like many of us have with our mom's or have with our children.

He had to say he was mad at his mom. That was probably a huge break through for him and I hope he can get counseling to follow up on that. Sad it had to happen on the stand. JMHO.
Per RC, CA and KC have acid running thru their veins.
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