2011.06.24 TRIAL Day Twenty-seven (Afternoon Session)

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B. Shaeffer now saying that the def doesn't want the jury to hear that Cindy wanted Casey arrested regarding the car. ugggh..they've already head that anyway. It was on the 911 tape, wasn't it???
I think the hearsay exception is that it was not offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted - that casey stole a car, but to show why the deputy did what he did.
I don't get it, the whole family says they smelled the stink...one person says no...okay. moving on...

:waitasec: Maybe the deputy did NOT smell the car because he was inside the house ... not near the garage area ...

or ... maybe because Cindy sprayed 20 cans of Febreze ... :waitasec:
Juror #6 just had a head bob, but is now awake. These sidebars make everyone sleepy! #CaseyAnthony
by stevehelling via twitter at 2:11 PM
I know most of us are angry at CA & LA's testimony today because we know so much about this case and the history of the Anthony family, but looking at from the jury's point of view, I feel ok about it.

The jury has seen her mother and her brother caught in several lies today. The jury has also seen ICA's attorney being super sweet and kind to the same brother that he accused of molesting her in his opening statement. The molestation that basically caused her to be sitting in this court today because she didn't know how to handle her daughter drowning because of the "horrific abuse" that was told in specific sickening detail. The jury hasn't heard JB ask George or Lee about any abuse of Casey.

They have to be thinking WTH? Really it's basic commen sense. I'm not worried right now. As a matter of fact, I even feel a little bit better. I know some think the jury is going to take all of these lies as this being a weird family and maybe they did cover up for abuse and drowning, however, add all of these lies to the proof that there was a body in that car driven around by ICA and all of her lies, 31 days, and other evidence and come one, it's clear the lies today are about protecting Casey.

BBM, I completely agree.

Lee all but came out and told us.

They had a "come to Jesus" meeting with Baez - all the A's since the Opening Statements were given. Add on top of that - they all saw how badly the DT case was going - she was headed for the needle. They don't want that.

They've agreed to impeach themselves, and lie like rugs on the stand to help her.

In return, Baez backs off the molestation claims.

Yeppers. IMHO it will further pizz off and alienate this jury further! Can you imagine being on this jury...even with the blinders in terms of knowledge that we know-they do not. They are not idiots and can see through exactly what the he77 is going on here!!! I say this DT has made things much, much worse for the inmate.
Ok don't shoot me.

I realize how difficult this is for CA. I get it. Unfortunately CA isn't strong enough to do the right thing. She could still be a wonderful protective momma bear to ICA and be truthful. She could, it is possible. But I don't know how she does it. Knowing that ICA has put them all (including her other child) in this position. Can you imagine how that would feel? I don't.

That doesn't mean I give a pass on what she's doing in the Courtroom right now. But I can attempt to put myself in her shoes, and I feel badly that she's been put there. That's as far as I'm willing to go for her at the present time.

We see a lot of cases in which a parent murders a child. In fact, young children are more likely to be murdered by one of their parents than by anyone else. It's not often that the parent of the accused (grandparent of the victim) is given a pass for covering up the crime. On the other hand, it's not that often that the parent of the accused in this publicly tied up with the case. I don't remember having much sympathy for Scott Peterson's mom or seeing much. Guess CA is a better manipulator, because I often feel sorry for her in spite of myself. No one on TV will touch a criticism of her.
stevehelling Steve Helling
Juror #6 just had a head bob, but is now awake. These sidebars make everyone sleepy! #CaseyAnthony
MOO = My Own Opinion

(a disclaimer when one is stating something one believes is a fact without a MSM link to back it up.)

HTH (hope this helps)

LDB trying to make her point to the judge and CM smirking at her!!! He makes me SICK!
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