2011.06.24 TRIAL Day Twenty-seven (Morning Session)

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What? WHAT?! WTF? CA ferociously claimed Caylee was still alive for three years. Now she's trying to claim that she told LE she drowned?

Another sidebar?

I may need to place myself in TO.
I found it interesting last nite when the A's lawyer was talking he stated again that GA had not ever molested ICA but he didnt mention LA at all..
things that make you say hmmmmmmmm

He's not representing Lee.
Oh my Lord, now she's going to swear she told LE about the ladder and that she thought Caylee had drowned... What about the "CAYLEE IS ALIVE!! She went on about for months... She was lying? She had ME out in the hot sun in Dallas in the summer, in the traffic, handing out flyers and he knew Caylee was dead!@!!@!!!!! I could have been killed!!
have we had cross yet or is this still Baez from the morning?
So now she says she told YM on the 16th about the pool ladder.
How come when they visited ICA in jail CA mentions the latest theory on the news- that Caylee drowned in the family pool, to which ICA responds 'Surprise Surprise' ?
LDB please play that video again...
So, why did George and Cindy accept all those donations for a "missing child?"
I hope the media requests a transcript of that last sidebar so we can hear the lastest on the DT theory.
Hi everybody..

Im here, but I swear my jaw is on the floor it sbeen hard for me to speak..

Ill just sit back, silent on my hands, on my best behavior
JB: how many times have you advised law enforcement that Caylee died in the swimming pool?


JB: was this a topic you constantly brought up with law enforcement?


I can always count on you for the recaps...:rocker:

Sincerely, you are too awesome!:woohoo:
So CA thought Caylee drown in the pool? Then why the hell did she search for Zanny for years?

Color me confused.
Did anyone catch what JB said to HHJP right before HHJP said 'Sidebar?' I thought I heard '...fabrication, Judge.', but that's all I got.
Some time ago I heard LKB say there would be bombshell in defense case, so none of this is a shock.
I don't believe Casey was ever molested. Even if it did occur how does it have anything to do with this case? Maybe it would influence jurors to give her life without parole rather than death but it has no bearing in this part of the trial.

If she allowed Caylee to be live in the same house as her abuser then that would be inexusable also. Any way you look at it, Casey deserves to be locked up in prison for the rest of her life.
I am now wishing for a mistrial myself. This is a disgrace. I realize that the judge is trying to be fair so there is no appeal but he truly is letting too much go in.

Proof of premediated murder? No. It's absolutely possible that this was done with the intent of keeping Caylee quiet. Do I think it contributed to her death, yes. But I'm not convinced the intent of that was premeditated murder. Still first degree murder, though, because even if Caylee died as a result of a crime committed against her, that still falls under the requirements for first degree murder. And yes, even if that is what this jury concludes, the death penalty is still an option for them. I personally wouldn't recommend the DP in this case, but that's just me. And there are a few reason why I wouldn't.

What this jury does is a whole other story, though.

With respect...

If she applied duct tape to keep her quiet, wouldn't that leave nasty marks on her face? This is assuming it was something she routinely did, unless you are suggesting the one and only time she attempted to quiet Caylee with duct tape she died?
Also don't you think a 2.5 year old could simply tear off the duct tape? Sorry but its the muder weapon and it was premeditated.
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